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NYSCHSA Winter Conference Holiday Inn Hotel on Wolf Road in Albany NY

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1 NYSCHSA Winter Conference Holiday Inn Hotel on Wolf Road in Albany NY
Overview of Innovative Bridge Placement Methods by Phil Pierce, P.E. Phillip C. Pierce, P.E. Consulting Engineering Amsterdam, NY, USA NYSCHSA Winter Conference January 18-21, 2016 Holiday Inn Hotel on Wolf Road in Albany NY

2 Outline of presentation
I don’t like outlines, but… A CB project often requires it to be relocated Construction of new or replacement structure Rehabilitation of existing structure Various means of relocating a CB: Transverse slide Longitudinal slide Lift with crane(s)

3 Bartonsville Replacement
Recent example located in the Town of Rockingham, along the east edge of Vermont about 30 minutes north of the Massachusetts line Original bridge built 1870–one of the longest single-span CBs in the USA Supported by Town lattice trusses


5 Background August 28, 2011 Who remembers what was going on?
(for those of you NOT from the Northeast, it was a little thing called Hurricane Irene)

6 Perhaps one of the more “popular” YouTube videos of that event (taken by Susan Hammond)


8 Construction and Erection
<= Piles driven to rock – these abutments are going to stay! A shelf extension to help a bit with waterway opening => <= Getting ready to install the temporary bridge for traffic during construction

9 Construction and Erection
Temporary Mabey Bridge for traffic maintenance First timber truss built flat on the work platform bridge Work platform bridge being erected

10 Construction and Erection

11 Moving into position <= nearing completion of the new bridge atop the work platform bridge, while traffic still on the Mabey Bridge Mabey Bridge out, making ready to shift the new one sideways onto the abutments =>

12 Moving into position Underside at end – lifted the timber bridge (with the bolster beams strapped in place) – then installed metal frame with rollers => <= “Hilman rollers” inside belly-up channel

13 Moving into position TIME OUT!!!! <= Here he comes – watch out!
I’m baaaccckkkk! =>

14 Moving into position <= 10-ton come-along to pull the bridge sideways – none of us dreamed it would be this hard, but they got a “cheater bar” shortly after I gave up The contractor owner (Jim Hollar of Cold River Bridges) tried to push it in place, but not quite enough oomph! =>

15 Moving into position <= as it turns out, the channel web was so thin that it “curled” a bit, causing an interference with the base of the roller unit so that it had to be skidded, rather than rolling “X” marks the spot=>

16 Ribbon Cutting – January 26, 2013


18 Brown’s River - Haul then slide sideways

19 Brown’s River - Haul then slide sideways

20 Brown’s River - Haul then slide sideways

21 Brown’s River - Haul then slide sideways


23 Mill Bridge – longitudinal slide

24 Mill Bridge – longitudinal slide

25 Mill Bridge – longitudinal slide


27 PaperMill Bridge – crane relocation

28 Paper Mill Bridge – crane relocation


30 Hamden, NY – an instructive project

31 Hamden - a major oops

32 Hamden - a major oops

33 Hamden - Longitudinal roll-in

34 Hamden

35 ANYONE STILL AWAKE? For those wanting PDHs – you have to tolerate the following!

36 Question: Name a unique aspect about the construction of the Bartonsville CB

37 Potential answers: Name a unique aspect about the construction of the Bartonsville CB It took three bridges to yield the final – temporary, work platform and final

38 Question: Name three ways identified herein to relocate CBs

39 Transverse slide Longitudinal slide Cranes Potential answers:
Name three ways identified herein to relocate CBs Transverse slide Longitudinal slide Cranes

40 Question: Who has responsibility for trouble with relocations?

41 Contractor Owner over-ride Potential answers:
Who has responsibility for trouble with relocations? Contractor Owner over-ride

42 Question: Name two unusual aspects of the relocation of the Mill CB

43 Motive power for relocation by oxen
Potential answers: Name two unusual aspects of the relocation of the Mill CB Motive power for relocation by oxen Needed a large counterweight (bulldozer) to prevent it from rolling on its own

44 Yeah – you passed if you’re still here and awake!


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