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Meet the Teacher 14th October 2015.

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1 Meet the Teacher 14th October 2015

2 Welcome A great start to the term!
Children have settled into Fawn Class very well and seem to be enjoying themselves Children are able to access all areas of the curriculum both indoors and outdoors through our free flow environment Children now have excellent relationships with all adults in School, not just their class teacher

3 Speaking to Miss McLellan
Please use our ‘open door’ policy to share any concerns or worries that you have about your child. We are here to help support you and ensure that your child has an enjoyable experience in Reception. You can speak to Miss McLellan before or after school for a brief update. Or alternatively you can arrange an appointment for a more convenient time if you need to speak for longer. If there are any changes at home that may affect your child, please keep us informed! If your child will be collected by a different adult then please send in a short note or telephone/ to the office to let us know  Tel:

4 Topics This half term we have been learning about:
All About ME (My school, My Family and My Friends) People Who help us My body and keeping healthy Special times We will also be learning about: Nursery rhymes Julia Donaldson Christmas Tel

5 Behaviour System We have high expectations of behaviour and use a variety of tools to reward positive behaviour and to discourage inappropriate behaviour Reward System: Stickers Verbal praise ‘Bling Blings’ Star of the week- certificate assembly Tel

6 Behaviour system Sunshine- Everyone starts EVERYDAY on the sunshine
Cloud- if they have had verbal warnings Thunderstorm- Thinking Time ‘Good to be Green’ system Green card- Everyone starts on Green Yellow Warning card- visit Miss Dhillon (for continuing to make the wrong choices whilst on the thunderstorm) Red Consequence card- visit Mrs Colenso (for any major incident or for making the wrong choice whilst on a warning card) N.B Children always return to the sun straight after they have reflected on their behaviour Tel

7 Daily Overview Self register (odd one out etc.) Glad game
Whole class teaching/input sessions Focus Teaching Tasks (adult directed activities) Active learning (free flow) Daily Read, Write, Inc. sessions (phonics) Daily Numbers and Patterns (maths) Storytime Tel:

8 Enhanced Curriculum Monday Morning books
Recorders (usually Wednesdays) Music Languages (French) P.E lessons (practise changing at home and earrings covered up) Personalised learning (Plan, do and review) Thinking Thursdays Philosophy Art Wellie Walks (Fridays) Library Books (Fridays) Show and Tell (Fridays) Tel:

9 Reading Children will choose a library book of their own choice every Friday (please initial the reading record or make a comment to show that you have shared this story together) It is very important for children to hear stories at home on a daily basis Children will start bringing home reading books when they join the ‘Ditties’ RWI group Along with their book, children will bring home a reading record. Please ensure these are brought to school every day Reading books will be changed on different days Books will be from the RWI and the Badger reading schemes Reading at home can be a really special time between child and parent/carer. Every little bit helps! Later on this term we will be holding a workshop for parents and careers about how to help your child learn to read Tel:

10 How we teach reading At school we follow the Read Write Inc. framework
Children will learn both letter names and sounds. Please ensure when helping your child to sound out they do not add an ‘uh’ to the end of each sound When sounding out words, children use their phoneme fingers Children will learn tricky words (called RED words). These cannot be sounded out and need to be learned by sight Children will point to words using their ‘reading finger’. Tel:

11 Home Links and Home Learning
Newsletter Class weekly newsletter Topic Booklets Home Challenge Books Philosophy Bear (Elk) Recorders Library books Read, Write, Inc. Tel

12 Starting in the NEW YEAR!!!!
Swimming classes Start in January 2016 Bring children to Pools on the 8.40am (class starts at 9.00am in the pool) Help your child get changed into swimming costume or trunks (DPS staff available to help) Breakfast club children will be taken across by DPS staff around am Parents are welcome to stay and watch children in the café (but no interaction) Parents are welcome to help change their own child back into their uniform and walk back to school with us After school clubs Tel:

13 Parent Helpers After October half term
DBS checks (speak to Mrs Colenso) Regular commitment if possible Support in and out of class Confidentiality agreement (follow school protocols) Swimming lessons  N.B if you would like to come in as a one-off and read a story to the children or share a different language, you do not need a DBS check (as we will not leave you unattended with the children), please speak to Miss McLellan to arrange a suitable time! Tel:

14 Extra Information Water bottle daily (only water)
School milk (free for under 5’s) Fruit Medical conditions Please NAME everything! Home School Agreement Tel:

15 Dates for your diary To follow:
Read Write Inc. workshop- Thursday 19th November 9.00am Nativity Performance- Friday 11th December 2.30pm To follow: Carol service Christmas party day Thinking Skills workshop Tel:

16 Thank you for your ongoing support and have you any questions?

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