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Regulation of Flow and Pressure
Regulation of blood flow in arteries
- Intrinsic control - Extrinsic control -- Neural control -- Hormonal control *
Regulation of blood flow in arteries
- Intrinsic control - Extrinsic control -- Neural control -- Hormonal control
Autoregulation: Local Regulation of Blood Flow
Autoregulation – automatic adjustment of blood flow to each tissue in proportion to its requirements at any given point in time Blood flow through an individual organ is intrinsically controlled by modifying the diameter of local arterioles feeding its capillaries MAP remains constant, while local demands regulate the amount of blood delivered to various areas according to need
Regulation of blood flow in arteries
It is important to adjust blood flow to organ needs Flow of blood to particular organ can be regulated by varying resistance to flow (or blood vessel diameter) Vasoconstriction of blood vessel smooth muscle is controlled both by the ANS and at the local level. Four factors control arterial flow at the organ level: - change in metabolic activity - changes in blood flow - stretch of arterial smooth muscle - local chemical messengers
Change in metabolic activity
Usually linked to CO2 and O2 levels (↑ CO2 vasodilation ↑ blood flow) intrinsic control most important local chemical influences on arteriolar smooth muscle are local changes in metabolism within that organ local metabolic changes can affect the diameter of an arteriole without neural influence active hyperemia = local arteriolar vasodilation that increases blood flow into an organ arterioles are found within an organ and can be directly affected by that organ’s metabolic needs local metabolic factors decreased/increased oxygen = vasodilation/vasoconstriction increase carbon dioxide = vasodilation increased carbonic acid= vasodilation increased K+ - repeated APs that outpace the Na/K pump’s ability to correct ionic changes = vasodilation increased osmolarity – concentration of solutes accumulates in actively metabolic cells = vasodilation prostaglandin release = vasodilation relative concentration of these factors can determine the state of arteriolar muscle tone
Local Physical factors
Metabolic Controls Declining tissue nutrient and oxygen levels are stimuli for autoregulation Hemoglobin delivers nitric oxide (NO) as well as oxygen to tissues Nitric oxide induces vasodilation at the capillaries to help get oxygen to tissue cells Other autoregulatory substances include: potassium and hydrogen ions, adenosine, lactic acid, histamines, kinins, and prostaglandins Local Physical factors application of heat or cold heat causes localized arteriolar vasodilation increases blood flow cold – counteracts histamine-induced swelling by inducing vasoconstriction
- decreased blood flow increased metabolic wastes vasodilation
Changes in blood flow - decreased blood flow increased metabolic wastes vasodilation shear stress blood flowing over the endothelial lining creates friction = shear stress increase in shear stress can cause increased release of NO – promotes vasodilation increased blood flow now reduces shear stress If you cutoff blood flow temporarily, and then re-open it, the vessels will try to restore the BP constant even if it means excess Blood Flow. (this is common in strokes) How? “back-propagation” of vasodilatation all the way to the arteries : i. accumulation of vasodilator metabolites is enough to reach back ii. increased arteriolar flow increased shear stress endothelium relase of EDRF.
