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The Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Age) 2 million BC-10,000 BC

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1 The Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Age) 2 million BC-10,000 BC
Earliest period of human history Descendants migrated out of Africa and throughout the rest of the world The Old Stone Age people were hunters and gatherers who followed their food supply.

2 Around 10,000 B.C.E, Paleolithic people stopped moving and settled into farming communities.

3 What changed during the Neolithic Period?
Dependency on Natural Resources *Before: Moved with their food supply *After: Water and good soil for crops Government *Before: Families (male ruled) evolutionary, from family to village to city. *After: Chief with council. Economy *Before: No real economy *After: Barter system Technology *Before: Stone tools After: Farming, baking and firing pottery, specialized tools, bronze tools and weapons

4 What are the characteristics of the Neolithic Age?
Farming began settled into permanent villages New skills & tools Pottery Bronze tools & weapons Domesticated animals Dog as helper/companion =mCLQ_8I1paY Cattle, goats sheep pigs Selective breeding Food, fertilizer, clothing

5 How did life change during the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution?
More reliable food supply-less varied Population growth Division of Labor Job specialization Personal property Conflict? Cooperation?

6 What did the first Neolithic communities look like?

7 Jericho 8,000 BCE Palestine 10 acre settlement-mud houses
Several thousand people Massive stone wall- defense 12 feet tall and 6 feet thick

8 Catal Huyuk 7,000-5,000 BCE Turkey
32 acres-mud houses-elaborately decorated No defensive wall-but outer houses had no windows facing outside- effective barrier Long distance trade and fine arts and crafts- religious artifacts

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