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every one deserves a decent place to live.

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1 every one deserves a decent place to live.
Project site registered on ITC – Mumbai, Karjat We build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.

2 Safe homes for Tribal Community in Karjat
3500 + Families Served 12 School Sanitations Reached to individuals through BCC Facilities availed by more than 1000 children.

3 HOUSING NEEDS Unsafe and inadequate housing is a major problem faced by tribal people of Karjat block. Houses with thatched roofing, week foundations and flooring with mud and cow dung are typical conditions of the houses and they require frequent repairs. Open defecation is vastly prevalent due to lack of awareness on sanitation and hygiene and absence of sanitation facilities.

4 Habitat for Humanity India
A decent home opens the door to improved health, better performance in school, greater economic opportunities and increased community cohesion. Anchored by the conviction that housing provides a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty, Habitat for Humanity India works with low-income, marginalised families to build homes and raise awareness for adequate housing and sanitation. Established in 1983 in Khammam, Andhra Pradesh Habitat India serves over 9,43,448 people across 20 states by building decent homes, sanitation facilities and providing relief during disasters. Our long-term strategic goal for is to empower 25,00,000 individuals and help them achieve their dream of living in a safe and a decent home. Habitat for Humanity India

5 Housing for all Partner with Habitat to ensure housing for all
Habitat for Humanity India’s work is aligned with the Government of India’s mission of ensuring ‘Housing for All by 2022’. To make Housing for All a reality, stakeholders in the public and private sector must come together following the public-private-people’s partnership approach. (The 4-P approach) In Karjat the size of the new house will be approximately 300 sqft to 360sqft with living room, kitchen and an individual household latrine. Construction will be coordinated by the beneficiaries themselves ( owner driven construction process) with supervision and technical support of Habitat India. Beneficiaries will participate in the building process own resources, material and sweat equity ( voluntary labour) Housing for all Partner with Habitat to ensure housing for all

Construction material supply- Bricks, Stones, Mud etc. Construction work- Brick laying, helping mesons, mud trampling Brush of Kindness- Colour mixing, painting with brush Basement earth digging work and preparing stone based basement

7 Cultural activities and community interactions
Having interaction with tribal community about their life style Sharing life with local community Playing with community children Community School based teaching, playing & learning activities

Habitat for Humanity India has been working in Karjat since 2006 and has impacted many lives by building homes, sanitation units and by providing water wheels to the families in need.

9 Education and advocacy goals
Apart from housing, low level of education and high school dropout rates are very common among tribal children. Computer education as well as higher education is generally given low priority. Most of the schools in rural areas and they either do not have computer facilities for learning and training or the existing facilities are insufficient. Or the higher education there are very few collages available. Importance of education, health and hygiene problems are the core issue one need to emphasis on.

10 With your help, Habitat for Humanity is determined to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. THANK YOU!

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