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Published byLydia May Modified over 7 years ago
Kaons Physics at CERN: an overview of NA48 and NA62 results
Giuseppina Anzivino University of Perugia and INFN on behalf of the NA62 and NA48/2 Collaborations The 7th International Symposium on Science Antananarivo, Madagascar, September 17-22, 2015
Outline Introduction: why Kaons?
Kaon Physics at CERN NA48/n & NA62: brief history Tests of SM and search for New Physics Measurement of RK Recent result The K± → p±p0g* → p±p0e+e- decay Summary and Outlook Giuseppina Anzivino
«minimal flavour laboratory»
Introduction KAON the lightest kind of flavoured matter studied since 60’s to test fundamental properties of nature Discovered in cosmic rays The birth of flavour physics puzzle The first failure of a discrete symmetry The matter-antimatter asymmetry K0 → p+ p- Kaons exhibit a very rich (actually qualitatively the richest among mesons) phenomenology «minimal flavour laboratory» Giuseppina Anzivino
The K mesons Three description (bases) for K0 states I3=+½ I3=-½
They are produced by strong interaction They decay by weak interaction in non-strange particles and/or leptons with lifetimes ~ s Strangeness eigenstates Three description (bases) for K0 states CP eigenstates mass eigenstates in vacuum “…. there is scarcely a physical system which contains so many of the elements of modern physics” (V. Fitch, 1980)
ε A short reminder TRV K0↔ K0 What we have learned from kaons?
CP Violation in the neutral K system e Direct CP Violation in K0→ 2p e’/e T Violation CPT invariance → NO CPT Violation (mixing & decay) CP violation in Charged Kaons no CP at the level of 10-4 CP search in Kaon radiative decays Search for LFV a lot more…… TRV K0↔ K0 CPLEAR Is there still something to be learned by using kaons? Giuseppina Anzivino
precision frontier complementary to LHC energy frontier
High energy scales Flavour sector probing extremely high energy scales: precision frontier complementary to LHC energy frontier Study processes suppressed in SM, sensitive to New Physics RARE DECAYS Four main reasons study explicit Violations of SM, such as LFV probe the flavour sector by means of FCNC test of fundamental symmetries such as CP and CPT study of strong interaction at low energy in exclusive processes Giuseppina Anzivino
NA48/n history NA48 NA48/1 NA48/2 NA62-I NA62 1997 1998
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 : 2005 2007 2008 2014 2018 NA48 Main goal: Search for direct CPV Measurement of e’/e Beams: KL + KS NA48/1 Main goal: Rare KS decays and hyperon decays, CPV tests Beams: KS NA48/2 Main goal: Search for direct CPV Charge asymmetry measurement Beams: K+ + K- NA62-I RK measurement NA62 Main goal: Measurement of the decay K+ -> p+nn Beam: K+ Giuseppina Anzivino
CERN NA62 Giuseppina Anzivino
Theoretical predictions (SM)
Measurement of e’/e Double Ratio Technique, final NA48 result Re(e'/e) = (14.7 ± 2.2) x 10-4 Phys. Lett. B544 (2002) 97 Theoretical predictions (SM) Expect 20% result in 3 years from now (*) (*) choose your own favourite “now” Measurement compatible with SM Large hadronic uncertainty in the calculations Improvement expected with lattice QCD Consistent with SM? No! Yes! Maybe… PDG World Average: (16.6 ± 2.3)x10-4 Giuseppina Anzivino
CP violation in K± 3 decays
Primary NA48/2 goal: Measure slope asymmetries in “charged” and “neutral” modes with high accuracy (few 10-4) |M(u,v)|2 ~ 1 + gu + hu2 + kv2 Measure Dg to extract the asymmetry Ag Eur.Phys.J, C52 (2007) 875 Charged mode (3.11 x 109 selected K±→ p± p+ p-) Ag = (-1.5 ± 1.5stat ± 0.9trig ± 1.1syst) x 10-4 = (-1.5 ± 2.1) x 10-4 Neutral mode (9.13 x 107 selected K± → p± p0 p0) Ag = (1.8 ± 1.7stat ± 0.9syst) x 10-4 = (1.8 ± 1.8) x 10-4 No evidence for direct CP violation at the order of 10-4 Giuseppina Anzivino
