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Five Year Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2021/22
HDA Chief Executive Officer: Pascal Moloi March 2017
Mandate to transform into an appropriately structured, capacitated and funded human settlements development agency Mandate to transform to a human settlements development agency … Established in 2008 as a public development agency focused on the acquisition and release of state, private and communally owned land for human settlement developments, the HDA provides programme management services for the development of human settlements and other human settlements development services. In 2014, the national Minister of Human Settlements pronounced that the Ministry would like to see the HDA transform into a fully-fledged public sector developer. Within Section 7(1) (a) - 7 (1) (I) of the Housing Development Agency Act 23 of 2008, there are provisions to empower the HDA as a schedule 3(a) public development agency to perform the following roles /functions: Land development; Land acquisition; Programme planning and management; Technical capacity development support; Leveraging additional assets, investments and resources from other spheres of government and Community development
The Expectations of the Minister
The HDA will be responsible for the revitalisation programme of 22 mining towns HDA to identify catalytic projects, prepare , role out and manage the projects implementation plan N2 Gateway to be refocused as a national priority project – and lessons learnt documented and the project closed. Housing information covering both housing and land needs to be established. The HDA to be repositioned to become a the preferred developer whose objective is not only to acquire and prepare land, but to facilitate the development and project manage agreed projects. The HDA is responsible for raising appropriate funding in developing sustainable human settlements Develop, implement & maintain an approved Master Spatial Plan (MSP) for the human settlements sector
MTSF Targets supported by HDA
Status Develop a coherent and inclusive approach to land for human settlements Done - submitted Access to biannual property valuation information Done – LaPsis/NaHSLI Framework for Spatial Investment for Human Settlements developed; Develop a Human Settlements Spatial Investment Framework Developed – in process of approval of well located hectares land rezoned and released for new development targeting poor and lower middle income households Achieved 50 catalytic projects that clearly demonstrates spatial, social, and economic integration using defined and agreed upon priorities and criteria Achieved – in process of approval households assisted through ISUP (incl mining towns): 2200 ISU to phase 2 by 2019 settlements upgraded: 274 Informal settlements assessed Households in the affordable housing (particularly subsidy) market have access to biannual property valuation information 39 Munics available; to be expanxded to 110 prioritised munics Implement technical capacity programmes for human settlements development 9 Provinces supported
Mandate The Housing Agency is the Ministries, the Departments and Governments Human Settlements Developer of Choice. It carries this mandate by being: A fully fledged Developer; An implementing agent; and A project manager
Statement of Intent: Objectives
Objective of the business is to be a project developer of sustainable, integrated human settlements on behalf of Government. The HDA will do so by: Accessing land for human settlements projects; Prioritise and release well-located land (zoned / un-zoned) and properties as guided by the MSP for HS Packaging of human settlements projects; De-risking development, producing conceptual designs with defined funding plans, sources, timelines and agreements Establishing delivery partnerships with the private sector To address the demand and supply of housing through coordination, building capacity and bridge financing of human settlements development initiatives Mobilising, coordinating and investing funds; Establish agreements and protocols with private sector and different departments (in all 3 spheres of government) to align and guide investment of funds and capacity in projects, on behalf of the public sector
Statement of Intent: Objectives (…continued)
Objective of the business is to be a project developer of sustainable, integrated human settlements on behalf of Government. The HDA will do so by: Facilitating the resolution of blockages; Through establishing teams in all provinces to address in a gradual manner the process to unblock challenges; starting with unblocking problems in particular for catalytic projects Monitoring the implementation of human settlements projects; and To consider the spatial transformation and spatial targeting patterns of human settlements through research, impact studies and trend analysis Transformation and empowerment Ensure transformation and empowerment in the human settlements industry
1. Radical response on catalytic transformation / ownership agenda Strong empowerment credentials, with developers having a minimum percentage of direct black ownership and management Targeted direct black ownership should be a minimum of 40% If not in place, the developers must commit to increasing black ownership to the minimum levels required by a date to be agreed upon The same would apply to black management control / executive directors and / or managers A minimum community benefit of 10% as part of the direct black ownership component is required 2. Women and empowerment (from material supply to construction) At least 30% of all project spend must benefit women and youth Direct woman ownership should be a minimum of 30% If not in place, the developers must commit to increasing woman ownership to that minimum level by an agreed date 30% female representation in management control / executive directors and / or managers 3. Structured Youth Programme Mobilization plan on youth involvement during the entire project lifecycle from a job creation, skills development and empowerment point of view Linking the amount of youth to the project spend Proposed ratio of 100 youth trained and employed in projects for every R10 million developments spend
