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Maywood Middle School Common Core 6

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1 Maywood Middle School Common Core 6
Ron Ciraulo Ben Coyne Lexi Grow Nikki McGrath

2 Ratios and Proportional Reasoning The Number System
Content Emphasis Ratios and Proportional Reasoning The Number System Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability

3 Comparing Bits and Pieces Let’s Be Rational Covering and Surrounding
Units of Study Prime Time Comparing Bits and Pieces Let’s Be Rational Covering and Surrounding Decimal Ops Variables and Patterns Data About Us

4 Our Mathematics Classrooms
Common Core & Smarter Balanced Aligned Collaborative Group Work Independent Work Technology Integration Frequent Assessments Projects Differentiation

5 CMP3 Textbook for Home Math XL for School After School Help
Resources CMP3 Textbook for Home Math XL for School After School Help Math180 Elective Skyward Family Access Connect Sites Video Tutorials

6 Math Support at Maywood
Math Lab After school on Thursdays 2:10-3:10pm Supervised by a Certified Math Teacher Algebra & Geometry Student Tutors MATH 180°Support Class Replaces an elective course Must meet qualifications

7 Issaquah School District
Options for Middle School Math Welcome! Our goal today is to give you an overview of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and our new middle school math options that will begin next year.

8 Common Core Math Standards
Math Content Math Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Washington State is one of 45 states who have adopted the new Common Core State Standards in Mathematics to replace our prior WA state standards. The Common Core content standards for math delineate what students need to know and be able to do in math at each grade level, from kindergarten through high school. This slide shows the “domains” in middle school math which represent the major work of each grade and the Standards for Mathematical Practice which are habits of mind we want students to develop as mathematicians. The new standards are more focused, coherent, and rigorous than prior state standards. Rigor in the Common Core refers to a balance of procedural skill and fluency, conceptual understanding, and application to real-world problem solving. Focus  Coherence  Rigor

9 Pacing Through Middle School Math
Over the past year, district administrators, building principals, department heads, and math teachers have worked together to develop a new sequence of Common Core-aligned middle school math courses. Issaquah School District is happy to announce the following new middle school math courses, which will be implemented in Our new middle school math courses are based on recommendations in Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). The authors of the Common Core recommend that acceleration in math should be accomplished by compacting content rather than by skipping content. Most students will begin middle school in CC 6 and make a decision at the end of 6th grade about which pacing best suits them. As shown here in red, at the end of 6th grade, Issaquah School District middle school students may choose between Common Core Grade Level Pacing and Compacted Pacing. COMMON CORE GRADE LEVEL PACING: CC 6, CC 7, and CC 8 are grade-level courses aligned with the CCSS-M. The CCSS-M are more focused, coherent, and rigorous than our current state standards. CC 6, CC 7, and CC 8 will build a stronger foundation for students in middle school. COMPACTED PACING: CC 7/8 and CC 8/Algebra 1 are for students who choose faster pacing. Three years of math standards (CC 7, CC 8, and CC Algebra 1) are compacted into two years of instruction. This is accomplished by dividing the 8th grade standards between the two courses. CC 7/8 consists of all of CC 7 plus a portion of the 8th grade standards. CC 8/Algebra 1 contains the remaining 8th grade standards plus the full content of CC Algebra 1. Some students may be prepared to skip 6th grade math and begin middle school in CC 7/8. I’ll explain more about this option in a moment.

10 New Middle School Common Core Math Courses
This chart shows how the course sequence extends through high school. (EXPLAIN CHART.) WHAT’S THE SAME? Families can still self-select the most appropriate math pacing for their child. All students will have the opportunity to study linear functions in middle school. Much of the content central to typical Algebra 1 courses—namely linear equations, inequalities, and functions—is found in CC 8. NOTE: Three years of math in high school (in grades 9-12) are required for graduation. Smarter Balanced Assessments will be given in grades 6, 7, 8, and 11. Meeting standard on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced test will be a graduation requirement.

11 Math Placement Selection Form
In your registration materials, you will receive a letter with all of the details we’re explaining tonight. There is also a Math Placement Selection Form which must be completed and returned to your child’s fifth grade teacher by April 1st. Most students will select CC 6 as they begin middle school. The next decision will be at the end of 6th grade, when you’ll choose which pacing best suits your child. At that point you’ll have the benefit of a year of middle school math under your belt and your child’s middle school math teacher can provide some input as well. Some students can demonstrate sufficient mastery of CC 6 skills and concepts to skip this course and begin middle school in CC 7/8. Let’s talk a bit about that option. Complete and return by APRIL 1st , 2016

12 Is my child ready for CC 7/8?
The only decision to be made in the spring of 5th grade is considering whether your child can demonstrate sufficient mastery of new 6th grade Common Core math to indicate readiness to skip CC 6 and begin middle school in CC 7/8. Selecting this option means that your child will both SKIP 6th grade math and choose COMPACTED PACING through middle school.

13 Is my child ready for CC 7/8?
CC7/8 Readiness Criteria Recommended Score My child’s score Common Core 6 Math Mastery Assessment 80% or higher Score: ________ 4th Grade SBA in Math (check your child’s score on Family Access) 2632 Mathematical Practices: My child consistently demonstrates the Standards for Mathematical Practice by: achieving deep conceptual understanding, demonstrating critical thinking skills, making connections, persevering in problem-solving, applying learning to solve real world problems, justifying reasoning, and clearly communicating math thinking. Initial here: ________ Complete and return by APRIL 1st, 2016

14 Is my child ready for CC 7/8?
_____ We have looked at our student’s scores and other Readiness Criteria and believe our student is capable of being successful in CC7/8. _____ We understand that our student will be skipping a full year of Common Core math instruction. _____ We understand that by skipping CC6 we are selecting Compacted Pacing. We have discussed the increased rigor and vigorous pacing of the Compacted Pacing and believe our student is ready for the additional challenge. _____ We understand that by beginning middle school in CC7/8, our student will be in compacted pacing for the duration of middle school. _____ We understand that by skipping CC6, we are anticipating that our student will take a Calculus-level course as the third year of high school math required for graduation. Complete and return by APRIL 1st, 2016

15 Special Consideration
If your student is considering enrolling in Science Path 2: Please note that it is recommended that students enrolled in Chemistry should have successfully completed Algebra 1 prior to taking Chemistry. It is important to consider the best sequential math plan.

16 Questions? ISD website Jason Morse, Principal
Crystal Weik, Math Department Chair Kathryn Coffin, Secondary Math Specialist Dawn Wallace, Director of Instructional Support

17 Thank You!

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