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In a nutshell A research initiative at AAU running

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1 In a nutshell A research initiative at AAU running 2015-2019
Objectives: To research and demonstrate: how manufacturing industries can benefit from emerging technologies. the new promising manufacturing technologies, concepts and methodologies coming out of Industrie 4.0 (D), Factories-of-the-Future (EU), Industrial Internet Consortium (US) and equivalent initiatives. To adapt these technologies and concepts to the needs and characteristics of Danish industries Budget (1/6 2016): 23.8 mill DKR 15.1 mill (AAU) 2.1 mill (The Obel Family Foundation) 6.5 mill (Laurids Andersen Foundation) (MADE, HORIZON2020)?

2 Smart Production Lab Researchers Students End-users
Vision: A “small factory” which: integrates Smart Production researchers and research results demonstrates how manufacturing companies can benefit from Smart Production technologies Researchers Students End-users Technology providers System integrators

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