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Vocabulary List #1.

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1 Vocabulary List #1

2 Directions Since this is the first time we are doing a vocabulary lesson I will give you directions on how to take notes. First get out a blank sheet of paper and fold it in half horizontally (hot dog style).

3 Like this Word Definition
Here is where you will write the word as well as the part of speech. Annual Adjective or adverb Here is where you will write the definition as well as sentences to help you see how it is used correctly Happening once a year Adjective: The clothing store holds an annual back-to-school sale. Adverb: Christmas is a holiday that comes annually.

4 If you’d like you may also draw a picture to help you remember.
We go back to school annually in August.

5 Now let’s try one together…

6 Grotesque Think to yourself-”does this word sound familiar?” Have you ever heard it before? What do you think it means? Are there any familiar roots, or does it sound like another word?

7 Grotesque Word/part of speech Definition/examples Grotesque Adjective
Weird; distorted The costume store had a lot of really grotesque masks. When Marco looked at the grotesque angle of his arm, he knew it had to be broken.

8 Grotesque This statue is grotesque- the head is all distorted and the face is weird.

9 Gawk

10 Gawk Gawk verb To stare stupidly
Kendra and Jessica gawked at Justin Beiber when he entered the elevator with them. Matthew was gawking at a pretty girl when he walked into a telephone pole and fell over.

11 Gawk These boys are gawking at the beautiful woman they see modeling clothes on stage in front of them.

12 Obese

13 Obese Obese/Obesity Adjective Noun
Very fat-having a body mass index that is greater than 30 Eddie Murphy plays an obese man in The Nutty Professor. Doctor’s blame the obesity epidemic on poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

14 Here an obese man measures his stomach.

15 Toxic

16 Toxic Toxic Adjective Poisonous; unhealthy; harmful
In the movie, Batman, the Joker fell into a vat of toxic green stuff that melted his skin. Be careful when eating wild mushrooms, some of the are toxic.

17 Toxic Things that are toxic will hurt you! If you see this sign on a chemical you should never touch it.

18 Blunder

19 Blunder Blunder Noun Adjective A stupid or clumsy mistake
At the end of movies there are usually outtakes that show the blunders of the actors. The boy is a blundering idiot.

20 It is considered a blunder to fall up the stairs!

21 Bicker

22 Bicker Bicker Verb To fight or quarrel over something silly.
The children bickered over the cupcake until their mother got irritated and took it away. Ever though he felt it was unfair, Jose refused to bicker with his English teacher about his test grade.

23 Bicker This mother is getting tired of listening to her children bickering over what to watch on television.

24 Brutal

25 Brutal Brutal Adjective Adverb Vicious; cruel
After the brutal soccer match, Angela was exhausted. It is brutally cold in Michigan in the winter-which is why I moved to the desert.

26 Brutal Firefighters in Arizona are having a very hard time controlling the brutal wildfires that continue to burn there.

27 Feline

28 Feline Feline Adjective Cat-like; a member of the cat family
The dog preferred feline food to its own Puppy Chow. Feline leukemia is a leading killer of cats.

29 Another name for this cat would be a feline.

30 Tyrant

31 Tyrant Tyrant Noun A ruler who abuses power
Hitler is an example of a tyrant in the 20th century. Another tyrant of the 20th century would be Stalin (he was the communist leader in Russia).

32 Tyrant Hitler is the first person most people think of when they think of a tyrant.

33 Bonus Words These words will not appear on your test as they are deemed above 8th grade writing level. I will, however, grant extra credit if they are used correctly in your weekly vocabulary story.

34 Dumbfounded

35 Dumbfounded Dumbfounded adjective
Speechless because of shock or amazement Alice was absolutely dumbfounded when she hit Megabucks. Cherisse was dumbfounded when she discovered someone had painted her car purple and green.

36 Dumbfounded This man is dumbfounded because someone just said something really stupid.

37 Waiver

38 Waiver Waiver noun A document that shows a person voluntarily gives up a right, claim or privilege. If you want to jump off the Stratosphere tower you must sign a waiver holding the company harmless if you plummet to your death.

39 Waiver This is an actual waiver that has been submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States!

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