From NA48/2……….. K±+-e± n [EPJC 70 (2010) , PLB 715 (2012) , EPJC 54 (2008) ] determination of the s-wave pp scattering lengths BR and form factors measurement K±±0 [EPJC 64 (2009) 589] 00 invariant mass shows a cusp-like structure in the region M00 = 2 m K±±0g [EPJC 68 (2010) 75-87] the first measurement of the DE and INT terms access to chiral parameters K±±gg [PLB 730 (2014) (NA48/2); PLB 732 (2014) (NA62)] BR measurement and access to chiral parameters K±±ge+e [PLB 659 (2008) ] first BR measurement and first determination of some chiral parameters K±±e+e-, K±±m+m [PLB 677 (2009) , PLB 697 (2011) ] access to some chiral parameters K±00e± n [JHEP 1408 (2014) 159] determination of the s-wave scattering length K±±0e+e- NEVER OBSERVED Giuseppina Anzivino
Test of m-e universality
………..towards NA62 Test of m-e universality Measurement of RK Giuseppina Anzivino
RK - Detector and data taking
Kaon momentum 74 ± 1 GeV/c Momentum kick 265 MeV/c Data set: NA62-RK: four months in Main detector components: Magnetic spectrometer (4 DCHs): 4 views: redundancy efficiency σ(p)/p 1.0% % p [GeV/c] Hodoscope: fast trigger and precise time measurement (150ps) Liquid Krypton e.m. calorimeter: High granularity, quasi−homogeneous σ(E)/E = 3.2%/√E + 9%/E % [GeV] Hadron calorimeter, photon vetos, muon veto counters Same detector used by NA48 Giuseppina Anzivino
Giuseppina Anzivino
RK in the SM measure the ratio
Leptonic decays of light pseudoscalar mesons not directly usable due to hadronic uncertainties measure the ratio hadronic uncertainties cancel RK very well predicted within the SM, well below 10-3 Ke2 strongly helicity suppressed (V-A coupling) enhanced sensitivity to non-SM effects [V. Cirigliano and I. Rosell, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2007) ] helicity suppression ~10-5 radiative corrections radiative corrections RQED (few %) due to the IB part of the radiative decay are included in RK definition and well computed in the SM Giuseppina Anzivino
RK beyond the SM In several SM extensions, the presence of LFV terms introduces extra contribution to the SM amplitude, enhancing the decay rate 2HDM – tree level K± l±n can proceed via charged Higgs, H±, exchange does not affect RK 2HDM – one-loop level Dominant contribution to RK: H± mediated LFV (rather than LFC) with emission of nt RK enhancement can be experimentally accessible [Fonseca, Romao and Teixeira, EPJC (2012) 2228] [Masiero, Paradisi, Petronzio, PRD 74, 2006] [Lacker and Menzel, JHEP (2010) 006] [Abada et al., JHEP 1302 (2013) 048] Giuseppina Anzivino
RK - Measurement Strategy
Ke2 e Kμ2 candidates collected simoultaneously measurement independent of Kaon flux many systematic effects cancel in the ratio, at first order MC simulation used only to limited extent acceptance correction (geometry) correction for background from energetic bremsstrahlung by muons Counting events in track momentum bins N(Kl2) = number of selected kl2 candidates NBG(Kl2) = number of background events D = downscaling factor (m) A(Kl2) = geometric acceptance (MC) e(Kl2) = trigger efficiency f l = lepton ID efficiency fLKr = global LKr read-out efficiency Giuseppina Anzivino
Ke2 and Km2 selection Ke2 and Kμ2 collected simoultaneously
1 track in the spectrometer common geometrical acceptance decay vertex well reconstructed track momentum 13 < p < 65 GeV/c Ke2 and Kμ2 separated by Kinematics 2 body decay M2miss = (pK-pl)2 < Mmiss2 < 0.015 Particle ID (E/p) electron (0.9 < E/p < 1.1) muon (E/p < 0.85) Giuseppina Anzivino
RK data Ke2 145.958 events Km2 42.817 M events Ke2 candidates
Km2 candidates Ke2 events Background sources Km2 (5.64±0.20)% Km2 (m -> e) (0.26±0.03)% Ke2g (SD) (2.60±0.11)% Ke3 (D) (0.18±0.09)% K2p (0.12±0.06)% Opp. sign K (0.04±0.02)% Beam Halo (2.11±0.09)% Total (10.95±0.27)% Km2 M events with pre-scaled trigger main background: beam halo (0.50±0.01)% Electron ID efficiency: (99.28±0.05)% Giuseppina Anzivino
RK final result Phys Lett B 719 (2013) 326 World Ke2 statistics increased by a factor 10 In agreement with SM expectation, within 1.2 s Motivation for improved precision RK measurements World average RK x 105 precision PDG 2008 2.447 ± 0.109 4.5% 2014 2.488 ± 0.009 0.4% Prospects: 1 M events (downscaled trigger) expected, statistical uncentainty ~ 0.1% Total uncertainty expected ~ 0.2% Giuseppina Anzivino
