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Galloping into the Unknown: Utilizing Design Thinking to Reimagine Instruction, Collaboration, and Innovation #loex17gallop Stefanie Metko, Lisa Becksford,

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Presentation on theme: "Galloping into the Unknown: Utilizing Design Thinking to Reimagine Instruction, Collaboration, and Innovation #loex17gallop Stefanie Metko, Lisa Becksford,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Galloping into the Unknown: Utilizing Design Thinking to Reimagine Instruction, Collaboration, and Innovation #loex17gallop Stefanie Metko, Lisa Becksford, and Patrick Tomlin University Libraries, Virginia Tech

2 After this session you will:
Know what design thinking is and how it applies to library instruction Understand how design thinking cultivates a culture that embraces collaboration, innovation and new mindsets within academic libraries Reflect on how case study examples can be adapted and applied within your institution

3 What is design thinking?
Originated at Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (; “Human-centered approach to innovation” (IDEO, 2016)

4 Why design thinking at Virginia Tech?
An effective mindset for harnessing change: organizational (reorganization) and campus-wide (new administration & new strategic directions) Encourages experimentation and iteration Keeps users front and center Creates a common vocabulary and shared framework for innovation - builds team

5 LIbrary Instruction as a Mixtape
Case Study 1: #loex17gallop LIbrary Instruction as a Mixtape

6 Library Instruction as a mixtape

7 UNDERSTANDING your instruction team

8 EXPERIMENT and IDEATE mixtapes



11 Case Study 2 #loex17gallop Project Spaces

12 Student project spaces
Design Thinking applied to technology and research spaces User-centered service model design Guided by environmental scan Early focus on problem-solving Can we “fail early to succeed sooner?”

13 3D Design Studio Experiential learning focus Low barrier to entry--no previous experience needed Free to use Community building

14 Empathy maps for insight into user needs and devising workflows.


16 Pixar Google


18 A prototype space designed for prototyping.

19 Inspired by start-up incubators, d. school
A space where interdisciplinary “creative collisions” can occur Studio manager facilitates connections across campus and between groups Co-curricular workshops, speakers, and showcases

20 Case Study 3 #loex17gallop Faculty Design Spaces

21 Learning Design Studio
Learning Design Studio: a collaborative, faculty-centered space to create learning objects Technology - software, cameras, recording booth


23 Empathize/Define: Needs assessment revealed need to create content for online learning (broadly defined) and space to create that content Ideate: Design new service model within larger online learning program development Prototype: Trying new approaches in the space Test: Sometimes failing; continuous improvement Initial discomfort with prototyping and risk of failure Required a new mindset towards developing spaces as well as developing teams

24 Bringing it all together
Failures can lead to success Examples highlight the value in embracing a design thinking mindset (productive failures + perseverance = success) Future plans Mindset shift is one of the most important legacies of the use of design thinking in our division

25 Reflection How do you think you could use design thinking for instruction, collaboration or innovation at your library?

26 Questions? #loex17gallop

27 References Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (2017). Put design thinking to work. Retrieved from chart-a-new-course-put-design-thinking-to-work Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (2017). Our point of view. Retrieved from IDEO (2013). Design thinking for educators. Retrieved from IDEO (2015). Design thinking for libraries: A toolkit for patron-centered design. Retrieved from IDEO (2016) Design thinking - IDEO U. Retrieved from pages/design-thinking

28 Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

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