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A graphic design principle

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1 A graphic design principle
Contrast A graphic design principle

2 What is Contrast Contrast
It is a way to create visual interest on a page Contrast is when two elements are different. If they are only slightly different- you have conflict. If they are really different you have contrast- DON’T BE A WIMP You can create contrast with large type again small type, graceful oldstyle font against a bold sans serif font, thin against thick, horizontal against vertical placement.

3 What is Contrast Average newsletter- pretty standard- nice and neat, but nothing really draws your eye in. Compare this newsletter with the following newsletter.

4 What is Contrast Area of increased contrast is obvious
Bolder headlines and subheads Which newsletter is more dynamic?

5 What is Contrast What stands out to you about this resume?
Confusing- mixture of two alignments- flush left and centered Amount of spacing between segments is too similar- nothing jumps out to the reader Job titles blend in with the body text Doesn’t do the best job and marketing the person who is applying for the job Why do you stand out compared to other applicants

6 What is Contrast With contrast the resume is easier to read- reader can tell what information is to be read first The alignment was fixed- all flush left Segments are separated by more than the spacing of one line of type. Use of proximity. Degrees and job titles are bold so they stand out- bold elements are repeated throughout the document- use of repetition

7 What is Contrast

8 What is Contrast Here is a basic phonebook ad- how can it be improved with contrast Decide on a focus- make it big and bold Decide on groups of information and rearrange the info- leave space between the groups to indicate their relationship Arrange these items along a strong alignment Remove conflicting elements. Does the border have to be so dominant? Do you need all 4 corners occupied by the eagle? Do the stars help the design or are they distracting?


10 What is Contrast Remember this ad?
Still it is a little bland- look at what a few changes made in regards to contrast can to do an ad.

11 What is Contrast Headline change from upper case to lower case gave me room to make it bigger and bolder The lead ins to each section of type are bigger and bolder Comboy is bigger- it is faint so it will not conflict with the rest of the design

12 What is Contrast This ad has several flaws- lack of contrast, repetition, and proximity.

13 What is Contrast Let go of the centered alignment
Find the most intersting/important thing on the page and emphasize it Keep the important things together so the reader doesn’t lose focus Group related information into groups and separate it with space Find elements you can repeat- including elements of contrast Most importantly add contrast- Be methodical- work through one concept at a time



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