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CoCo and R&S in the UK federation

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1 CoCo and R&S in the UK federation
Rhys Smith - Chief Technical Architect, Trust & Identity - Jisc Go to ‘View’ menu > ‘Header and Footer…’ to edit the footers on this slide (click ‘Apply’ to change only the currently selected slide, or ‘Apply to All’ to change the footers on all slides). To change the image on this slide: Click once on the image to select it, and then delete it Drag a replacement picture to the placeholder or click the icon in the centre of the placeholder to browse for & add another image Once you have added your replacement image, you may need to put it into the background so that it doesn’t cover other items on the slide. Do this by right-clicking on the new image and choosing ‘Arrange’ > ‘Send to Back’ from the contextual menu

2 The UK federation As of Friday 12th June 2015
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation The UK federation As of Friday 12th June 2015 1003 members, 1768 entities (728 IdP / 1043 SP) ~ 2/3rd Shibboleth 1/3rd other other is 2/3rd Athens/OpenAthens, 1/3rd other Full Mesh federation Single metadata file (well, several, but one main aggregate for customers) eduGAIN entities in that main prodn metadata eduGAIN opt-out, so ~1500 entities published into eduGAIN No central points of infrastructure (apart from MD distribution and CDS)

3 The UK federation Implications
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation The UK federation Implications Customers are responsible for their own: Software choice and deployment Configuration (incl attribute release) Deployment models ~ ½ install and configure in house ~ ½ use an outsourced provider (either Eduserv with Athens/OpenAthens, or other providers with managed cloud based Shibboleth IdP) We provide Documentation Manned helpdesk

4 CoCo & R&S – What they mean to us
Privacy and AIM: a tale of too much success? CoCo & R&S – What they mean to us Attribute Release is a problem for us Some customers have limited effort/ability to make technical changes Some customers are reluctant to release for privacy/data protection reasons How to help with the effort/ability issue? Entity Categories in general How to help with the privacy/data protection worries? Problem is that the risk/benefit of attribute release leads to no release… CoCo gives a perceived risk reduction - SP is aware of their data protection responsibilities R&S gives a perceived benefit increase – collaborative community tool, less risk of abuse

5 Implications for the UK federation’s customers
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation Implications for the UK federation’s customers Customers need to Satisfy themselves that the risk/benefit calculation works for them Make the technical changes necessary

6 Implications for the UK federation
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation Implications for the UK federation The UK federation Needs to encourage adoption by showing their usefulness Provide drop in configuration examples However We’re being very careful not to tell our customers this solves the data protection problem, because it does not. It’s just another input to their decision making.

7 The process - CoCo in the UK fed
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation The process - CoCo in the UK fed The Process SP sends request to our helpdesk to have CoCo EC added The team adds it to their entity Included in next MD signing/publishing run. Currently only 3 SP entities with CoCo EC

8 The process - R&S Support in the UK fed
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation The process - R&S Support in the UK fed The Process IdP sends request to our helpdesk to have R&S Support EC added The team adds it to their entity Included in next MD signing/publishing run. Currently only 3 IdP entities with R&S support EC

9 The process - R&S EC in the UK fed
CoCo and R&S in the UK federation The process - R&S EC in the UK fed The Process SP sends request to our helpdesk to have CoCo EC added Technical team evaluates technical compliance with specification Admin team evaluates whether SP meets “collaborative” requirement The team adds it to their entity Included in next MD signing/publishing run. Currently 0 SP entities with R&S EC

10 Privacy and AIM: a tale of too much success?
Next steps Working with a small set of IdPs (particularly ones involved in LIGO) to encourage adoption of R&S Support EC See how that goes…

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