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ElectriCities Office Raleigh, NC

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1 ElectriCities Office Raleigh, NC
TAG Meeting November 15, 2007 ElectriCities Office Raleigh, NC

2 TAG Meeting Agenda Update on the Duke and Progress draft Attachment K
Discuss the proposed changes to the NCTPC Process document and the TAG Scope document Update on the preliminary 2007 study results and the upcoming planned activities Open Forum discussion

3 Duke / Progress Draft Attachment K Update
Jeff Trepel Duke Energy

4 Order 890 requires Transmission Providers to file Attachment K on December 7th to meet the nine principles of transmission planning Duke and PEC 5/31/07 - Posted strawman 9/15/07 - Posted draft Attachment K filing 9/17/07 - Reviewed and discussed draft Attachment K filing with TAG 11/13/07- Provided an updated draft Today - Review and discuss updated draft with TAG 12/7/07- Plan to File Attachment K

5 Compliant Duke/Progress DRAFT Attachment K
Order 890 Principles & White Paper Recommendations Coordination Openness Transparency Information Exchange Comparability Dispute Resolution Regional Participation Economic Planning Studies Cost Allocation Duke/Progress DRAFT Attachment K Compliant Today's Focus - This is going to be an update to the Attachment K draft since the September 17th TAG meeting. Not going to repeat all the elements we previously discussed. Going to focus primarily on the major areas of change. Note that Duke and Progress believe that their latest draft Attachment K is fully compliant with the FERC Order 890 Principles and the recommendations clarified in the August FERC White Paper related to the Order. Improving the Attachment K compliance with the addition of the newly proposed Inter- Regional Participation Process. We will also continue to solicit feedback from interested stakeholders on the recently developed Cost Allocation solution documented in the current draft Attachment K.

6 Major Areas of Change TAG
Enhanced Transmission Access Planning Studies Regional Economic Transmission Paths Data to Replicate Planning Studies Other Dispute Resolution Local Planning ETAP - Process for selection, number of studies, fit with SE IRPP

7 TAG Membership (Sec TAG Meetings (Sec
Open to Valid Stakeholders Valid Stakeholders: Eligible Customers; state or federal agencies; entities that can provide ancillary services under the OATT; Transmission Owner, Operator or Planner. Transmission function of NCTPC Participant may not be TAG member, but a merchant function of NCTPC Participant may be a TAG member TAG Meetings (Sec ) Open to TAG members, NCTPC Participants and interested 3rd parties Membership criteria changed from open to all persons interested in coordinated transmission expansion plan to valid stakeholders An entity is eligible to be a member

8 TAG Decision Making (Sec
By consensus If voting needed, each valid stakeholder will have one vote To vote must be participating in meeting- in person on via phone. Single person may represent more than one TAG member Membership criteria changed from open to all persons interested in coordinated transmission expansion plan to valid stakeholders An entity is eligible to be a member

9 TAG Responsibilities (Sec and Sec 5)
Propose and select the ETAPs Provide input on Annual study scope of Reliability and ETAP planning process Study assumptions, criteria and methodology Case development, technical analysis Problem Identification, assessment and development of solutions (including proposal of alternative solutions for evaluation)

10 Enhanced Transmission Access Planning Studies Process (Sec 4.2)
TAG participants propose scenarios Scenarios outside of NCTPC footprint: TAG members to submit to SE IRPP directly PWG determines most effective way to study and provides study list to OSC OSC approves study list TAG members select up to five scenarios from approved study list. Five studies at no cost Studies beyond five will be done, if can be accommodated, at a charge to the requestor Discuss Process for selection, number of studies, fit with SE IRPP Question - <<<what about interested 3rd parties proposing scenarios???>>>

11 Regional Economic Transmission Paths (Sec 4.2.5)
RETP is study scenario that would facilitate regional Point-to-Point economic transactions RETP could support designation of an external Designated Network Resource RETP ensures Point-to-Point can be provided over Duke and/or PEC networks Network customer to ensure delivery from Duke and/or PEC network to the network load Cost allocation is Requestor Pays If project is built, Requestor gets firm Point-to-Point and the amount they pay is used as a credit against their firm Point-to-Point bill

