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University of Wisconsin Business Intelligence

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1 University of Wisconsin Business Intelligence
UWBI Project Coordinators August 25, 2017

2 Agenda AGENDA MEETING OBJECTIVES Welcome, Objectives, Agenda
UWBI Coordinators… Review Project Timeline Understand migration to central environment(s) process Learn status of Training/Communication Have a chance to ask questions/share concerns. AGENDA Welcome, Objectives, Agenda Sept. Answers and Dashboards Training Class Full Staffing Updates – Merge Manager, Shared Queries Developer UWBI Configuration Changes Review Updated Project Deployment Timeline Status of Campuses Move to Central Dev. Status of Central Production Environment Review Migration Checklist Project Training/Communication Search Status Proposed interim steps Questions

3 September 6-8 Reports and Dashboards Class
Full at 20 Attendees have received class logistics Any questions?

4 Staffing Updates Merge Manager Shared Queries Developer

5 UWBI Configuration Changes
UWBI Operational Governance Recommends: Change Control Working Group ( (published on the wiki) Mark Treiber Robert Flum Tim Lehman Andy Cunningham Jon Allen Requests for configuration changes should be submitted to the list If the requested change is purely technical (that is, the change will not affect how the application behaves or is formatted), the Working Group may authorize the change and document on the Wiki The Working Group will review configuration changes that may possibly affect the behavior or formatting of UWBI and will document a recommendation for consideration by UWBI Operational Governance. All configuration changes will be maintained on the Wiki.

6 Review Updated Project Deployment Timeline – Discuss August/Sept

7 Review Migration (to production) Checklist

8 Project Training/Communication
Trainer Search Status Search Committee Members Renee Pfeifer-Luckett, Director, Learning Technology Development, UW System Lorie Docken, Assoc. Director, UW System Service Center Jennifer Chapek, Enterprise Information Systems, UW-Stout Stephanie Warner, Data Warehouse Administrator, UW-Milwaukee Robert Flum (Chair), Director, Information Systems & Reporting, UW-Platteville Position Description being developed UW System HR Timeline

9 Training and Communication Plan
Proposed effort to build out both the Training and Communication plans Training Plan Development Communication Plan Development Training Curriculum Training Delivery Timeline by Phase Training Development Standards Style Guide Training Delivery Logistics Template Train the Trainer Plan Training Support Plan Training Repository Plan Audience (Stakeholders) Delivery Methods Sender Communication Templates Timing by Phase Key Messages Frequency 9

10 Training SCOPE Incorporate Feedback from Summer Meeting Develop generic, standard training materials by target audience: written, on-line version, special topics, train the trainer Introduction to OBIEE Short course for authors Consumers Provide training – Instructor Lead Training – for end users Regionally 10

11 Training SCOPE Develop Resource Library of Useful Information
Incorporate Feedback from Summer Meeting Develop Resource Library of Useful Information Training on best practices and new features Self-paced training on OBIEE Maintain central document portal(LMS)? Develop videos of merge process Develop videos for end users Provide 11g to 12c transition training (Platteville) 11

12 Questions?

13 Next Update: to be scheduled
Good-bye! Next Update: to be scheduled Wisline Web

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