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Sachem RTTT Common Core Update
Board of Education Meeting: September 10,2013 Marie O’Doherty & Danielle Moran Good Evening Members of the Board, parents and community members. I am Danielle Moran and this is Marie O’Doherty. We are here tonight as Sachem’s RTTT team to give you a brief update on the Common Core and how Sachem is a meeting the expectations of the Common Core.
A Recap of School Year 2011-2012 Sachem Network Team
Each of 18 Sachem buildings represented by Building Inquiry Team Sachem Network Team attended NYSED training and provided turn-key training Each Sachem teacher developed and implemented two (2) Common Core-aligned lessons Rather than using BOCES services, Sachem chose to implement the Common Core through an in-house RTTT Network Team. With our administration team, Building Inquiry teams were created in each of the 18 buildings comprised of building administrators, lead teachers and support staff As Sachem’s in-house RTTT team we have attended several trainings throughout the past 2 years in Albany. Upon our return, we conducted PD workshops with teachers and administrators regarding information and support on the common core. We scaffolded the process for teachers and administrators to understand the shifts in curriculum and instruction in implementing the new standards through two phases of change - Phase I (first ½ of year) and Phase II (second ½ of year)
A Recap of School Year Teachers and administrators work towards full Common Core alignment Teacher Ambassadors attend training and provide feedback Teachers pilot new curriculum prior to full adoption Year 2 of our transition to the CC… Teachers and administrators continued to work towards full Common Core alignment. We provided support and training on key instructional strategies and information such as the close reading of text, the importance of choosing rigorous text, asking high-level questions that require students to make an inference and support it with textual evidence, to gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and embed the mathematical practices into their lessons. Teachers and Administrators have joined us in Albany for the Network Team Institute Training. These teachers have been extremely valuable, as they have helped to take in information, share their knowledge and provide feedback on the information through the lens of a Sachem teacher. We also had teachers pilot new Common Core aligned curriculum released by NYS. These teachers provided valuable feedback to Sachem as curriculum decisions were made regarding implementation. Sachem curriculum is continually being assessed and refined for Common Core alignment
Common Core State Standards are required in NYS.
Common Core aligned curriculum provided by NYS is optional. Sachem Race to the Top team works with administrators and teacher ambassadors to evaluate curriculum, instruction and assessments. We make recommendations to… Adopt? Adapt? Refine? In 2010, NYS joined 46 other states in adopting the CC state standards. Thus, the CC standards themselves, which span Pre K to Grade 12, are not optional. The state assessments themselves are closely aligned to the new standards and their shifts. These new learning standards are in place for the subjects of ELA and Math, as well as specific standards for Science & Technical Subjects, History/Social Studies. New York State has been at the forefront of curriculum development since the CC was adopted. While they provide curriculum and training around ELA and Math for grades K-12, it is not mandatory. Districts are encouraged to make decisions based on their current curriculum and decide whether to adopt, adapt or abandon what is being shared. While some districts use the services of BOCES, Sachem allowed for an in-house team to receive training in Albany and provide feedback and recommendations using input from the Ambassadors as well.
Sachem Elementary Network Team Institute (Albany) Ambassadors
Teachers Administrators Kristin Duffy (Gr. 3 -Lynwood) Lenore Lounsbury (Gr. 4 -Wenonah) Michael Pisano (Gr. 4-Gatelot) Kevin Tougher (Gr. 3-Cayuga) Denise Kleinman (Gatelot) Michael Saidens (Tamarac) Matthew Wells (Cayuga) NYSED had given Network teams the opportunity to widen the circle of knowledge and communication by involving administrator and teacher ambassadors to join us at the trainings provided by the state in Albany. Again, these individuals are invaluable to the district in making good decisions for our teachers and students. We want to thank them for their dedication to their profession and spending precious time away from their buildings, classrooms and families to serve as our Sachem ambassadors. . Thank You!
Sachem Secondary Network Team Institute (Albany) Ambassadors
Teachers Administrators ELA Maribeth Olsen (Samoset) Jill Rattinger (Samoset) Donna Ciminelli (East) Victoria Cangelosi (North) Mary Faller (North) Math Bill Miller (North) Joanne Albino (East) Jennifer Genova (East) Melissa Aronow (Seneca) Lisa Johnson (North) Patricia Trombetta (Sagamore) Thomas Desmond (Samoset) Thank You!
