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Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 29 January 2018 Outline Agenda 2017 GSICS Annual Meeting Madison, Wisconsin.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 29 January 2018 Outline Agenda 2017 GSICS Annual Meeting Madison, Wisconsin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”:
29 January 2018 Outline Agenda 2017 GSICS Annual Meeting Madison, Wisconsin March 2017 19 January 2017

2 Agenda of web meeting Planning Agenda for meeting Outline agenda
Topics for Plenary Discussions Parallel sessions Mini Conference (# of presentation) Poster session (# of posters) Chairing : Session chairs Minute Taking Agree minute takers Decide minute taking technology Logistics Lunches Group Dinner Registration Recommended Hotel Transport options Remote access

3 Outline of Agenda Monday (day-1) : Start time 09:00? Tuesday (day-2) :
AM: “Mini Conference” (interesting items that are not yet directly linked to GSICS Products) PM: Plenary Session – Agency Reports Poster reception Tuesday (day-2) : AM: Plenary Session – Subgroup Reports PM: Plenary Session - continued with GRWG and GDWG Wednesday (day-3): UV, MW, IR-subgroup, GDWG AM: parallel session (UV-Subgroup vs. MW-subgroup) PM: IR-subgroup session Thursday (day-4) : VIS/NIR-subgroup, GDWG AM: VIS/NIR-subgroup session PM: VIS/NIR-subgroup session Friday (day-5) : End time 16:00 or before? AM: Cross-cutting issues, GRWG & GDWG wrap-up PM: Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings

4 Outlook of Agenda AM PM GDWG Monday (20 March) Tuesday (21 March)
Wednesday (22 March) Thursday (23 March) Friday (24 March) AM “Mini Conference” Plenary: Subgroup Reports Parallel Session (UVSG vs. MWSG) IRSG? VIS/NIR-subgroup session Cross-cutting issues, GRWG & GDWG wrap-up PM Plenary: Agency Reports Plenary: (GRWG + GDWG) IR-subgroup session (need more time?) Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings Poster reception (Ice-break) Working Groups’ Reception GDWG (breakout session) (breakout session)

5 Coffee and Registration
Monday (day-1) Mon am Mini Conference Chair: 8:45 Coffee and Registration 9:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Introduction to Mini Conference & GSICS 0:20 9:20 SSEC Welcome to SSEC 0:10 9:30 Welcome address 0:00 Lunch Break 1:10 Mon pm Plenary - Reports 13:10 All Round Table Introductions + Logistics Info 00:20 13:30 Doheyong Kim KMA Agree Agenda & Minute Taking 00:10 13:40 JAXA JAXA Agency Report 14:00 JMA JMA Agency Report 14:20 Coffee break 0:30 14:50 CNES CNES Agency Report 15:10 CMA CMA Agency Report 15:30 EUMETSAT Agency Report 15:50 IMD IMD Agency Report 16:10 ISRO ISRO Agency Report 16:30 KMA Agency Report 16:50 NASA NASA Agency Report 17:10 NOAA NOAA Agency Report 17:30 USGS USGS Agency Report Poster Reception 02:00 19:30 END

6 Working Groups' Reception
Tuesday (day-2) Tues am Plenary - Reports Chair: 9:00 Larry Flynn? NOAA GCC Report 00:20 9:20 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Report 9:40 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT GRWG + IR Sub-Group Briefing Report 10:00 Dave Doelling NASA GRWG VIS-NIR Sub-Group Briefing Report 10:20 Rose Munro GRWG UV Sub-Group Briefing Report 10:40 Coffee break 0:30 11:10 Ralph Ferraro GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Briefing Report 11:30 Interaction with ISCCP 01:00 12:30 Lunch Break 1:10 GRWG: Plenary 13:00 Collaboration with CEOS/WGCV 00:10 13:10 Advanced next generation GEO imagers 14:10 GEO-Ring test dataset 01:30 15:40 Strategy for combining corrections for VIS/NIR+IR channels 00:45 16:25 Use of NWP+RTM as inter-calibration tool – with MWSG 17:25 00:15 17:40 17:55 18:10 18:25 18:40 END 18:00 Working Groups' Reception 2:15

7 Wednesday (day-3) Parallel Session with MW subgroup Wed am
GRWG: UV Sub-Group Chair: 9:00 Reference Solar Spectrum 01:00 10:00 Match-ups and Target Sites 11:00 Cross-calibration below 300nm 12:00 White Paper on Ground-based Characterisation of UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectrometers 13:00 12:30 Lunch Break 1:00 Wed pm GRWG: IR Sub-Group 13:30 Development of inter-calibration products for GEO imagers – including diurnal cycles and new algorithms 01:30 15:00 Development of inter-calibration products for broadband LEO imagers – including VIIRS, MODIS, SLSTR Traceability and Uncertainty of Reference instruments – including comparisons with TANSO-FTS/2 16:30 Strategy for inter-comparisons with hyperspectral GEO sounders 17:30 SRF retrievals 00:30 18:00 00:20 18:20 18:40 END Parallel Session with MW subgroup