12 RETP Cost Allocation & Open Season Example:
Entergy to PJM 1,000 MW RETP requested for 20 year period. PJM $100 M Entergy $1 B Southern $500 M Duke $400 M Note: Above dollars represent transmission investment needed by each Transmission Provider. RETP would be identified and studied through the Southeast Inter-Regional Participation Process and coordinated with PJM. If Transmission Customers determine that there is sufficient interest to move the RETP from “study” to “Open Season”, then the impacted Transmission Providers would hold a coordinated Open Season for the project (subject to impacted TPs’ adoption of this Open Season concept). If there is sufficient subscriptions on the project, it would move forward. Duke would use the NCTPC RETP cost allocation methodology. Refinements made in this process: DNRs Network customers may seek to use an RETP as the source of firm PTP transmission service to designate a network resource external to the Control Area in which its load is located. If a network customer sought to use the RETP to support a new external DNR subscribed, such subscription would have the effect of that customer queuing a DNR request. Since the RETP would have to be fully subscribed to move forward to development, a Transmission Customer may not make a firm commitment to purchase a designated network resource until after it is clear that the RETP will move forward. The TC will be required to submit a statement that it owns or has committed to purchase a designated network resource to support its queued request within 120 days of its Service Agreement related to an RETP being executed or filed. Network transmission service provided as described above would be subject to OATT pricing. Recognized possibility for Off-Ramps

13 RETP Open Season Process:
established by TPs TCs request RETPs amount RETP fully subscribed? TPs establish queue positions for the requests and perform Facility Study TCs execute Trans. Service Agreement Yes No Notify TCs

14 Data to Replicate Planning Studies (Sec 5.3.8 and Sec. 9.4)
TAG Members may request such data Requests are made to Independent Third Party Requestor must show that they have: Obtained Duke and PEC Form 715 data Signed the SERC and NCTPC Confidentiality Agreement Completed the NCTPC Data Request form

15 Other Areas of Change Dispute Resolution (Sec 6.1.3)
TAG Voting Member has right to seek assistance from NCUC Public Staff to mediate an issue and render non-binding opinion on any disputed decision This is same process as what NCTPC Participants have had in place Emphasize in the presentation that the NCUC Public Staff was asked about whether they would support our new change that allows a TAG Voting Member to "seek assistance from NCUC Public Staff to mediate an issue and render non-binding opinion..." CONFIRMED --- NCUC Public Staff says that they are ok with the added Dispute Resolution provisions

16 Other Areas of Change Local Planning (Sec 12.)
Focuses on lower-voltage facilities and delivery of energy to customer locations Customer meetings are held as needed Local area plans developed by the Transmission Provider are rolled into the planning models used by the Transmission Providers and then into the NCTPC models

17 Next Steps Please provide written comments to ITP by Friday - November 23rd PEC and Duke to file with FERC on December 7, as required

18 Questions ?

19 Discuss Proposed NCTPC Document Changes
Rich Wodyka Gestalt At the September 17th TAG meeting, we discussed several potential NCTPC Process changes that were likely to be required as a result of FERC Order 890. It was agreed that the Participants would provide additional information to the TAG at this time and solicit feedback from the TAG on the proposed NCTPC Process changes. On October 15th, I sent out to the TAG clean and redlined versions of the TAG Scope and the NCTPC Process Document. Requested written comments on any or all the above items by October 24, 2007.

20 NCTPC Process Doc. - Oct. 15, 2007 Expands the transmission planning process to include analysis of through or out transactions Updates the Enhanced Transmission Access Planning Studies Process to match the proposed Attachment K Updates the Figure 1- Process Flowchart for the Enhanced Transmission Access Planning Studies Process Updated version will be forwarded to the TAG after this meeting. No changes in substance - just conforming changes to TAG Scope document and Attachment K.

21 TAG Scope Document - Oct. 15, 2007
Updates TAG responsibilities for more direct involvement in the NCTPC Process Updates the TAG Membership section to clarify who can be a TAG Member Updates the TAG Voting section to clarify the voting process for the ETAP scenarios Establishes a new Data and Information Release Protocol

22 TAG Scope Document - Nov.13, 2007
Expands TAG Membership section to now include Participation requirements for becoming a TAG Voting Member Clarifies that portions of a TAG meeting may be closed and only available to TAG Voting Member representatives that are permitted to access confidential and CEII information Updates the TAG Voting section to match the TAG Voting Member definition Updates the Data and Information Release Protocol for the TAG Voting Member access Invite your comments or questions.

