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Gender Affairs Programme

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1 Gender Affairs Programme
Advancing Women and child development

2 Gender Affairs Programme Objectives
To work together with women, men, girls, and boys to promote a just and equitable society in collaboration with stakeholders.

3 Strategic Objective: Increase awareness on gender equality, women and child rights  Support member countries through government and non-governmental agencies to implement Human Rights Instruments and SDGs Conduct research and advocacy on emerging issues impacting women and children Share  technical expertise and resources, build capacity and exchange sharing on gender, women and child development among the member countries Support projects on vulnerable women and children’s protection, economic development, education and health Support and promote leadership programmes

4 Who / How we will work What we will do Where we will work Partnering with Governments Government agencies Gender Focal Point Working through partners: I/NGOs, CSOs, Academia, UN Link with Networks: SAARC, SAIVAG, ASEAN Resource mobilization: Institutional Donors, Pledges, Resource, Private funding, GAP savings Program implementation Gender Focal Points Ministries (MoWCA, MoJ, other line Ministries) Research Based on migrant workers Policy and Advocacy Evidence based Capacity Building Awareness / training on CRC, CEDAW, SDGs, Gender mainstreaming, child protection, mental well-being, Region-wise (thematic issues) Country requests of Colombo Plan Member Countries: development and emergency

5 1st Gender Focal Point Conference, September 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka

6 1st Gender Focal Point Conference Recommendations:
Gender mainstreaming Gender based violence Synergies with CP Economic Empowerment Gender Responsive Budgeting Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, Sri Lanka - Provide technical support for gender training - sensitization for all government officials Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, - Foreign labor migrant - Support implementation of NAP on SGBV - Men involvement in family planning/Reproductive Health Programmes Bangladesh, Vietnam - Support adolescent clubs for HIV/AIDs awareness through DAP Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, - market strategies, regional and international markets - Homebased work for export - Family friendly policies on home and work responsibilities India, Laos, Nepal Resource Mobilization: Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam Funding for implementation of gender and child policies

7 1st Gender Focal Point Conference Recommendation Continued:
Services Networking Experience sharing Gender Disaggregated Data Capacity Building Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, - Child care services -Safe homes Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka - SAIVAG (South Asian Initiative on Violence Against Women including Trafficking in Persons - Partnership between member countries for capacity building - Mobilizing resources, regional plans/projects in socio-culturally similar countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Korea, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan Bangladesh, Indonesia, Indonesia, Laos Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal  -gender mainstreaming of MoWCA -CEDAW, BPA, MDGs and gender mainstreaming at all levels of Ministry

8 45th Consultative Committee Meeting, Fiji, September 2016

9 45th Consultative Committee Meeting, Fiji, September 2016 pledges and recommendations to GAP:
Indonesia will continue (pledge): Capacity building on Enhancing Development programmes on small and medium Enterprises Sharing Best Practices on Gender Responsive Planning, Budgeting or other themes under Gender Affairs Programmes Continue the Technical Cooperation under South –South Cooperation Recommendation from South Asia: Assess the requirement of need based programmes in more member countries

10 45th CCM continued…. Recommendation fro Asia Pacific:
In addition to general recommendation concerning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, explore how Member Countries can contribute to the implementation of SDG 5 & 10 specifically on Gender Recommendation from ASEAN: Maintain and sustain the existing program Explore other areas of collaboration: child development and protection programme; Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting; Gender and risk assessment and disaster management Sharing best practices To coordinate with the GAP Focal Points of member states Synergies with other programs, due to the cross – cutting nature of gender issues Cost sharing mechanism to explore

11 Gender Affairs Programme Advancing Women and child development
Thank you! Gender Affairs Programme Advancing Women and child development

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