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The Ancient Near East.

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1 The Ancient Near East

2 The Ancient Near East Common themes? Differences?

3 Mesopotamia Mesopotamia “Between the rivers” Within Fertile Crescent
Accomplished through irrigation, canals  agriculture

4 Mesopotamia The Sumerians (ca. 3800-2400 BC) First great Mesopotamians
Settled in Fertile Crescent Sumer 30 city-states Common culture, trade City-states often at war

5 Mesopotamia Accomplishments Inventions: wheel, plow Agriculture
Writing: CUNEIFORM Tablets with cuneiform

6 Mesopotamia Government MONARCHY, by 2700 BC Almost always kings
Functions Representatives of gods Legislators Justice Patrons King Sargon II (r BC)

7 Mesopotamia King Hammurabi (r. 1792-1750 BC) Ruler of Amorites
Conquered all Mesopotamia Capital: Babylon Great legislator

8 Mesopotamia The Code of Hammurabi 282 legal rulings
Violent punishments! Hammurabi and Shamash depicted “When the god Marduk commanded me to provide just ways for the people of the land in order to attain appropriate behavior, I established truth and justice as the declaration of the land, I enhanced the well-being of the people.”

9 Mesopotamia The Code of Hammurabi
“196. If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. 197. If he break the other man’s bone, his bone shall be broken. 198. If he put out the eye of a freed man, or break the bone of a freed man, he shall pay one gold mina. 199. If he put out the eye of a man’s slave, or break the bone of a man’s slave, he shall pay one-half of its value.”

10 Mesopotamia Religion POLYTHEISTIC The gods Afterlife ANTHROPOMORPHIC
Immortal, powerful Feared Afterlife Hammurabi and Shamash

11 Mesopotamia Statuettes of worshipers from the Square Temple at Eshnunna (ca BC)

12 Mesopotamia Ziggurat “Towering” structures Temple on top
Nucleus of city

13 Mesopotamia Nanna Ziggurat, Ur (Muqaiyir, Iraq), ca – ca BC

14 Mesopotamia Literature Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2500 BC)
About semi-divine king of Uruk, friend Enkidu Enkidu’s death  Gilgamesh’s pursuit of immortality Enuma Elish (ca. 11th-cent. BC) Origins Cosmic battle between gods  creation Enkidu and Gilgamesh

15 Mesopotamia Questions?

16 Egypt Ancient Egypt The Nile
Flowed from Nubia to Delta Flooded annually  fertility, prosperity Symbol of life Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt  unified state (ca BC)

17 Egypt The Pharaoh Egypt’s monarch Divine offspring of sun god
Ruled through bureaucracy Worshiped after death Pharaoh Tutankhamun (r BC)

18 Egypt Religion Very spiritual people Polytheistic

19 Egypt The Afterlife Ka lives on after death
Judgment before divine tribunal Mummification

20 Egypt Mummies, British Museum, London

21 Egypt

22 Egypt Mummy with amulets, Vatican Museum

23 Egypt

24 Egypt Writing Papyrus HIEROGLYPHICS

25 Egypt The Rosetta Stone at the British Museum

26 Egypt The Pyramids Purpose: pharaohs’ glory, tombs
Great Pyramids, Gizeh (ca BC) Near Cairo Gold once visible Aligned with stars? Great Pyramids, Gizeh, Egypt Tombs of Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu (ca BC)

27 Egypt The Great Sphinx (ca BC) Lion, human head Guardian

28 Egypt The Egyptian Empire (ca. 1550-1075 BC)
Borders: Euphrates to Nubia Capital: Thebes

29 Egypt Hatshepsut (r. 1479-1457 BC)
Widow of Thutmose II, regent to Thutmose III Declared herself pharaoh! Peaceful reign Thutmose sought to destroy memory of her

30 Egypt Decline of Egypt (ca. 1076 BC) Pharaohs lost power to priests
Empire disintegrated Prominent international role lost Suffered invasions, occupations

31 Egypt Questions?

32 Israel Israel “The Hebrews” First recorded national history
Founders of “Western religious tradition”: MONOTHEISM

33 Israel The Patriarchs (ca. 2000-1500 BC) Abraham Isaac Jacob
Twelve tribes, *Joseph Abraham and Isaac

34 Israel The Exodus (ca. 1300 BC) Israelites oppressed in Egypt
Moses led them out Journey through wilderness  “Promised Land” THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Moses and the Ten Commandments

35 Israel

36 Israel

37 Israel Religion Hebrew God: YHWH Cult Sacred text: TORAH
Creator, redeemer No images! Cult Male priesthood Tabernacle, altars Holy days Sacred text: TORAH

38 Israel

39 Israel Government Confederation of tribes, at first
United monarchy (ca BC) Hebrew kingship Not divine YHWH’s servant, vassal Bound by Law

40 Israel The United Kingdom KING DAVID (r. 1004-965 BC)
Origins: shepherd, mercenary Expansion, conquest Capital: Jerusalem KING SOLOMON (r BC) Israel at its zenith Wealth! Temple David

41 Israel Edward Poynter, The Queen of Sheba before Solomon (1890)

42 Israel Solomon’s Temple, Jerusalem

43 Israel The Divided Kingdom (928-722 BC)
Northern tribes broke away  Kingdom of Israel Idols Conquered by Assyria (722 BC) Kingdom of Judah Monotheism, idols too Conquered by Babylon ( BC)

44 Israel Questions?

45 Persia The Persian Empire (559-331 BC)
Iran: home of Medes and Persians The Empire Initiated by Cyrus the Great (r BC) Conquered Medes, Babylon, beyond Largest empire yet King Cyrus the Great

46 Persia

47 Persia The Military Ruled by warrior aristocracy 300,000 soldiers!
Cavalry First great navy

48 Persia The King “King of kings” Had khvarna Brilliant in appearance!
Bound by rule of law, nobility King Darius I (r BC)

49 Persia Ruling the Empire Strategy: tolerance, humane rule
Royal Road Ruling the Empire Strategy: tolerance, humane rule Divided into 20 satrapies Systems of roads Main language: Aramaic

50 dedicated to Supreme Creator
Persia Religion Initially polytheism Zoroastrianism Prophet: Zarathustra (ca BC) Ethical, inward-looking Dualistic: Light vs. Darkness Magi Open-air fire altar dedicated to Supreme Creator

51 Persia Questions?

52 The Ancient Near East Common themes? Differences?

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