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Learning Targets I can identify the meaning of prefixes non-, im-, in-, and un-. I can create a related word for each theme vocabulary word. I can make.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Targets I can identify the meaning of prefixes non-, im-, in-, and un-. I can create a related word for each theme vocabulary word. I can make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Targets I can identify the meaning of prefixes non-, im-, in-, and un-. I can create a related word for each theme vocabulary word. I can make an inference based off of the evidence in the text. I can locate evidence in the text to support the Theme Question. I can re-read text to clarify meaning.

2 Changes Changes happen every day. Some are big, and some are small. Some changes just happen, and others we choose to make. Think about a change you have chosen to make. Discuss with a partner: What were the effects of your decision? What was different after you made this change?

3 Effects of Change Change Effect Adopting a puppy
I have a new friend, and I get lots of exercise taking him for walks. Resource Master 14

4 Theme Vocabulary Familiar Study
I have to study even if I am familiar with the spelling list. Review I review the words when I study the familiar list. Test I should test myself after I study and review the familiar words. Resource Master 9

5 Try it . . . Prepare Practice Companion pg. 47

6 Word Study Match the word to its definition, use the word in a sentence. unhappy not safe unsafe not probable impossible not direct indirect not happy inconsiderate not considerate improbable not possible

7 Practice Companion pgs. 52 - 53
Making Inferences What I Read What I Know Inferences Pg. 64 Scaredy feels overjoyed and adventurous; he forgets the things he is afraid of. I felt great the first time I went on a roller coaster. At first I was scared, but then it was fun. Scaredy feels good because it’s exciting to do something new. Pg Scaredy now jumps into the unknown as part of his daily schedule. I used to be scared of going into the basement alone, but once I did it I got used to it. Scaredy Squirrel goes into the unknown because he has done it before and it’s becoming familiar. Reading / Writing Connection: How do authors decide what information to include? Practice Companion pgs

8 Fluency Personal Rehearsal Practice reading “Choosing to Change” on page 51 of your Practice Companion with proper pacing. Reading too fast or too slow makes the text difficult to understand. With a partner, rehearse the selection and complete the Reading Response Form on page 51 of your Reading Companion.

9 Let’s prepare to read . . . set a purpose
As we prepare to read the selection, we should be looking for the answer to our Theme Question: How do the changes around us make us who we are? We will also be looking for evidence in the text that supports the answers that we have been thinking about. As we read, we can skim and scan across the text to help us find the information we need to answer the question while skipping over the information we don’t need.

10 Read Together Reread pages 48 – 51, complete the T-Chart. Page #
Text Evidence

11 Respond With a partner discuss:
How did using a T-Chart to record text evidence help answer the Theme Question? How did using evidence from the text strengthen your answers to the Theme Question?

12 Google Images Used PPT Created and Shared by Julie Kennedy, Stilwell Elementary

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