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Welcome! Developmental Language Arts Period 1

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Developmental Language Arts Period 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Developmental Language Arts Period 1
Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram

2 Essential Question: How will I contribute to the West Port community in a positive way?
Closure: On the maps provided, I will indicate the location of my classes. Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet. 1st Period

3 Pledge of Allegiance and Morning Announcements
Wherever you are, immediately stop what you are doing, stand up and face the flag. Silence and full attention are required during announcements each morning and anytime during the day. 1st Period

4 Agenda 1st Period Attendance Schedules and Maps
School-wide Expectations and Procedures About your class Review and Preview Closure 1st Period

5 Schedule Review for Accuracy Map Orientation and Questions Bell Schedules 1st Period

6 School-Wide Expectations & Procedures
Group Alert Signal Sign-Out Procedures, Hand Signals, Zero Interruption Tardy Log Dismissal Procedures 1st Period

7 About Your Class Introduction - Website Classroom Rules and Expectations Power Hour – “B” Lunch 6 Period vs Block Schedule Instruction 1st Period

8 Review and Preview What have we covered so far? What should you expect for tomorrow? Do you know where your next class is? 1st Period

9 Closure On the maps provided, I will indicate the location of my classes and mark hallways between east and west campus. 1st Period

10 1st Period

11 1st Period

12 Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram
Welcome! ESOL IV Period 2 Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram

13 Essential Question: How will I contribute to the West Port community in a positive way?
Closure: I will be able to write down my bus route number and location in the bus loop. Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet. 2nd Period

14 Agenda 2nd Period Attendance Headcount Shoulder Partners
School-wide Expectations and Procedures Think-Pair-Share: Prompt About your Class Review and Preview Closure 2nd Period

15 Shoulder Partners When I tell you to, turn to your shoulder partner and tell them how you got to school today and how you will get home this afternoon. Tell each other your bus route number. 2nd Period

16 Review School-Wide Expecations & Procedures
Group Alert Signal Sign-Out Procedures, Hand Signals, Zero Interruption Tardy Log Dismissal Procedures 2nd Period

17 Think-Pair-Share: Prompt
2nd Period

18 About Your Class Introduction - Website Classroom Rules and Expectations Power Hour – “B” Lunch 6 Period vs Block Schedule Instruction 2nd Period

19 Review and Preview What have we covered so far? What should you expect for tomorrow? Do you know where your next class is? 2nd Period

20 Closure Bus Riders: On the back of my map, I will be able to write down my bus route number and location in the bus loop. Car Riders: On the back of my map, I will be able to write down where I will be picked up today or where I pick up parking registration forms. 2nd Period

21 1st Period

22 1st Period

Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram

24 Essential Question: How will I contribute to the West Port community in a positive way?
Closure: I will describe three ways that I will utilize Power Hour to ensure my success. Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet. 3rd Period

25 Agenda 3rd Period Attendance School-wide Expectations and Procedures
Think-Pair-Share: Prepared About Your Class Power-Hour with Purpose Review and Preview Closure 3rd Period

26 Review School-Wide Expecations & Procedures
Group Alert Signal Sign-Out Procedures, Hand Signals, Zero Interruption Tardy Log Dismissal Procedures 3rd Period

27 Think-Pair-Share: Prompt
3rd Period

28 About Your Class Introduction - Website Classroom Rules and Expectations Power Hour – “B” Lunch 6 Period vs Block Schedule Instruction 3rd Period

29 Power Hour with Purpose
All teachers have established office hours The Media Center is open for research The Den is open for seniors only to eat lunch The computer lab in is open for students Lunch in cafeteria, courtyard, hallways, or classroom Plan your lunch schedule – over 2,500 students Dispose of trash – this campus is our home Power Hour is a privilege, not a right! 3rd Period

30 Review and Preview What have we covered so far? What should you expect for tomorrow? Do you know where your next class is? 3rd Period

31 Closure I will describe three ways that I will utilize Power Hour to ensure my success. 3rd Period

32 1st Period

33 1st Period

34 Welcome! ESOL III Period 4
Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram

35 Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet.
Essential Question: How will I contribute to the West Port community in a positive way? Closure: I will identify an AP class or Industry Certification I am interest in OR how I will prepare for Dual Enrollment. Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet. 4th Period

36 Agenda Attendance Review Bus Information School-wide Expectations and Procedures Think-Pair-Share: Polite About your class Certification and Dual Enrollment Reflection/Brainstorming Review and Preview Closure 4th Period