23 Questions ? One more Item - Interest of TAG members to receive study information and results from other Inter-Regional planning-related activities at future TAG meetings.

24 Update 2007 NCTPC Study & Report
At the last TAG meeting in September (September 17, 2007) we provided discussed the Scope of the study. That and all presentations are posted on the TAG site Also, the PWG’s 2007 Study Scope document is posted in the “Reference Document” section of the NCTPC website James Manning NCEMC

25 Update – Major Projects 2007 Collaborative Transmission Plan

26 Update on Major Projects 2007 Collaborative Transmission Plan
Presented preliminary list of major projects identified in 2007 NCTPC Study at the September 17th TAG meeting Present update to list of major projects based on additional analysis and information at this TAG meeting

27 Preliminary (11/15/07) – Major Projects in 2007 Plan
Import Scenarios Preliminary (11/15/07) – Major Projects in 2007 Plan Reliability Project TO Planned I/S Date Marion-Whiteville 230 kV line Progress I/S 6/7/07 Reconductor Lee Sub-Wommack 230 kV South line June ’08 Durham 500 kV sub Durham-Falls 230 kV line June ‘08 Rockingham-West End 230 kV line June ’09 Clinton-Lee 230 kV line June ’10 Richmond 500 kV sub, reactor December ’09 Progress now indicates that they will be able to accelerate the reactor at Richmond 500 kV sub to meet a Dec ’09 in-service date.

28 Preliminary (11/15/07) – Major Projects in 2007 Plan (Continued)
Import Scenarios Preliminary (11/15/07) – Major Projects in 2007 Plan (Continued) Reliability Project TO Planned I/S Date Asheville-Enka 230 kV line, Convert 115 kV line; and Asheville-Enka 115 kV, Build new line Progress December ’10 December ’14 December ’12 Greenville-Kinston Dupont 230 kV line June ’11 Henderson-Kerr Dam 115 kV line Rockingham-West End 230 kV East line Harris-RTP 230 kV line Pleasant Garden-Asheboro 230 kV line, replace Asheboro 230 kV xfmrs & Duke Also, Progress reports now an earlier in-service date for Building a new 115 kV line from Asheville to Enka stations in the Progress-West area

29 Import Scenarios Preliminary (11/15/07) – Major Projects in 2007 Plan (Continued) Reliability Project TO Planned I/S Date Rockingham-Lilesville 230 kV line Progress June ’11 Add 3rd Wake 500/230 kV xfmr June ’13 Cape Fear-West End 230 kV West line, Install reactor June ’16 Replace Antioch 500/230 KV xfmrs Duke Dooley Tie Location of fictitious generation drove need for upgrade, not system need Reconductor Fisher 230 kV lines Reconductor Steelberry 230 kV lines (cost estimate < $10M) Three projects from confirmed PEC 400 MW TSR Need for Dooley tie was due to future Duke generator assumptions (2nd unit at Cliffside which now is NOT going to happen) to relieve 500/230 kV transformer loading at McGuire. Nov that the Cliffside #2 is out of the plan, then so is the need to Dooley tie. Steelberry cost estimates have been more refined so that it is below $10M so it will be dropped out of the Collaborative Plan going forward.

30 Update – Resource Supply Option Results

31 2016 Hypothetical Import Scenarios (RSOs)
Resource From Sink Test Level (MW) Duke Progress East 600 1,200 PJM 200 SCPSA 400 SCEG 100 SOCO TVA This is the same list shown from last time, listing the Hypothetical Import Scenarios provided by the LSE for possible studies including MW level to be studied in the 2007 study. Some of these were looked at in 2006 Note: These are Hypothetical Imports of MW levels were tested independently not in combination(s) with others.

