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Summer school ‘Exploring entrepreneurship’ in Moscow

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1 Summer school ‘Exploring entrepreneurship’ 2017 - in Moscow
Prof. Dr. Alexander Chepurenko, National research university Higher School of Economics

2 Problem Entrepreneurship – a growing cross-disciplinary field of research, However, only a few graduate programs focusing on education of the new cohort of entrepreneurship researchers “…the majority of scholars who are currently active in the entrepreneurship field have a variety of disciplinary backgrounds… Development of the entrepreneurship field as a scholarly domain has reached the stage that further expansion of doctoral programs in entrepreneurship is both possible and desirable” to “prepare those scholars for successful academic careers” (Brush et al., 2003, p. 310)

3 Specific need for graduate entrepreneurship programs in Europe
Europe is a diverse set of cultures and economies Entrepreneurship develops differently under these heterogeneous conditions Policy goals are rather positive towards development of entrepreneurship, whilst instruments and policy design very diverse Hence, a practical need and opportunity to study entrepreneurship in cross–cultural context

4 Why a summer school? Because the case of the Summer school ‘Exploring entrepreneurship’ (2011-…) seems to be a good example of establishing a network supporting 2 tasks which are important conditions for a graduate program: To increase students’ motivation and deepen their knowledge in entrepreneurship theory and relevant research methods To shape a platform to share the learning materials and approaches among interested universities

5 Story and interim results
Started as a bilateral project in 2011, now a network of 4 universities from 3 European countries More than 120 participants from ca. 20 different nations (BA – 39,5 %, MA+MSc – 44,2 %, EMBA – 14 %, other – 2,7%) Informal network and mutual support of alumni (Facebook etc.)

6 Evidence: the concept and organizational design of the summer school
its learning outcomes (specific area related, general social-cultural skills as well as general academic skills) implications

7 (1) Lectures and master-classes to provide an intro
To widen the view on the field of entrepreneurship research, its specific problem fields and methods

8 (2) Visits to different institutions of entrepreneurship support and meetings with entrepreneurs
To meet real entrepreneurs and people engaged in different forms of SME policy and support

9 (3) Task forces work in small scale groups to prepare final presentations
Small mixed groups consisting of students of different background and level of education and from different universities are obliged to prepare a group presentation during the time they spend on the Summer school. Reading lists are provided earlier, tutoring – during the Summer school itself

10 To be defended on the final day
Each group is subject to deliver a minutes long presentation on a provocative topic, to answer questions and to comment critics from students and jury

11 Outputs for students are:
Incremental knowledge in Entrepreneurship theory and methods: for example on - effectuation and causation role in start-up decision making - GEM and it’s implications in cross-country quantitative data analysis - Entrepreneurship and crisis - Entrepreneurial universities - SME and entrepreneurship policy - Productive, unproductive and destructive entrepreneurship - Social entrepreneurship - informal entrepreneurial activity As well as cross-cultural teamwork competences and presentation skills and…

12 Certificates and awards

13 Cultural experience Visits of many places of interest in different locations throughout Europe

14 Widening of social capital
Establish new friendships, get acquainted with other universities to decide on future education place

15 Summer school 2017 at the HSE
Classes in the very center of Moscow city! Accommodation in convenient and cheap HSE dorms Lectures, master-classes and tutoring of a joint international team of renown specialists in entrepreneurship research from UK, Netherlands and Russia Visits to ‘Skolkovo’ inno-polis and other institutions supporting and promoting entrepreneurship Possibility to combine with the participation at the HSE summer university (1 to 2 weeks long modules in English, starting at the end of June and finishing in the mid of August) Cultural experience in the Metropolis in the East of Europe

16 Thank you for attention!
Join us in August in Moscow, at the HSE !

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