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Welcome to the Senior Meeting

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1 Welcome to the Senior Meeting
Euclid High School February 22, 2017

2 What Every Student Needs
2017 Minimum Requirements for Graduation 4 - English Credits 4- Math Credits 3- Science Credits 3- Social Studies Credits 1- Physical Education (.5)/Health (.5) 1- Fine Arts 4- Electives Must pass all 5 parts of Ohio Graduation Test

3 Graduation Testing Information
Ohio Graduation Test Dates March 13-17th, 2017 Reading- March 13 Math- March 14 Writing- March 15 Science- March 16 Social Studies- March 17th May 8th- Test results will become available

4 Graduation Testing Information
Students who still need to pass a portion of the Ohio Graduation test, will also be taking the AIR test as well in the following subjects. HIGH SCHOOL COURSES Classes of 2018 and beyond – End-of-course tests in English language arts I and II, algebra I, geometry (or integrated mathematics I and II), biology or physical science (class of 2018 only), American history and American government.

5 What should my senior be doing now?
Applying to college or trade school Complete FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid before deadlines Receive Award Letters from Financial Aid Offices Submitting scholarship applications Naviance, College Now, Local Money Scholarships - Naviance Confirm Attendance by May 1st Request final transcript from your counselor (Gonakis or Walling) Final Transcripts will be requested via Naviance. Specific directions will be given when students take the Senior Survey. Attend College

6 Financial Aid Award Letters
Timeline for award letters Understanding type of award $: Scholarships Grants Loans Parent Loans Student Loans Subsidized vs. UnSubsidized Compare award letters from all schools before making a decision - you may be surprised. Room and Board

7 What if my senior hasn’t applied
Cuyahoga Community College Will be at Euclid High School on February 24th Your student will have the opportunity to apply and meet with the following programs: Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Certificate Hospitality Management Creative Arts Court Reporting IT Engineering Exercise Science

8 Senior Timeline March 2 - Senior Cap and Gown Pictures in the Little Theatre from 7:30 - 2:30 pm. March 10 - End of the 3rd marking period. March OGT Testing March 24 - No checks will be accepted after this date for senior fees. Fee waivers can be found in the Treasurer’s Office April 3 - Bus permission slip due to Mrs. Thomas room 290 May 10 - Mandatory Commencement Rehearsal and trip to Dave and Busters May 11 - Senior Awards Night

9 Senior Timeline May 17 - Cap/Gown and ticket pick up 11:00 - 3:00pm at EHS (All fees must be paid) May 18 - Prom at Lamalfa 7:00 -11:00 pm (No admittance after 8:00 pm.) May 19 - After Prom at 12:00 - 3:00 am (No Admittance after 1:00 am.) May 22- Commencement Ceremony at the Wolstein Center (Students are to arrive at EHS by 4:30 pm dressed in their appropriate commencement attire and their cap/gown.)

10 Commencement Conduct Commencement is designed as a formal ceremony honoring our graduates. We ask that family and friends show respect for the dignity of the ceremony, the seniors, and for the rights of everyone in attendance. Every student should be able to hear his or her name announced from the stage. Student responsibilities- Participation is a privilege and can be revoked at any time before and even during the ceremony Students may be disqualified if dress is found to be inappropriate All Seniors Must ride the bus to Wolstein Center to be eligible to participate After Ceremony, graduates will not be transported back to the high school.

11 Senior Behavior Reactions to Graduation
-- Students emotions will vary, especially toward the end of the year -- Be patient -- Seek outside help if necessary to help them cope with the transition Plan A didn’t work………… now what? -- Listen empathetically -- Be positive -- Set deadlines

12 Senior Behavior School still counts! -- Check in on grades
-- Contact teachers There are too many decisions and too much to do! -- Try to help your student make a list -- Help them prioritize (small chunks can be less overwhelming) -- Set Deadlines

13 Questions We got answers!!

14 Thank you for coming! Mrs. Dakota Williams 216- 797-7826
Mrs. Katie Gonakis , Mrs. Dionna Walling College Now Office - Ms. Brianna Hollis and Mr. Victor Courtney

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