4. Preferred panel of material suppliers for catalytic projects Preferred material supplier list will be based on material suppliers who conform most closely and directly to the transformational and empowerment targeted outcomes Provincially based suppliers to be considered first The material supplier’s targeted direct black ownership should be a minimum of 40% If not in place, the material suppliers must commit to increasing black ownership to those minimum levels by an agreed date The same would apply to the black management control, Executive Directors and/or Managers A minimum community benefit of 10% as part of the direct black ownership component and could also be linked to project spend Possible open tender process for material procurement per project 5. Preferred panel of contractors and sub-contractors for catalytic projects Preferred contractor’s panel (per project) will be based on contractors who conform most closely and directly to the transformational and empowerment targeted outcomes Consideration is to be given to provincially based contractors The contractors’ targeted direct black ownership should be a minimum of 40% If not in place, the contractors must commit to increasing black ownership to those minimum levels by an agreed date The same would apply to the black management control / executive directors and / or managers. A minimum community benefit of 10% as part of the direct black ownership component for contractors as well May consider procuring contractors in an open tender process, per project
There is a clear need in the human settlements sector for the HDA as a human settlements development agency Human Settlements Challenges High Need for Housing Insufficient Public Sector Delivery Declining Private Sector Delivery Poor Human Settlement Outcomes Fragmented Funding Framework Lack of transformation Some of the root causes … Population growth, rapid urbanisation and persistent poverty Under expenditure at municipal and provincial level within a complex subsidy regime Weak IGR and coordination and alignment of funding streams Lack of large scale and spatially targeted, integrated and sustainable human settlements Participation of private sector in human settlements to support public policy goals is limited (perceived risk) Limited forward planning and technical capacity to plan and implement key projects/programs Lack of transformation in the Human Settlement sector amongst developers in the private sector
How the HDA will address and respond to sectoral challenges
Issues HDA response High Need for Housing Improved national spatial planning More rapid urban / new settlement planning and development Better integrated and sustainable settlement Insufficient Public Sector Delivery Land acquisition Mobilisation of technical, programme and project management skills Improved financial packaging and fund mobilisation Declining Private Sector Delivery De-risking projects though unblocking and related interventions (e.g. expediting plans) Securing funding for critical infrastructure Ensuring funding (esp. subsidy) flows Poor Human Settlement Outcomes Improved spatial planning Better programme, project as well as contract management Building public-private partnerships Fragmented Funding Framework Improving IG coordination and funding packaging More effective fund management Mobilising other public and private resources (in addition to HSDG) Transformation challenges Contribute to the creation of new black and women industrialists Contribute to youth empowerment Influence changes to materials supply chains Change mindsets
Business model and high level functional structure
The New HDA Business / Delivery Model
(1) Project identification (2) Project selection (3) Project packaging (4) Delivery support (Implementation) (5) Closure / Handover Programme Allocation Programme Design Planning & Management Strategic Information & Inter-Governmental Relations Development Management Development 1 Requests, etc. Development 2 Funds Mobilisation & Management Pipeline of projects Priority projects HDA exit Development …. Core Funding Core Funding Sect 29 Projects Technical Support / Specialists (Town & Regional Planning; Land Assembly) Panel of Professional Services Providers (6) Monitoring Regional points – Technical / IGR Support / Unblocking … HDA may at times also be appointed as Implementing Agent Strategic Information Land & Housing Support Services Limited Core Funding Project-linked Funding and Cost-recovery Core Funding Cost Recovery Core Funding Governance & Administration
A developer perspective requires the HDA to have a number of key functions centred on development management as a critical function… Strategy Support / Crosscutting functions Development Management Programme Design & Management Financial Management Strategic Spatial Planning Project Packaging Human Resources Technical Analysis ** Land Assembly * Corporate Services Functions mainly or partially outsourced (project-linked) Urban / Development Planning Financial Modelling Business Intelligence / GIS Funding Mobilization & Management IG & Stakeholder Management Legal (Transactions) Monitoring and Evaluation Procurement & Contract Management * Includes: Acquisition; Holding; Release ** Includes: Includes: Spatial; Transportation; Economic; Geotechnical; Land Legal; Infrastructure ; Environmental etc.