Stretch of arterial wall = myogenic response
- Stretch of arterial wall due to increased pressure reflex constriction myogenic response to stretch increased MAP drives more blood into the arteriole which pushes out against the vessel wall = passive stretch leads to vasoconstriction to reduce this blood volume arteriolar smooth muscle responds to passive stretch by increasing its tone through vasoconstriction this increased tone acts to resist the passive stretch done by the release of vasoactive mediators from the EC (e.g. endothelin) arterial occlusion can block blood flow and reduce this stretch arterioles will dilate in response=reactive hyperemia
Locally secreted chemicals can promote vasoconstriction or most commonly vasodilation
- inflammatory chemicals, (nitric oxide, CO2) these local chemical changes do not act directly on smooth muscle but act on the endothelial cells ECs – simple squamous epithelia cells found lining the inside of the arteriole and capillary ECs then release chemical factors called vasoactive mediators e.g. endothelin = vasoconstriction e.g. nitric oxide = vasodilation by relaxing arteriolar smooth muscle inhibits entrance of calcium into the smooth muscle which inhibits the opening of the foot proteins on the sarcoplasmic reticulum ECs have multiple roles
Histamine NOT released by metabolic changes
NOT produce by endothelial cells released upon pathology released by connective tissue cells within the organ or by circulating white blood cells (mast cells, basophils) usually released in response to organ damage causes vasodilation to increase blood flow and speed healing
Regulation of blood flow in arteries
- Intrinsic control - Extrinsic control -- Neural control -- Hormonal control
Extrinsic Regulation of Blood Flow
Sympathoadrenal Increase cardiac output Increase TPR: Alpha-adrenergic stimulation - vasoconstriction of arteries in skin and viscera Parasympathetic Parasympathetic innervation limited, less important than sympathetic nervous system in control of TPR. Parasympathetic endings in arterioles promote vasodilation to the digestive tract, external genitalia, and salivary glands
Extrinsic control of arteriolar diameter
includes both neural and hormonal control sympathetic division innervates arteriolar smooth muscle everywhere except the brain NO parasympathetic innervation of arteriolar smooth muscle! (exception – clitoris and penis) sympathetic activity contributes to arteriolar vascular tone increased sympathetic activity induces vasodilation of arterioles in heart and skeletal muscle– drops arteriolar resistance and changes MAP main area of the brain to adjust sympathetic output = cardiovascular control center other brain regions involved – hypothalamus Hormones: ADH, angiotensin II, epinephrine, norepinephrine
Regulation of blood flow in arteries
- Intrinsic control - Extrinsic control -- Neural control -- Hormonal control
angiotensin II – converted from angiotensin I by the enzyme ACE (produced in the lungs) regulates body’s salt balance causes the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex – increased salt reabsorption powerful vasoconstrictor vasopressin (ADH) – released from the posterior pituitary in response to changes in water volume drop in water content, release of vasopressin, decreased urine volume, increased water retention also construction of peripheral vessels = vasoconstrictor plays a role in reducing hemorrhage
-Epinephrine and Norepinephrine can be released from the adrenal medulla (sympathetic activity) or NE can be released from neurons (sympathetic) -Ep and NE can cause vasoconstriction or vasodilation!!! depends on receptor and its location -NE binds to a1-adrenergic receptors on ALL arteriolar smooth muscle to increase vasoconstriction -Epi binds to b2-adrenergic receptors on arteriolar smooth muscle in heart and muscles to cause vasodilation -cerebral arterioles do NOT have a1-adrenergic receptors !!! -influenced entirely by local physical and chemical changes (intrinsic changes) -during the “flight or fight” response - Epi is more abundant and has more affinity for the b2-adrenergic receptors which are expressed in large amounts on arteriolar smooth muscle in skeletal and cardiac muscle – so overall effect is vasodilation to heart and skeletal muscles
Maintaining Blood Pressure
Maintaining blood pressure requires: Cooperation of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys Supervision of the brain
Maintaining Blood Pressure
The main factors influencing blood pressure are: Cardiac output (CO) Peripheral resistance (PR) Blood volume Blood pressure = CO x PR Blood pressure varies directly with CO, PR, and blood volume
Cardiac Output (CO) Cardiac output is determined by venous return and neural and hormonal controls Resting heart rate is controlled by the cardioinhibitory center via the vagus nerves Stroke volume is controlled by venous return (end diastolic volume, or EDV) Under stress, the cardioacceleratory center increases heart rate and stroke volume The end systolic volume (ESV) decreases and MAP increases
Cardiac Output (CO)
Controls of Blood Pressure
Short-term controls: Are mediated by the nervous system and bloodborne chemicals Counteract moment-to-moment fluctuations in blood pressure by altering peripheral resistance Long-term controls regulate blood volume
Short-Term Mechanisms: Neural Controls
Neural controls of peripheral resistance: Alter blood distribution in response to demands Maintain MAP by altering blood vessel diameter Neural controls operate via reflex arcs involving: Baroreceptors Vasomotor centers and vasomotor fibers Vascular smooth muscle
Short-Term Mechanisms: Vasomotor Center
Vasomotor center – a cluster of sympathetic neurons in the medulla that oversees changes in blood vessel diameter Maintains blood vessel tone by innervating smooth muscles of blood vessels, especially arterioles Cardiovascular center – vasomotor center plus the cardiac centers that integrate blood pressure control by altering cardiac output and blood vessel diameter