Test of Chiral Perturabation Theory First observation of the decay
K± p± p0 e+e- Giuseppina Anzivino
The ChPT framework The Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) is the effective field theory of Quantum Cromodynamics (QCD) at low energies It is the ideal framework to describe Kaon decays The basis DS = 1 up to O(p4) chiral Lagrangian can be written as a combination of coupling factors there are 37 Ni coefficients and Wi operators, poorly known! Combinations of such coupling are accessible by measuring Kaon Branching Ratios and Form Factors NA48/2 can access all charged Kaon decays with high precision G. D’Ambrosio PoS(EFT09)061 Giuseppina Anzivino
The K± p± p0g* p± p0 e+e- decay
The g* is produced by two different mechanisms: Inner Bremsstrahlung (IB) and Direct Emission (DE) (DE has electric and magnetic components) It offers opportunities for chiral theory tests: Electric Interference (ΓBΓE) can confirm the discrepancy in sign with the theoretical prediction observed by NA48/2 in K± p± p0 g [EPJC 68 (2010) 75-87] Possibility to extract the sign of the magnetic term ΓM (impossible to extract in K± p± p0 g) Charge asymmetry not contaminated by indirect CP violation (as in K0) Never observed so far! Giuseppina Anzivino
Data and analysis Data collected in 2003 Selection:
3 reconstructed tracks coming from one decay vertex Electron/pion separation using E/P 2 reconstructed g clusters giving the p0 mass Pe > 2 GeV/c P (ppee) within 56 and 64 GeV/c Main sources of background: K± p± p0D (g) (K2pD), with an extra photon (accidental or radiative) K± p± p0p0D (g) (K3pD) with a merged or lost g Giuseppina Anzivino
Data sample and background estimate
preliminary K2pD |meeg - mp0| > 5 MeV K3pD mpp > 120 MeV < Mppee < (GeV/c2) Total number of ppe+e- candidates BG candidates from K2pD ±5.1 BG candidates from K3pD ±5.5 Giuseppina Anzivino
Normalization channel
For normalization use the decay K± p± p0D (g), collected with the same trigger Very large sample with known BR (PDG) This gives the total number of Kaon decays: Giuseppina Anzivino
Branching ratio measurement
The available statistics is not sensitive to DE and INT A model dependent BR has been computed using a total acceptance in which the relative weight of the 3 components are obtained from Cappiello et al. [Eur. Phys. J. C (2012) 72:1872)] Branching Ratio is computed as Quantity Value Nppee 1916 NBG 55.8±7.4 Nppee - NBG 1860±51 Kaon flux (7.97±0.25) x 1010 Total Acceptance (0.583±0.0019)% Trigger efficiency (98.7±0.65)% Giuseppina Anzivino
Branching Ratio Result
The preliminary BR value is to be compared with (G. D’Ambrosio, private communication, unpublished) preliminary preliminary Compatible with theoretical prediction without radiative corrections Radiative corrections included in the NA48/2 simulation using PHOTOS Eur. Phys. J. C (2012) 72:1872 NA48/2 2003 data G. D’Ambrosio, O. Catà private communication Giuseppina Anzivino
Summary and outlook Precision physics complementary to high-energy approach for NP search Fundamental contribution to CP Violation studies (NA48 and NA48/2) in neutral Kaon system measurement of e’/e in charged Kaons measurement of charge asymmetry Test of LFV The measurement of the RK at NA62 result in agreement with SM expectation, within 1.2 s motivation for further measurement Test of ChPT - The mesurement of the K± p± p0 e+e- decay ( NA48/2) first observation preliminary Branching Ratio in agreement with theoretical expectations final result expected by the end of the year This is the past and (partial) recent past of Kaon Physics at CERN Kaons cannot retire after a very successful career!! talk by Michal Zamkowsky Giuseppina Anzivino
NA62 Penguins at work Thank you! Giuseppina Anzivino
Additional information
Giuseppina Anzivino
Kaon decays C. Smith Giuseppina Anzivino
NA48/2 has access to all the charged Kaon decay
Giuseppina Anzivino
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