High Level Design: Old CEO PA GM: PRMI GM: National Programme Support
GM: CS GM: LHSS -REG A GM: LHSS –REG B GM: LHSS – REG C CFO Head of Strategy & Performance Company Secretary
CEO Pascal INTERNAL AUDIT & RISK Outsourced CFO Paula HEAD:CORP SURVICES Rashida HEAD:SPAC INFO & ANAL Johan HEAD:NAT PROG DES & MNG Daphne COMPANY SECRETARY Elizabeth EXEC: STRATEGIC SUPPORT Mcezi EXEC: DEV MNG & OPER Mandla REGIONAL MNG X3 Lucien HEAD:BUILT ENVIROMENT Mooketsi HEAD:STRATEGIC INITIATIVE Willem HDA LEADERSHIP FUNCTIONAL HIGH LEVEL STRUCTURE: New Nomsa Bosco …with a staff planned complement of... 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/21 2021/22 182 220 250 300
HDA will have to build towards its overall developer role in a phased manner in line with resources
Initial focus on a limited number of catalytic projects to test approaches, mobilise resources and build partnerships … HDA land acquisition role(implements sector land assembly / release plans) Medium term operational support plans/IPs concluded with provinces specific areas of support Implementing Agent (IA) on 2 priority projects (as Section 29 mandates Implementing Agent/programme management of key provincial projects/programs Agreed Transformation and Empowerment Framework HDA programme implementation agency (Programme Management) Contracted projects Additional operational funding assigned (ring-fenced linked to business plans) Agreed Project Implementation plans with systems and standard operating procedures HDA assigned as programme manager to national priority programmes/projects HDA public sector developer role Transformed Industry Additional operational and capital funding would have to be assigned – based on business case/plan HDA directly implementing specific projects as “developer/IA/PM” HDA act as a property developer
Highlights of Objectives and Targets
SECTION THREE Strategic Plan and APP Highlights of Objectives and Targets
Targets and objectives we feel comfortable about…
Building and implementing our business case with a long term vision, strategy and delivery focused annual performance plans Repositioning the HDA into an effective public sector human settlements development agency Implementing a developer focused organisational structure for the Agency, where people are central to our performance and achievements Establishing systems and databases for decision making Establishing effective spatial transformation for human settlements planning, monitoring and investment programmes and initiatives Implementation of an updated and responsive Master Spatial anf Investment Plan for Human Settlements Ensuring effective technical support and development management services in all provinces and municipalities where the HDA is involved
Some challenging targets and objectives
Ensure and monitor a budget and a financial model that caters for the HDA as a financial sustainable and stable developer (operational and capital) Meeting contractual requirements Accelerating identification, acquisition and release of strategic land and properties aligned with the MSP for Human Settlements Implementation of national programmes, including the initiatives for the Mining Towns, ISU and managing the implementation of the approved catalytic projects and supporting initiatives of un-locking / fast tracking Implement effective organizational performance management policy framework / system with contracts, agreements and evaluations, working towards improved organization performance Implement good governance practices Ensure aligned, accurate and effective reporting Deliver and support serviced land for human settlements (delivery of serviced sites and units)
Targets and objectives where more effort is required
Building capacity for project financing, modeling and capital raising Building intergovernmental and private partnerships, supported by a communication strategy that drives impact, integration and delivery Sustained and functional business. Capacitated structure for the HDA (as an employer of choice), is implemented to develop sustainable human settlement projects Providing leadership, frameworks and systems to implement the HDA’s mandate and ongoing programmes focusing on: budgets, expenditure, performance, SCM & risk management, reports and information for decision making
Macro and Detailed Tables
SECTION THREE Strategic Plan and APP Macro and Detailed Tables
Operationally HDA National Programme Support:
Administration (CFO’s office and Corporate Services) Research, Monitoring and Information National Programme Support: National Programme Support & Built Environment Implementation) Land and Housing Services (Regions 1-3)
Macro Performance Indicators
Macro Indicators Goal & Programme Most Closely Linked to Achievement Indicator Targets Estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Frequency of providing monitoring & evaluation reports against the Framework for Spatial Investment for Human Settlements (FSIHS) based on the Master Spatial Plan Programme 2 c Develop the Master Spatial Plan Complete the Framework for Spatial Investment for Human Settlements (FSIHS) & produce 2 monitoring reports on the implementation of spatial targeting against the framework Two monitoring reports on the implementation of spatial targeting and transformation against the framework Two monitoring reports on the implementation of spatial targeting and transformation against the framework 2) Number of hectares of well- located land (targeting poor and middle income households) Programme 4 b 2500 hectares 3000 hectares 2000 hectares 4) Number of priority land zoning portion provided with rezoning facilitation support New Baseline 3000ha 2000ha
