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Published byTabitha Newman Modified over 7 years ago
Information evening Andrew Julie Year
Expectations for Senior
Attendance = Results Period 0 8:00AM Starts Organisation & study patterns Constant Monitoring of own QCE/ outcomes Establishing a pattern of behaviour Optimising leadership opportunities Carnival Attendance Community Service International Ambassadors Leadership Camp Adam
When thinking Pathways, think….
The educational and training landscapes is constantly changing. There are many ways to get to your career goal University is not always the most suitable way to reach your career goal. The number of students going to university straight from Year 12 is in rapid decline Adam
Our EXPECTATION : 100% Exit with QCE or QCIA
Queensland Certificate of Education for all mainstream students whether academic or vocational pathway Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement for Students with a diagnosed intellectual disability 50% classes accessed via individualised program Adam
Queensland Certificate of Education
Queensland’s senior school qualification is: internationally recognised achievement based flexible ― letting you choose what, where and when you study. Adam
You need 20 credits Sound Level of Achievement, Pass or equivalent
but a maximum of 6 credits from Preparatory courses of study at a set standard in a set pattern 20 credits and meet literacy and numeracy requirements at least 12 credits from completed Core courses of study plus an additional 8 credits from a combination of any courses of study Adam To gain a QCE
Literacy Requirement Sound Achievement in one semester of these QCAA subjects: English English Extension English Communication English for ESL learners or C or above in the QCS Test Adam
Numeracy Requirement Sound Achievement in one semester of these QCAA subjects: Maths A Maths B Maths C Pre-vocational Maths OR C or above in the QCS Test Adam
Tracking Your Progress
Fee Paying Subjects There are a variety of subjects/programs on offer that require payment to the school. These subjects/programs are electives only. Each subject/program that carries a fee will have the INVOICED FEE listed with the subject information in the subject handbook. Fee-paying subjects/programs may only be selected by students whose fees are either completed in full or up-to-date. Centre-pay is not an option for elective subjects. Once selected, the fee for the subject must be paid in full by the due date listed in the subject information of this booklet. Adam
Fee Paying Continued Due Date Thursday Nov 2, 2017
Failure to make full payment by this date will result in student being asked to choose an alternative subject/program that does not carry a fee Payment plans are not offered on any fee-paying subjects/programs Refunds are not available once the student has commenced the subject/program. Invoiced beginning September holidays Adam
Share of Projected Employment Growth Nov 2012 – Nov 2017
Jeanette (% of total growth)
OP Eligible and do well enough OP 1-15 Certificate III courses SR 68 = OP 14/15 (must meet prerequisites) Certificate IV courses SR of 74 = OP 12 Diploma courses SR of 82 = OP 9 AMEB Level 7 SR of 84 = OP 8 Bonus Point Schemes Alternative Entry (e.g. Stars, In- house Uni Prep, Cert IV Adult Tertiary) Combination of any studies as long as student satisfies course prerequisites. Jeanette
OVERALL POSITION (OP) A ranking from 1 (best) to 25 used by universities to determine entrance Students must study 5 or 6 Authority (OP) subjects studied across Year 11 & 12. Students ‘best’ 20 semesters are counted 5 subjects x 4 semesters = 20 NO subjects are weighted more than others- they’re all equal School subjects results are scaled using QCS group test result Jeanette
MORE ABOUT OP A Minority of students need to be OP eligible (41% state wide) Those exiting directly into fields such as medicine, dental, law, psychology and other high end professional industries should be consistent A/B students. (OP1-7) Students need to more than just pass subjects - they should excel. A student can pass (C) ALL their OP subjects and get an OP If higher(worse) than an OP 15? Should have a Cert III/Diploma in there too. OP is NOT the only way Jeanette
Ways to Enhance an OP and University Options
We offer senior extension subjects such as Extension English, Extension Music, Maths C We encourage OP students to access GUESTS, UQ, START QUT, Head Start SCU or Bond Uni ‘student for a semester’ programme and other tertiary pathways programmes with guaranteed entry. Some choose to take up school-based traineeships or complete a vocational certificate as well as being OP eligible. Complete a Certificate III or a Diploma as well? Lots do as a back up. Jeanette
SELECTION RANK All students who are NOT OP are automatically Selection Rank All school subjects and certificates count towards a Selection Rank and are ‘weighted’ according to result and difficulty of subject. A student can potentially have several different Selection Ranks. Mix of Authority- registered, Authority and VET certificates subjects studied in Year 11 & 12. Any Certificate I or better no matter where it’s studied counts towards a student’s Selection Rank Jeanette
Selection Rank Students
The majority exit into: TAFE for Diplomas / Advanced Diplomas Private Training Providers/Colleges for Diplomas Apprenticeships and Traineeships for Certificate III Industry qualification Full time employment Some move directly into university to complete Associate Degrees and Bachelor Degrees depending on the university and course Jeanette
Vocational Certificate Courses
We offer Certificate III Courses in Health Services Assistance Business Administration Fitness Early Childhood Education and Care Screen and Media Tourism Certificate IV Music We offer Certificate II Courses in Information Digital Media and Technology(I & II) Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue) Sport & Recreation Salon Assist & Retail Cosmetics(Wed ‘sport’) Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways Hospitality Furniture Making ( Woodwork) Engineering (Metals) Jeanette
Diploma of Business offered here at school to OP and Non- OP students (separate application process to school subjects) Considered a higher qualification than Year 12 Can be used for university entrance equivalent to OP 9 Runs during ‘sport’ time so students can use as a ‘top up’ or drop a subject Special rate of $1990 ( payment plan available) first year credit for articulated university courses and therefore cheaper and quicker option Jeanette
School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
Schools Program Study Cert I/II/III at TAFE or other RTO 1 day a week. Various entry dates. VETis considerations See Senior Schooling and Careers Dashboard on RSHS website under Quicklinks - Senior School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship We offer a huge range of SATs-industry start Paid work combined with training and school Obtain an industry qualification which counts QCE credits Jeanette
Value Added Certificate Courses
Certificate I, II & III, Diploma, TAFE courses, School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, University student for a semester courses All attract QUEENSLAND CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION Credits Jeanette
Senior Grading You are graded on a 10 point scale within each Level of Achievement (LOA) From 1 the lowest to 10 to highest A = Very High Achievement (VHA) 1 to 10 B = High Achievement (HA) 1 to 10 C = Sound Achievement (SA) 1 to 10 D = Limited Achievement (LA) 1 to 10 E = Very Limited Achievement (VLA) 1 to 10 So a VHA 10 is a lot better than a VHA 1... An SA 10 is a lot better than an SA1….. Jeanette
