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“The Scarlet Ibis” Vocabulary.

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1 “The Scarlet Ibis” Vocabulary

2 Write Word Part of Speech Definition Sentence

3 too ill to live a normal life.
Invalid (adj) too ill to live a normal life. The invalid puppy only lived a few days due to his serious illness.

4 Harrison careened around the corner with an urgent note.
careen (verb) to rush carelessly Harrison careened around the corner with an urgent note. Call home!

5 Because her driver’s test was imminent, Mary decided to study.
imminent (adj) about to occur Because her driver’s test was imminent, Mary decided to study.

6 Iridescent (adj) shining with soft rainbow colors
The iridescent colors of the clouds over the mountains were beautiful. Esser, Uta. “Iridescent Clouds Over Aiguille de la Tsa”. Astronomy Picture of the Day. 3 January

7 an inability to make errors
Infallibility (noun) an inability to make errors Everyone believed in Raquel’s infallibility in math, until she began failing the next few quizzes.

8 Doggedness (noun) persistence; stubbornness
Austin’s doggedness at every baseball practice gave him an edge over the other batters. “Never Give Up” Somersoft Forums. 7 January 2008.

9 “Again…1 and 2 and 3…keep those abs tight….”
Reiterate (verb) “Again…1 and 2 and 3…keep those abs tight….” to repeat The aerobics trainer reiterated the proper exercise moves.

10 Precariously (adv) in a dangerous way; insecurely
Precariously skating down the rail resulted in a broken arm for Tim.

11 Exotic (adj) excitingly strange The green tea, mango, and red plum ice cream dessert Kari-Tate ate was both exotic and delicious.

12 Heresy (noun) (noun) an action or opinion going against what is generally thought to be true/right. Dr. Fraud’s belief in brushing only weekly was considered heresy by other dentists.

13 to vanish; to disappear
Evanesce (verb) to vanish; to disappear Marlon the Magnificent made the rabbit effortlessly evanesce from his hat.

14 a bright shade of red; scarlet
Vermilion (adj) a bright shade of red; scarlet The brilliantly vermilion strawberries made Jessica’s mouth water.

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