8 Chair: Masaya Takahashi
Wednesday (day-3) Wed am GDWG Chair: Masaya Takahashi 9:00 GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures 0:30 9:30 Collaboration GSICS servers - synchronization of the servers, THREDDS configuration updates 1:00 10:30 GSICS netCDF generation framework 11:30 GSICS Wiki updates 12:30 0:00 Lunch Break 1:00(Flexible) Wed pm Chair: Peter Miu 13:30 Spectral Response Function file towards "GSICS Standard netCDF": requirements from GRWG and EUMETSAT 14:30 Requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool to support VIS/NIR products 15:30 New GSICS product convention 16:30 END 

9 Wednesday (day-3) Parallel Session with UV subgroup Wed am
GRWG: MW Sub-Group Chair 9:00 Derek Houtz Blackbody targets 00:20 (Reference Standard) 9:20 Berg/Kroodsma/Bali/Zou In orbit - GMI (window), MSU (oxygen), ATMS (water vapor) 9:40 Martin Burgdorf Lunar 10:00 Tony Reale GRUAN 10:20 Radiative Transfer 01:00 11:20 Candidate GSICS products 12:20 MW tools 00:30 12:50 END  Parallel Session with UV subgroup

10 GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group
Thursday (day-4) Thurs am GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Chair: 9:00 0:20 9:20 9:40 10:00 Coffee break 0:30 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30 11:50 12:10 12:30 Lunch Break 1:00 Thurs pm 13:30 14:00 0:10 14:10 14:20 14:30 14:40 14:50 00:40 15:30 15:50 16:10 16:30 16:50 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 18:30 END

11 Chair: Masaya Takahashi
Thursday (day-4) Thurs am GDWG Chair: Peter Miu 9:00 Action tracking 1:30 10:30 Use of gitHub for GSICS developments 1:00 11:30 0:00 Lunch Break 1:00(Flexible) Thurs pm Chair: Masaya Takahashi 12:30 Revisit of GDWG ToR - an action at EP-17 last June 13:30 Event logging 14:30 Wrap-up: Plan activities for 2016/2017 15:30 END

12 Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs
Friday (day-5) Fri am Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs Chair 9:00 Cross-cutting issues 0:20 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 Coffee break 0:30 10:50 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Summary & Agree Actions 0:25 11:15 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GDWG Summary & Agree Actions 12:00 Lunch Break 1:10 Fri pm Plenary - Wrap-up 13:10 Tim Hewison Workshop on best practices on pre-flight and onboard calibration 13:30 GCC GSICS Quarterly Special Issues/Editors 13:50 Tim Format for future GRWG/GDWG meetings + Users Workshops 0:45 14:35 All Topics & Chairing next Web Meetings 14:55 Date & Place of Next WG Meetings 15:15 Any Other Business

13 Mini-conference SSEC (number of presenters)
MON (day-1) AM SSEC (number of presenters) MW subgroup candidates (selecting 1-2 presentations) A presentation from the GPM X-CAL team (Wes Berg or Rachel Kroodsma) A presentation from the NIST group on their MW references (Derek Houtz) A presentation from EUMETSAT on SMMR/SSMI time series (Karsten Fennig) Presentations from EUMETSAT and NOAA Affiliate on SSM/T2 time series (Viju John, Johnny Luo) Variability in inter-sensor biases with GPM constellation (John Yang) Volunteers and/or invitations?

14 Plenary Session Agency Reports (20 min each agency)
MON(day-1) PM ~ TUE(day-2) AM : Reports and Briefs Agency Reports (20 min each agency) 10 Agencies in 2016 including 1 remote presenter(ISRO) GCC, GRWG, GDWG reports (60 min) GRWG Subgroup Reports (80 min) UV subgroup (Rose) VIS/NIR subgroup (Dave) IR subgroup (Tim) MW subgroup (Ralph)

15 Topics for Plenary in 2016 Topics for plenary in 2016
Defining GSICS Products, Deliverables, Maturity Naming convention of GSICS products GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance GSICS Websites' Requirements Topics for GRWG plenary in 2016 GEO-Ring Test Dataset Discussion: GEO-Ring dataset preparation Discussion: GEO-Ring dataset analysis SBAF Tool - including hyperspectral deserts Selecting GSICS References: IR, VIS and MW Primary GSICS or Key Comparison References? Do we need to generate Prime GSICS NRTCs? Plans for AVHRR inter-calibration

16 Plenary (GRWG+GDWG) TUE (day-2) PM  NO GDWG breakthrough session
Advanced next generation GEO imagers (1-2hr, Fred) On-board calibration for solar bands Massive linear detector arrays Kalman filter based image navigation and registration (INR) Interaction with ISCCP (1hr, Ken Knapp) GEO-Ring test dataset (1.5-2hr) Strategy for combining corrections for VIS/NIR+IR channels (45min) Use of NWP+RTM as inter-calibration tool – with MWSG (~1hr) Collaboration with CEOS/WGCV for space-based climate monitoring (brief report attending CEOS/WGCV-41, Dohy and Tim) Further evolution of the Prime GSICS Correction concept (Tim?) to include multiple methods and  application to multiple spectral bands