20 Student A What OP are they getting?
Technical Studies Very High 1 (A-) Drama Sound 6 (C) Modern History Sound 1 (C-) English Sound 3 (C) Maths A Sound 8 (C+) HPE Sound 3 (C) Jeanette 20 What OP are they getting?
Student C Geography High 9 Drama High 5 Home Economics Sound 8 Maths A Very High 1 English High 10 Biology Sound 8 Jeanette 12 What OP are they getting?
Student D Economics Very High 4 Maths B Very High 3 BCT Very High 1 English High 5 FTM High 4 Accounting Very High 5* * Top student in cohort Jeanette 6 What OP?
Student E Modern History Very High 4* Extension Music Very High 6* English Very High 5 Biology Very High 7* Ancient History Very High 4* Legal Studies High 10 *Top student in the cohort Jeanette 1 What OP?
ADVICE to ALL Be realistic when selecting subjects
Be aware you can pass all your subjects and still get and OP (not useful at all) Be aware there are many ways to get into a university courses NOT just OP; Selection Rank, Vocational Education Certificates, Diplomas, Bridging , GUESTS and other pathways programmes Research- Tertiary Prerequisites book, uni web sites, Open Days, GOs, HODs, teachers Jeanette
Where to from here? Sue
Senior Subject Selection !
What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Consider all the SS pathways available What are my pre-requisite subjects ? (Which subjects must I do in Year 11 and 12 to satisfy requirements for certain uni courses ?) Consult QTAC tertiary prerequisites 2018 booklet Consider all the post - Year 12 pathways (Cert III, Diploma, Uni degree, Defence Force) Sue
Be Aware Of Your Options for after Year 12
Further Education Explore your study options (University, TAFE or other training provider) – courses offered, entry requirements, cost of courses etc. Training Apprenticeships, Cadetships, traineeships, on-the-job training etc. Work Explore the occupations and industries that interest you Research where the most vacancies are in your area of interest Sue
Citizenship and Uni fees
Australian : fees are arranged through HECS – pad back through tax once earning $55 000/year International students : pay international fees upfront NZ citizens who came to Australia as a child and have lived here for 10+ years – are now given a FEE-HELP loan which is paid back once in the workforce NZ citizens who have lived in Australia for less than 10 years – pay same fee as Aussies but do so upfront each semester See for more details and updates Sue
Scholarships at Uni Academic Excellence (usually also require some community service or leadership role) Sport ( Qld or Australian rep – each Uni has sports they focus on) Indigenous (see Ms Beckworth or Mrs Barnwell for assistance in arranging your certificate of Aboriginality during Year 11) Equity (low family income, parent on Family Tax Benefit) Industry (some industries such as engineering, accounting and surveying have their own scholarships) Sue
Work-ready skills - now for P-T job and later after Year 12/Uni/TAFE
Communication Team Work Problem Solving Initiative and Enterprise Self-Management Willing to learn Computer/Technology use Planning & Organising Sue
Where can I go to for more information?
Job Guide online My future Job Outlook (trends, wages) Australian Apprenticeship Pathways CareerOne (Saturday Courier Mail) GC City Council Attend Career Expos and University & TAFE Open Days Sue
Where Can I Go To Get Help?
Guidance Officer (Mrs Barnwell) Student Pathways Centre (Mrs McDonald, Mrs Allen) Teachers Family, Friends, Sports Coach Websites mentioned in this presentation Sue
Student Interview Process
Begins Term 2 - Week 8 By PROMOTE Class – in small groups Interviewed by HOD (MS) Mr Pearce or GO Mrs Barnwell Discussing Career Aspirations Pathway options Appropriate subjects (suit your ability/skills and likely pathway) HoD approvals (Year 10 results may affect Year 11 options)
Subject Expo Andrew Julie Year
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