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Defford-cum- Besford C.E. First School Weekly Bulletin

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1 Defford-cum- Besford C.E. First School Weekly Bulletin
This half-term’s value is: trust Number: Friday 9th December 2016 A great time was had by all at Smart Trees this week! Map reading skills were clearly in evidence as everyone searched in the forest for objects from the 12 days of Christmas. The “sleigh” ride was tremendous fun as the sound of Jingle Bells, sung by the children, rang out across the fields. Walking through the snowy grotto was truly magical and we were fortunate that Father Christmas found time in his busy schedule to meet the children. A huge thank you to the Friends Association who funded the entire visit. It was a wonderful day! We are really looking forward to our Nativity performances next Tuesday. Tickets have now been sent home. There will be opportunities for photographs after each performance. We would request that group photos / video footage are not placed on social media as not all parents have given permission for this to happen. Parking around the church area is limited, so please bear this in mind for the evening performance as it will be very dark. In Celebration Assembly this morning certificates were awarded as follows: Headteacher’s Awards Willow – Edith Williams Birch – Theo Foster Oak – Kian Hughes Mathematician of the week Willow – Chloe Callow Birch – Harry Taylor Oak – Sam Lee Writer of the week Willow – Noah Diston Birch – Charlotte Rawles Oak – Kayla-May Taylor-Anglin Reader of the week Willow – Zeke Pettit Birch – Emi Mandic Oak – Eleanor Riley Kindness award - Isaac Peake It was a fabulous Festive Fayre last Friday organised by the Friends Association. Over £430 was raised – tremendous! Thank you to all who took part. Letters from the office this week: Nativity tickets Final week update

2 Diary dates (New dates in bold) December Mon 12th
Birch Class “Polar Express” pyjama day Tues 13th Open The Book assembly Guitar concert 9.15 a.m. Nativity 1.45 p.m. and 6 p.m. Weds 14th Dec Christmas lunch / party day (sensible party clothes please) Fri 16th Christmas charity jumper day Carols around the tree End of term 3 p.m. January 2017 Tues 3rd School closed - staff training day Weds 4th School re-opens 8.45 a.m. Thurs 5th Assembly in church (Canon Susan) Weds 11th Welcoming Wednesday (parents are invited to join us for collective worship) 8.50 a.m. Sun 15th Closing date for first school / middle school applications Weds 25th Young Voices (Genting Arena) Mon 30th Birch Class Forest School all day February Thurs 2nd Candlemas Christingle service in church 9.30 a.m. Mon 6th Oak Class Forest School all day

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