Macro Performance Indicators
Macro Indicators Goal & Programme Most Closely Linked to Achievement Indicator Targets Estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 5) Number of national priority programmes provided with programme management and technical project support. Programme 3b Provide informal settlements with technical support Provide274 informal settlements with technical support Technical support provided to projects in 22 mining towns Technical support provided to projects in 22 mining towns 50 catalytic projects identified 50 catalytic projects identified and assessed 50 catalytic projects managed for implementation 6) Number of provinces provided with capacity and implementation support as per MTOPs and business plans Programme 4a 7 provinces supported with HDA services as per MTOPs and business plans 9 provinces provided with capacity support as per MTOPs and business plans 9 provinces provided with capacity support as per MTOPs and business plans 9 provinces provided with implementation support and regional coordination as per MTOPs and business plans 9 provinces provided with implementation support and regional coordination as per MTOPs and business plans 7) Number of housing units and service sites provided as part of Implementation support to programmes and projects Programme 4 a 2866 housing units 6912 housing units 8859 housing units Housing units Housing units 664 serviced sites 9539 serviced sites 5203serviced sites Total units serviced sites Total units Serviced sites Note: Catalytic projects implemented implies that the HDA will ensure the projects are identified, assessed and where projects are selected for implementation the HDA will take responsibility to manage the implementation of the projects.
Macro Performance Indicators
Macro Indicators Goal & Programme Most Closely Linked to Achievement Indicator Targets Estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 8)Number of private sector developers meeting targets in the Transformation and Empowerment Framework (TEF) Programme 4a New Baseline 56 Catalytic Projects identified 19 Transformation and Empowerment plans signed 5 private sector developers partially meeting targets TEF 5 private sector developers fully meeting targets TEF 5 Implementation framework signed Note: Catalytic projects implemented implies that the HDA will ensure the projects are identified, assessed and where projects are selected for implementation the HDA will take responsibility to manage the implementation of the projects.
Performance Indicator
Programme 1A: CEO Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To provide strategic leadership and support in the implementation of HDA mandate Develop and implement strategic and organisational frameworks and systems to ensure implementation of the new mandate and on-going programmes Business case and Strategic Plan developed and implemented Business Case and Strategic Plan approved Business case and Strategic Plan implemented and set targets met Reposition and align the organization to the new mandate Strategic interventions to align the structures, systems, processes and capabilities to the new mandate implemented Identified structures, systems, processes and capabilities developed and implemented Develop strategies and frameworks to ensure effective planning, implementation and monitoring of programmes Planning, stakeholder management, monitoring and evaluation frameworks and strategies developed and implemented Business case and Strategic Plan implemented and set targets in the APP met
Performance Indicator
Programme 1A: CEO Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 Fund mobilised and managed, improved financial packaging of public and private resources Funds mobilised Establish framework / concept and obtain in principle approval for implementation 5 Agreements and contracts signed to mobilised funds
Performance Indicator
Programme 1B: Finance Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure that the HDA is financially sustainable over the period of the MTEF Formulate a budget for HDA that sets out operational and capital requirements Budget for the HDA formulated and approved in time Develop and implement systems to ensure operational and capital requirements are met Systems to ensure operational and capital requirements are met Reports showing 100% compliance produced Develop and implement a comprehensive financial modeling for long term sustainability of HDA Financial modelling developed and implemented Development of financial modelling commenced Financial modelling developed and approved Financial modelling implemented Monitor budget implementation and report expenditure against budget to meet legislative and contractual requirements % within which expenditure of funds received is kept Expenditure kept within a 5% variance (over or under) of budgeted funds received
Performance Indicator
Programme 1B: Finance Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To implement effective systems to manage finance, budgets and performance management compliance, and risk management and compliance Develop and monitor implementation of systems to manage finance, budgets and performance management, SCM and risk management compliance Unqualified financial audit opinion on the financial statements obtained from external auditors Unqualified financial audit report for 2016//17 from external auditors published by 30 August 2018 Unqualified financial audit report for 2017/18 from external auditors published by 30 August 2019 Unqualified financial audit report for 2018/19 from external auditors published by 30 August 2020 Unqualified financial audit report for 2019/20 from external auditors published by 30 August 2021