37 Review Bus Schedule Questions and answers about the bus schedule and locations. 4th Period

38 Review School-Wide Expecations & Procedures
Group Alert Signal Sign-Out Procedures, Hand Signals, Zero Interruption Tardy Log Dismissal Procedures 4th Period

39 Think-Pair-Share: Prompt
4th Period

40 About Your Class Introduction - Website Classroom Rules and Expectations Power Hour – “B” Lunch 6 Period vs Block Schedule Instruction 4th Period

41 Post Certification & Class Lists
Dual Enrollment Requirements Review Class Lists 4th Period

42 Reflection/Brainstorming
What do I want to achieve at West Port High School? Share your goal with a partner. Partners will brainstorm what they will need to know in order to measure how they are doing throughout the year toward achieving their goal. 4th Period

43 Review and Preview What have we covered so far? What should you expect for tomorrow? Do you know where your next class is? 4th Period

44 Closure Exit Ticket: What do I want to achieve at West Port High School? 4th Period

45 1st Period

46 1st Period

47 Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram
Welcome! ESOL II Period 5 Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram

48 Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet.
Essential Question: How will I contribute to the West Port community in a positive way? Closure: I will identify one of the school wide expectations and describe in three to five sentences its importance. Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet. 5th Period

49 Agenda 5th Period Attendance Review Bus Information
School-wide Expectations and Procedures Think-Pair-Share: Productive About Your Class Think-Pair-Write Review and Preview Closure 5th Period

50 Review Bus Schedule Questions and answers about the bus schedule and locations. 5th Period

51 Review School-Wide Expecations & Procedures
Group Alert Signal Sign-Out Procedures, Hand Signals, Zero Interruption Tardy Log Dismissal Procedures 5th Period

52 Think-Pair-Share: Prompt
5th Period

53 About Your Class Introduction - Website Classroom Rules and Expectations Power Hour – “B” Lunch 6 Period vs Block Schedule Instruction 5th Period

54 Think-Pair-Write What is the most important school-wide procedure we use? Why? Share response with your shoulder partner. If the same response, what were your reasons? If different, why did each of you choose it? 5th Period

55 Review and Preview What have we covered so far? What should you expect for tomorrow? Do you know where your next class is? 5th Period

56 Closure I will identify one of the school wide expectations and describe in three to five sentences its importance. 5th Period

57 1st Period

58 1st Period

59 Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram
Welcome! ESOL I Period 6 Mrs. Margarita Cornier-Sagram

60 Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet.
Essential Question: How will I contribute to the West Port community in a positive way? Closure: I will write 2 – 3 sentences about the item in the Student Handbook that I believe to be the most important. Bellwork: Each student should complete the Student Information Sheet. 6th Period

61 Agenda Attendance Review Bus Information School-wide Expectations and Procedures About your Class Student Handbook Envelope to be Taken Home End of Day Dismissal Procedures Review and Preview Closure 6th Period

62 Bus Information This is the final period of the day. Make sure that you know where your bus is located. 6th Period

63 Review School-Wide Expecations & Procedures
Group Alert Signal Sign-Out Procedures, Hand Signals, Zero Interruption Tardy Log Dismissal Procedures 6th Period

64 About Your Class Introduction - Website Classroom Rules and Expectations Power Hour – “B” Lunch 6 Period vs Block Schedule Instruction 6th Period

65 Student Handbook Scavenger Hunt
What are considered to be excused absences? 2. Students have ___ days to bring in notes from parents for excused absences. 3. What are considered to be excused absences? 4. Can you ride a bus other than the one you are assigned to? 5. May head-covering be worn on campus? 6th Period

66 Student Handbook Scavenger Hunt
6. Will you be required to pass an End of Course examination? 7. How many books can you check out from the media center? 8. Will your parents be able to see your grades online? 9. Do I have a school account? 10. What GPA do I need to participate in extra-curricular clubs or organizations 6th Period

67 Manila Envelope Complete forms tonight with parents or guardians Return the forms tomorrow to you first period class. 6th Period

68 End of Day Dismissal Procedures
Everyone will exit through the back door of Bldg 5 Review bus loop map 6th Period

69 Review and Preview What have we covered so far? What should you expect for tomorrow? 6th Period

70 Closure I will write 2 – 3 sentences about the item in the Student Handbook that I believe to be the most important. 6th Period

71 1st Period

72 1st Period

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