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Value Engineering Group 9 Fahad Alduaij Alsabah Husam Hasuna

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Presentation on theme: "Value Engineering Group 9 Fahad Alduaij Alsabah Husam Hasuna"— Presentation transcript:

1 Value Engineering Group 9 Fahad Alduaij Alsabah Husam Hasuna
Phillip Palisaitis Syed Shahrukh Hasan Zaidi

2 History WWII in the USA Shortage of materials
Lawrence D. Miles, electrical engineer for General Electric founding father

3 Definition “Value engineering (VE) is a structured and analytical process that seeks to achieve value for money by providing all necessary functions at the lowest cost consistent with required levels of quality and performance.” - Dr. Ahmed et al

4 How is VE Applied?

5 Information Phase Review Project Information Discuss Design/Estimate
Develop Questions for Design Team Constraints ? Major issues? Significant Risks? Identify any missing information

6 Function Analysis Phase
Intent or purpose that a project or service is expected to perform. Creative Phase Brainstorming A technique to get bigger and better ideas Free flow of creative ideas not bound by barriers Challenges traditional thinking

7 Evaluation Phase Eliminate ideas Combine ideas
Evaluate remaining ideas Weighted Matrix Team Consensus

8 Development Phase Write-up Ideas Descriptions Sketches Calculations
Advantages & Disadvantages Cost Analysis (Life Cycle Costs)

9 Presentation Phase Present results to management
Either last day of study or scheduled Document results in report

10 Namhae Expressway South Korea
Case Study: Namhae Expressway South Korea Increasing traffic on expressway Increased rate of severe traffic delays To reduce it, expressway needed to be stretched from four lanes to eight lanes Traffic is also diverted during construction

11 Issues Original design includes Installation of vertical drains called Plastic Board Drains (PBD’s) 6% road was constructed with vertical drains, rest of them with coarse materials Coarse materials would block installation of PBD’s High chance of needing special drilling and excavation because of low constructability Eventually increasing the schedule and costs Even after PBD installation, it could lead to additional differential settlement

12 Value Engineering Job Plan

13 Value Engineering Job Plan
With the help of functional analysis system technique (FAST) , the team selected 2 functions to present the finest chances for improvement as their function costs outweigh the value Adjust longitudinal alignment Stabilize ground under the existing road

14 Design Alternatives Alternative (1): Installing a median strip, no PBD installation, leave the existing road, lower longitudinal grade.

15 Design Alternatives Alternative (2): Installation of PBD without removing the existing road, leave the existing road.

16 Design Alternatives Alternative (3): Use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) to reduce the weight of embankment on the existing road.

17 Results Alternative (1) was selected because:
Lowering longitudinal grade and installing a median strip would absorb the effect of any differential settlement that may happen Alternative 1 would result in a cost saving of $3million , 26.8% less than the original design Significant function improvement of 80.8% Value improvement of 248% from the original design All this was based on five evaluation criteria Safety, Constructability, Maintenance, Environment, Cost.

18 Conclusion VE techniques based on function serves as a means to improve products as well as the process Designed to seek out optimum value concerning the long term investments VE should not be confused with a cost cutting process Achieves essential functions at the possible lowest costs Better to introduce VE at the earliest stage possible to realize higher returns on the resources and effort invested in the project.

19 References Anon., Assessment of Improvement of Preventive Maintenance (PM) Systems Related to the Civil Projects Using Concepts of Value Engineering (VE).. international journal of engineering, 27(12 (C).. Bedian, M. P., "Value Engineering and its Rewards", Leadership and Management in Engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp s.l.:s.n. Dell'Isola, A., Value engineering in the construction industry. 1st ed. Chapman & Hall.. s.l.:s.n. Dell'Isola, A., Value engineering. 1st ed. Kingston, Mass.: R. S. Means Company.. s.l.:s.n. Elias, S., "Value engineering, A powerful productivity tool", Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 35, no. 3-4, pp s.l.:s.n. Green, S., n.d. "A SMART methodology for value management", Chartered Institute of Building, Ascot Kim, T. L. H. a. H. S., Value Engineering for Roadway Expansion Project over Deep Thick Soft Soils. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(2), p Kim, T. L. H. a. H. S., Value Engineering for Roadway Expansion Project over Deep Thick Soft Soils. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(2), p Pandey, A. K. a. R., "Concept of Value Engineering in Construction Industry", vol. 5, no. 4. s.l.:s.n. Senay Atabay, a. N. G., Application of Value Engineering in Construction Projects. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 1(12).. Senior, D. H. a. B., Construction management, 1st ed. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.. s.l.:s.n. Ting, C. C. a. S., "Appraisal of value engineering in construction in Southeast Asia", International Journal of Project Management, vol. 23, no. 2, pp

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