17 Plenary (GRWG+GDWG) TUE (day-2) PM continued
Update on FIDUCEO to address inter-calibration requirements & formats (EUM) Anything for CGMS, etc

18 Topics for GRWG (UVSG) WED(day-3) AM – parallel session with MWSG (Rose) Reference Solar Spectrum Match-ups and Target Sites Cross-calibration below 300nm White Paper on Ground-based Characterisation of UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectrometers

19 Topics for GRWG (MWSG) WED(day-3) AM – parallel session with UVSG (Ralph) Reference standards (120 min) Blackbody targets (Derek Houtz) In orbit - GMI (window), MSU (oxygen), ATMS (water vapor) - short talks, not limited to but including - Berg/Kroodsma/Bali/Zou Lunar (Martin Burgdorf) GRUAN (Tony Reale) Radiative Transfer (60 min) Where do the largest uncertainties come from? What studies can the group perform? Candidate GSICS products (60 min) MW tools (30 min)

20 Topics for GRWG (IRSG) WED (day-3) PM (Tim)
Development of inter-calibration products for GEO imagers – including diurnal cycles and new algorithms (1.5hr) Development of inter-calibration products for broadband LEO imagers – including VIIRS, MODIS, SLSTR (1hr) Traceability and Uncertainty of Reference instruments – including comparisons with TANSO-FTS/2 (1hr) Strategy for inter-comparisons with hyperspectral GEO sounders (1hr) SRF retrievals (30min)

21 Topics for GRWG (VIS/NIR)
THU(day-4) -- all day DCC Seasonal variations Regional variations Scan-angle dependence BRDF Development of Demo Product Lunar Inter-Calibration - Seb? Follow up from LCW (Actions,...), GCC to enter actions into Wiki Developing Inter-Calibration Products, Draft Study SoW... Ray-matching Assessment of Traceability/Stability of Reference instruments

22 Topics for GDWG Agenda GDWG breakout session (Masaya)
WED(day-3) ~ THU(day-4) GDWG breakout session (Masaya) GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures Revisit of GDWG ToR - an action at EP-17 last June Collaboration GSICS servers - synchronization of the servers, THREDDS configuration updates GSICS netCDF generation framework Event logging GSICS Wiki updates - e.g. alias of top page URL ( New GSICS product convention - e.g. use of enhanced data model of netCDF

23 Topics for Plenary Fri(day-5) – Cross-cutting issues
Possible cross-cutting topics (Masaya) Spectral Response Function file towards "GSICS Standard netCDF" Requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool to support VIS/NIR products Action tracking - lead by GCC Repositories for GSICS activities - use of gitHub for GSICS developments

24 Guideline for presentation
29/01/2018 Guideline for presentation Now down to the Work part of the Working Group meeting! Focus on the development of GSICS Products Mostly items assigned 20 minute slots But this includes discussion time! So please keep presentations brief and to the point Presentations will be uploaded to the GSICS Wiki Unless you tell me not to Can include more background information Please follow file naming convention: 1a_Hewison_Introduction.pptx/pdf/ppt

25 Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using Microsoft OneDrive.
29/01/2018 Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using  Microsoft OneDrive. With hyperlinks added to presentations uploaded on Wiki Exported as HTML Embedded into GSICS Wiki: What about our Chinese colleagues?

26 OneDrive Google Docs We have used “Google Docs for the agenda/minute
This time, we will use “Microsoft OneDrive” ( Interface/functionality: the same as Microsoft Office, similar to Google Docs OneDrive Google Docs

27 You can see the contents, and edit them w/o registration to Microsoft
When you register, your account name can be seen on the browser To edit the agenda, click “EDIT IN BROWSER” Then, edit menu becomes available

28 Minute Taking Need volunteers to take minutes For each session
29/01/2018 Minute Taking Need volunteers to take minutes For each session Must be there for full session Should not be talking too much!

29 Minute Taking Microsoft OneDrive Live Doc –
29/01/2018 Minute Taking Microsoft OneDrive Live Doc – Template – Agenda pasted into Google Doc Anyone with link can add short summary of their presentation Minute Taker should write Actions in Bold, precede with word ACTION: Will number later Will review new actions on Friday morning GCC to enter into action tracking tool (GSICS Operations Plan?)

30 Minute Takers Session Chair Minute Taker 1: Plenary – Mini Conference
29/01/2018 Minute Takers Session Chair Minute Taker 1: Plenary – Mini Conference Day-1-AM 2: Plenary – Agencies Reports Day-1-PM Dohy Kim 2: Plenary – Chairs Reports Day-2-AM 3: GRWG+GDWG plenary Day-2-PM 4: GRWG – UV subgroup Day-3-AM Rose Munro 5: GRWG – Microwave Sub-Group Ralph Ferraro 6: GRWG – IR Sub-Group Day-3-PM Tim Hewison 7: GRWG – VIS/NIR (1) Day-4-AM Dave Doelling 7: GRWG – VIS/NIR (2) Seb? 8: GDWG Day-3 Day-4 Masaya Peter 9: Plenary – Cross cutting issue Day-5-AM 9: Plenary – Wrap-up Day-5-PM

31 29/01/2018 Any Other Business? Remote Access?

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