32 2016 Hypothetical Generation Scenarios (RSOs)
Import Scenarios 2016 Hypothetical Generation Scenarios (RSOs) Resource in (County) Sink Test Level (MW) Scotland Progress East 450 Cumberland Wilson Johnston Robeson 600 Guilford Duke 150 Davidson Union Gaston Rockingham 800 Here’s the Hypothetical Generation scenarios again provided by LSE to be studied as a MW bus injection inserted at a 230 kV or 100 kV station within the listed county. Performed thermal analysis only. For Duke, Rockingham is interconnected at the 230 kV. The other hypothetical generation scenarios in Duke are interconnected at 100 kV. No guarantee of generation deliverability from these sites. You would still need to follow the OASIS Generation Interconnection process. These are Hypothetical Generators were tested independently not in combination(s) with others.

33 Resource Supply Option Results Progress East
Hypothetical Imports Duke, PJM, SCPSA or SCE&G No new projects were identified within Progress East Control Area to support import resource supply option scenarios studied. Preliminary results reported last time were confirmed that NO new projects beyond those in the 2007 Collaborative Plan are needed to support the Hypothetical Imports of MW levels tested & shown into the Progress East area.

34 Resource Supply Option Results Progress East
Hypothetical Generation Wilson, Cumberland and Johnston County scenarios No new projects needed Scotland scenario Problem: Thermal loading on Raeford-Wagram 115 kV line Solution: Install series reactor at Weatherspoon on Wagram 115 kV terminal Wilson, Johnston, and now Cumberland (450 MW each) also No issues reported just as indicated last time Scotland (450 MW) Selected solution to address issue listed Cost estimates with lead times to be provided next time

35 Resource Supply Option Results Progress East (continued)
Hypothetical Generation Robeson scenario Problem: Thermal loading on Fayetteville-Fayetteville East 230 kV line & Weatherspoon Plant-Fayetteville DuPont 115 kV line Solution: Construct Weatherspoon-Cumberland 230 kV line and Cumberland-Fayetteville East 230 kV line Problem: Thermal loading on Weatherspoon-Raeford 115 kV line Solution: Install series reactors on Weatherspoon Plant-Fayetteville DuPont 115 kV line & on Weatherspoon-Raeford 115 kV line Like Scotland, issues were found at Robeson (600 MW) Selected Solution(s) to address issues are listed Cost estimates with lead times to be provided next time

36 Resource Supply Option Results Duke
No new projects were identified within the Duke area to support the resource supply option scenarios (hypothetical imports and generation) studied. In the Duke area, preliminary results reported last time were confirmed that NO new projects beyond those in the 2007 Collaborative Plan are needed to support either the Hypothetical Imports or Generation scenarios

37 Generator Interconnection Request Progress
New Richmond CC Generation Confirmed Richmond CC – 2011 Summer Construct new Richmond-Ft. Bragg Woodruff Street 230 kV line Not part of 2007 NCTPC Study Will be part of the 2008 NCTPC Study Recent Progress Announcement for adding generation at Richmond New development in Sept Not a part of the 2007 study Its impacts will be analyzed in the 2008 study We told you last time that this is A CONTINUOUS PROCESS and the NCTPC will be affected by activity within the respective queues of Progress and Duke

38 NCTPC Schedule Nov 15, ‘07 TAG Meeting - Update TAG on status of 2007 Study Dec 13, ‘07 TAG Meeting - Present 2007 Plan & summary of draft report Dec 17, ‘07 Distribute 2007 Plan & draft report to TAG for comment Dec 31, ‘07 Comments due from TAG on 2007 Plan & draft report Jan 16, ‘08 Distribute final 2007 Plan & report to TAG Here is where we are today As we stated before, our goal have been to have a DRAFT report to the TAG for comments in December and we plan to do that by about 1 week or so prior to the Dec 13th TAG meeting Beyond that, we’ll look forward to your comments and issue a FINAL report in January

39 2007 Supplemental Study & Report
NCTPC will perform a study of the Progress West Control Area Target date for the completing the study and report is the end of the 1st quarter of 2008 We reported earlier that we didn’t need a West Area study for Progress… Recent activity on both Progress’ and Duke’s OASIS queue has triggered the need for a Supplemental Report evaluated the 2011/12 Winter period for Progress’ West Control Area Target to complete study and report out by end of 1st QTR ’08.

40 Questions ?

41 TAG Open Forum Discussion
Comments or Questions ?

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