NTI (Albany) Trainings
February 2013 ELA Gr. 3-5 (Marie & Danielle) Math Gr. K-5 (Kevin & Mike P.) ELA Gr. 6-12 (Jill & Maribeth) Math Gr. 6-12 (Bill, Joanne, Donna) May 2013 (Marie & Mike P.) (Danielle & Kevin) (Marie, Mary, Victoria) (Danielle, Bill, Jennifer) July 2013 ELA Gr. K-2 and Math K-5 (Mike S., Denise, Matt, Kevin) ELA Gr. 3-8 ELA Gr. 9-12 (Tom) (Missy, Patti, Lisa)
Work Towards Common Core Alignment ELEMENTARY Administrators & Staff (Jan. 2013 to Present)
Elementary Principal Training on K-2 ELA Pilot Project and 3-5 Pilot ELA Project Debrief w/RTTT regarding ES BOCES State Assessment Workshop Sachem in-house Debrief Meeting Re: NYS Assessments Gr. 3-5 EL Module Training for Principals Development of Common Core Aligned Goals for and next steps Teachers Common Core and NYS Assessment Training Grade K-5 Peter Garrity – Common Core Math Focused Workshop K-2 and 3-5 Preparing for the Assessments ELA Pilot Projects Curriculum reviews (new Science & Social Studies standards) Communications with UPK Program
Work Towards Common Core Alignment SECONDARY Administrators & Staff (Jan. 2013 to Present)
East/North Feeder Pattern Common Core Meetings Review and Discussions around Common Core Aligned Lessons Debrief Meetings with Administrators on Common Core Regents changes in ELA/Math/Science Development of Sachem Common Core Aligned Unit Plans Development of Common Core Aligned Goals for and next steps Teachers East/North Feeder Pattern Common Core Meetings Building Inquiry Team Training on Supporting Common Core Alignment Shifts Department Chairperson meetings with English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, PE, Family & Consumer Science, Business, Technology Through the BIT, Department Meetings, and Staff Development, we have worked with the secondary administrators, teachers and chairs to assure the curriculum and instruction our students receive is aligned to the Common Core standards and addresses the shifts outlined by the standards. Some of the work that was done includes: providing more support to the staff in regard to a thorough understanding of the depth and coherence presented in the standards. BIT meetings that included discussions around the CC by feeder pattern which facilitated vertical conversations around the progress of our work and ideas moving forward. Administrators reviewed and discussed CC aligned lessons with peers to gain a deeper understanding of what a CC lesson includes and how to better support their teachers in their alignment to CC. Debrief meetings after one of our NTI trainings to discuss forthcoming changes to the English and Math regents. Secondary departments began creating CC aligned units. Administrators and teachers as members or their Building Inquiry Teams developed goals for the school year.
Parent Information and Support
Buildings held informational meetings regarding the Common Core and new Assessments throughout the SY “Pearson Math Nights” were held in each of the middle schools for K-6 parents and students Sachem RTTT website provides parent-friendly information
Plans for the 2013-2014 School Year
Continue to attend NTI Trainings Adapt or Adopt? Support Grade 3-5 ELA with module 1 Support Grades K-2 Listening & Learning ELA Domain 1 Evaluate K-5 Math modules Train and support teachers to pilot Gr ELA Module 1 and Math modules Train and support administrators working towards Common Core alignment Institute protocols to use data more effectively to improve instruction As we begin this school year, we will continue to pursue a deeper understanding of the Common Core and implement ways to effectively prepare our students for the demands of college and career. We will continue to attend NTI trainings to be better equipped to assist Sachem in making the best curriculum decisions for our students and teachers. We will support the teachers that will be implementing and piloting new ELA and Math modules by providing training and resources. We will also train and support the administrators of our district so that they may continue to support their teachers in common core alignment. Finally, we will work with the Sachem team to institute protocols to use data more effectively to improve instruction.
Thank you for your support.
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