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Class 3 Spring Term 2017 Ancient Egyptian Tomb Raiders

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1 Class 3 Spring Term 2017 Ancient Egyptian Tomb Raiders
Classroom commands Conversations Music P. Bone French Colours Where, how and why do people worship? Circle Times PSHE RE Purple Mash/Education City Creating Egyptian Brochures Using Word and PowerPoint We are communicators We are opinion pollsters Learning platform ICT Close observational drawings Create Egyptian Death Masks Design/build/evaluate a shaduf Wall paintings on papyrus Design a cartouche Hieroglyphics Art/DT Collaging Outdoor Games Obstacle Courses Egyptian Dance Gymnastics PE The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb The achievements of the earliest civilizations and a depth study of Use artefacts to make deductions Understand importance of pyramids Ancient Egyptian Gods and worship The afterlife and mummification Living by the Nile and farming Key stages of building pyramids Egyptian’s everyday lives Ancient Egypt History Locate Egypt on a world map and a map of Africa Use geographical language Use geographical vocab -The climate of Egypt when describing the location of Egypt when describing: -Where Egypt is -The River Nile Geography Editing and developing writing Possessive apostrophes Weekly Guided Reading Descriptive writing Story writing Homophones Up-levelling English Recounts Poetry Number bonds to 1000 and beyond Compare & order numbers up to 1000 Measurement and telling the time Adding & Subtracting Fractions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 times tables Compare and order fractions Solving Number Problems Addition & Subtraction Perimeters Maths Ancient Egyptian Tomb Raiders Spring Term 2017 ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TOMB RAIDERS This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this half term.

2 Class 3 Newsletter Many thanks, Miss O’Reilly Class 3 Teacher
Class 3 Newsletter January 2017 Dear Parents/Carers,  Welcome back to class 3, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope your son/daughter is excited to be back and ready to start our history based Ancient Egyptian topic. Mrs Randall will continue to be the class Teaching Assistant during the mornings. Class 3 also continues to have support from Mrs Clarke, Miss Blades and Mrs Wallace. Whilst I have my planning time, the class will be taught by Mr Waterhouse every Thursday afternoon. Reading In class we aim to listen to your child read as often as possible! We ask that you spend time listening to your child read, reading to them and talking about what you have read on a daily basis! Please encourage your child to enjoy reading and to read books of their own choosing as well as those in our reading scheme. Please remember to make a note in their ‘Reading Record’ and remind your child to note down any independent reading they have done too. We will be giving rewards to the ‘Reader of the Week’ and house points for their reading. The children will be heard during our weekly Guided Reading sessions, where we will carry on studying a range of different text types to help improve comprehension and inferential skills. We have a great selection of books in the library and classroom that we are always happy to lend out! Homework Thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning at home, we have had lots of excellent work to share in our homework galleries. The robots that were made before Christmas were OUTSTANDING and I hope the children have enjoyed them at home over the holidays! We will continue to set mini projects linked closely to learning in class. I encourage you to get involved and discuss ideas with your child. Please feel free to come and discuss the homework’s set if you have any queries. We are having a fresh push on maths games in the New Year. We will send these out every two weeks and ask that you play them with your child and return these within a week so that we can re-allocate to another child. The children will be responsible for ensuring that all contents are correct. I hope that you will continue to enjoy playing the games with your child! The Learning Platform Your child continues to have access to the Learning Platform, so please encourage your child to access this, using the link on the school’s website. I will try my best to keep the Year 3 page up to date with games and activities to support your child. I will also post photographs, links to websites and extra information for homework. Many parents have asked about Education City. Your child continues to have access to this, and I will set activities for children to complete as part of their homework. There will be computers available at lunchtime for those that are struggling to complete this at home. This Term’s Topic Our topic for this term is “Ancient Egyptian Tomb Raiders.” During this topic we will use artefacts to explore ancient civilizations. We will learn about the importance of the River Nile, Pyramids, Pharaohs, the Egyptian afterlife, the Egyptian Gods, the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, Mummification as well as about the Egyptian's daily lives and farming. We are going to be studying a selection of stories linked closely to this theme in our Literacy lessons and Mrs Randall and I have come up with lots of wonderful ideas for Art and Design projects. The much anticipated Class 3 trip to the British Museum, is booked for Friday 10th March 2017! We plan to take the children into London on the train and walk them to the museum. We are lucky enough to have an educational talk ‘Journey to the Ancient Egyptian afterlife’ booked for our arrival at the museum, after which we will visit the Egyptian Galleries. Last years trip was a huge success and we are extremely excited to take this class towards the end of their topic to bring it all to life! Details regarding this will be released after half term. Big Writing Children in Class 3 will continue to complete Big Write activities. This will provide an opportunity for children to complete extended pieces of independent writing. The learning environment will be carefully set and I may send home details of ‘talk for writing’. The Big Write is an excellent chance for your child to work towards or consolidate their targets. Targets I will set new individualised targets for children in numeracy, literacy and reading this term. These will be shared and explained to the children and I will also have these written into the back of the children’s home school diaries so that they may be shared with you. If you have any queries about your child’s targets or would like further information on how you can help them at home, please call in and discuss this with me. PE We will continue to work on our gymnastics skills and then after half term we have some exciting Egyptian themed dance delivered by the Sports Partnership on Tuesdays. We will have outdoor PE sessions with Luke on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school at all times (black shorts, purple t-shirt and plimsolls/trainers). If you are able to offer any knowledge on our topics or provide support in class, please discuss this with me, it will be greatly appreciated. An amazing term is ahead of us! As always if you have any concerns about your son/daughter or any questions/queries please do not hesitate to call into class to speak to me. Many thanks, Miss O’Reilly Class 3 Teacher

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