Performance Indicator
Programme 1C: Corporate Support Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure that the organisational structure is reviewed, approved and implemented Develop, finalize and approve organizational structure and recruit and place staff Organizational structure developed, approved and placement of staff commenced New organizational structure fully implemented Organizational structure fully operational To ensure that the organisation functions at optimal capacity at all times Fill all prioritized and budgeted posts in the approved organizational structure All prioritized and budgeted posts in the approved organizational structure filled 100% of prioritised positions filled in accordance with approved organisation structure To promote HDA an employer of choice and that support social and community development Develop and implement employee support and social responsibility programmes Employee support and social responsibility programmes implemented Employee support and social responsibility programmes developed
Performance Indicator
Programme 1C: Corporate Support Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure effective implementation of performance management system Enter into performance contracts and agreements with staff based performance management system Performance contracts and agreements developed and signed with staff Performance contracts and agreements, reviewed, signed, implemented and monitored Evaluate performance of managers and staff, provide feedback and provide rewards in terms of performance management policy Performance evaluation of managers and staff undertaken and appropriate feedback and rewards awarded Performance evaluation of managers and staff undertaken and appropriate feedback and rewards given
Performance Indicator
Programme 2A: Strategic Organizational Performance Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To develop and implement a long-term vision and strategy for the HDA Develop long Term Strategy and Vision and three year strategic plan and approved by the Board Approved three year strategic plan for the HDA Approved Long Term Strategy for the HDA Three year strategic plan finalized by end August Long Term Strategy finalized by end August and reviews undertaken in December 2016, June 2017 and reviews undertaken in December 2017, June 2018 and Three year strategic plan finalized by end August and reviews undertaken in December, June and December Annual evaluation in November reviews undertaken in December 2020 To ensure the development and effective implementation and monitoring of the Annual Performance Plan Develop and implement Annual Performance Plan to be approved by the Board and NDoHS annually APP developed and approved by the Board and NDoHS APP finalized by end August 12 90% of targets in the APP are met APP finalized by end August 100% of reporting requirements are met an 90% of targets in the APP are met Produce reports on implementation of Annual Performance Plan. Reports produced 100% according to set reporting requirements Intervene to resolve blockages in implementation
Performance Indicator
Programme 2A: Strategic Organizational Performance Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure implementation of good corporate governance Report quarterly on the compliance matrix to the NDoHS % compliance with governance protocols and standards as provided in the compliance matrix 100% Compliance with governance protocols and standards as provided in the compliance matrix To ensure effective monitoring and improvement of organizational performance Develop and implement organizational performance management framework Organizational performance management framework developed and implemented Organizational performance management framework developed Organizational performance management framework implemented
Performance Indicator
Programme 2 B: Marketing Communication and SIR Strategic Goal: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To build partnerships and ensure effective stakeholder management to support HDA programmes Develop and implement Stakeholder and Intergovernmental Strategy aligned to the Developer Role Stakeholder and Intergovernmental Strategy aligned to the Developer Role developed and implemented Platforms and forums for stakeholder management established and used to advance HDA programmes To ensure effective communication on the HDA‘s activities Develop and implement a Communication Plan Implementation Plan developed, activities undertaken and set targets achieved Implementation Plan developed, activities undertaken and set targets achieved
MTEF Targets Programme 2C: Spatial information and analysis
Strategic Goal: Promote integrated spatial planning and sustainable land development MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Measure/Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure acquisition of strategic land and landed properties fordevelopment by HDA Identify and acquire strategic land and landed properties for development projects aligned to the Master Spatial Plan % of land parcels and landed properties acquired and projects with investment potential submitted 100% of land parcels and projects with investment potential submitted To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of land development for the achievement of spatial transformation in human settlements Develop an M & E framework to monitor and report on alignment to Master Spatial Plan (MSP) .Quarterly reports on alignment to MSP produced at set intervals 4 Quarterly reports with research and impact studies done related to monitoring and evaluation of spatial transformation and targeting
MTEF Targets Programme 2C: Spatial information and analysis
Strategic Goal: Promote integrated spatial planning and sustainable land development MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Measure/ Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure integrated spatial planning Develop a comprehensive Spatial Master Plan Spatial Master Plan developed and implemented MSP in place Spatial Master Plan developed and maintained Spatial Master Plan implemented Research to ensure and guide more innovative project implementation Develop an research framework and implementation plan Approved research agenda General research agenda n place Research guiding innovation, spatial targeting and spatial transformation Community education and information distribution Communities educated None Brochures and information graphics developed, distributed and workshopped
Performance Measure/Indicator
Programme 3A: National Technical Assistance Strategic Goal: Accelerate the delivery of resilient, integrated and sustainable human settlements MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Measure/Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure provision of technical support services to (Programme 3 B & Programme 4 A & B) so as to enable the implementation of human settlement developments or the implementation of priority programmes. Provide technical support services to Programme 3 within agreed time frames and costs % of requests responded within agreed timeframes and costs 100% of requests responded to within agreed time frames and costs
Performance Measure/Indicator
Programme 3B: National Programme Design and Management Strategic Goal: Accelerate the delivery of resilient, integrated and sustainable human settlements MTEF Targets Key Activities Performance Measure/Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure the packaging, management and implementation of national priority programmes as agreed with the Minister including catalytic projects, mining towns and NUSP. Develop, implement and monitor the Business Plan for priority projects Number of priority programmes and projects implemented Three programmes including catalytic projects, mining towns and NUSP implemented Number of Developers meeting the Humans /settlement transformation targets set in the score card None 19 Private Developers to sign agreements 20 Developers to sign agreements 17 Developers to sign agreements 5 projects implementation plans approved 10 projects implementation plans approved 10 projects implementation plans approved To ensure effective implementation of strategic/ catalytic human settlement developments Implement identified catalytic projects Number of projects identified and implemented 10 Projects selected 50 project reviewed 50 projects implemented 20 projects selected To ensure that identified human settlement development projects are unblocked and implemented Identify projects requiring ‘unblocking’ and fast track their implementation Number of identified projects unblocked and implemented
Performance Measure/Indicator
Programme 4 A: Regional Coordination and Human Settlements Implementation Support Services Strategic Goal: Accelerate the delivery of resilient, integrated and sustainable human settlements MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Measure/Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 To enhance capacity and provide projects implementation services to provinces and municipalities for human settlements development Build capacity for implementation of human settlements projects Number of provinces provided with capacity support as per MTOPs and business plans 3 provinces provided with capacity support as per MTOPs and business plans Deliver/support serviced lands for human settlements Number of human settlements serviced sites delivered/supported No of serviced sites 664 serviced sites 9539 serviced sites service sites 5203 serviced sites Number of human settlements units delivered/supported No of housing units 2866 Housing units 6912 housing units 8859 housing units
Performance Measure/Indicator
Programme 4 A: Regional Coordination and Human Settlements Implementation Support Services Strategic Goal: Accelerate the delivery of resilient, integrated and sustainable human settlements MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Measure/Indicator 2016/17 Target (Baseline) 2017/18 Target 2018/19 2019/20 Facilitate the transformation by signing transformation and Empowerment frameworks (TEF) with the Private Sector Develop and sign transformation and empowerment agreements with the Private Sector to transform the Human Settlement Sector Number of private sector developers meeting targets in the TEF 56 Catalytic Projects Identified 19 Transformation and Empowerment plans signed 5 Private Sector developers partially meeting targets of the TEF 5 Private Sector developers fully meeting targets of the TEF 5 Implementation frameworks signed
Performance Measure/Indicator
Programme 4 B : Land Management Strategic Goal: Promote integrated spatial planning and sustainable land development MTEF Targets Strategic Objective Key Activities Performance Measure/Indicator 2016/17 Target 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 To ensure the acceleration of the release of well-located land for housing and human settlements Identify and acquire land for human settlement developments Land acquired, released; and 2500 3000 Number of hectares of land facilitated for rezoning New baseline: land rezoned 1000 ha
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