Short-Term Mechanisms: Vasomotor Activity
Sympathetic activity causes: Vasoconstriction and a rise in BP if increased BP to decline to basal levels if decreased Vasomotor activity is modified by: Baroreceptors (pressure-sensitive), chemoreceptors (O2, CO2, and H+ sensitive), higher brain centers, bloodborne chemicals, and hormones
Short-Term Mechanisms: Baroreceptor-Initiated Reflexes
Increased blood pressure stimulates the cardioinhibitory center to: Increase vessel diameter Decrease heart rate, cardiac output, peripheral resistance, and blood pressure
Short-Term Mechanisms: Baroreceptor-Initiated Reflexes
Declining blood pressure stimulates the cardioacceleratory center to: Increase cardiac output and peripheral resistance Low blood pressure also stimulates the vasomotor center to constrict blood vessels
Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range
Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Stimulus: Rising blood Imbalance pressure
Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Imbalance Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch
stimulated Arterial blood pressure rises above normal range Stimulus: Rising blood pressure Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Imbalance Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Impulse traveling along afferent nerves from
baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- inhibitory center (and inhibit cardio- acceleratory center) Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch stimulated Inhibit vasomotor center Arterial blood pressure rises above normal range Stimulus: Rising blood pressure Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Imbalance Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Impulse traveling along afferent nerves from
baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- inhibitory center (and inhibit cardio- acceleratory center) Sympathetic impulses to heart ( HR and contractility) Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch stimulated Inhibit vasomotor center Rate of vasomotor impulses allows vasodilation ( vessel diameter) Arterial blood pressure rises above normal range Stimulus: Rising blood pressure Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Imbalance Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Impulse traveling along afferent nerves from
baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- inhibitory center (and inhibit cardio- acceleratory center) Sympathetic impulses to heart ( HR and contractility) Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch stimulated Inhibit vasomotor center CO R Rate of vasomotor impulses allows vasodilation ( vessel diameter) Arterial blood pressure rises above normal range CO and R return blood pressure to homeostatic range Stimulus: Rising blood pressure Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range
Stimulus: Declining blood pressure Imbalance Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range
Stimulus: Declining blood pressure Imbalance Impulses from baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- acceleratory center (and inhibit cardio- inhibitory center) Arterial blood pressure falls below normal range Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch inhibited Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range
Stimulus: Declining blood pressure Imbalance Impulses from baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- acceleratory center (and inhibit cardio- inhibitory center) Arterial blood pressure falls below normal range Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch inhibited Stimulate vasomotor center Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range
Stimulus: Declining blood pressure Imbalance Impulses from baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- acceleratory center (and inhibit cardio- inhibitory center) Arterial blood pressure falls below normal range Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch inhibited Sympathetic impulses to heart ( HR and contractility) Vasomotor Fibers stimulate vasoconstriction Stimulate vasomotor center Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Stimulus:
Declining blood pressure CO and R return blood pressure to homeostatic range Impulses from baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- acceleratory center (and inhibit cardio- inhibitory center) Arterial blood pressure falls below normal range Cardiac output (CO) Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch inhibited Sympathetic impulses to heart ( HR and contractility) Peripheral resistance (R) Vasomotor Fibers stimulate vasoconstriction Stimulate vasomotor center Figure 19.8
Figure 19.8 Impulse traveling along afferent nerves from
baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- inhibitory center (and inhibit cardio- acceleratory center) Sympathetic impulses to heart ( HR and contractility) Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch stimulated Inhibit vasomotor center CO R Rate of vasomotor impulses allows vasodilation ( vessel diameter) Arterial blood pressure rises above normal range CO and R return blood pressure to Homeostatic range Stimulus: Rising blood pressure Imbalance Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range Stimulus: Declining blood pressure Imbalance CO and R return blood pressure to homeostatic range Impulses from baroreceptors: Stimulate cardio- acceleratory center (and inhibit cardio- inhibitory center) Arterial blood pressure falls below normal range Cardiac output (CO) Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch inhibited Sympathetic impulses to heart ( HR and contractility) Peripheral resistance (R) Vasomotor fibers stimulate vasoconstriction Stimulate vasomotor center Figure 19.8
Short-Term Mechanisms: Chemical Controls
Blood pressure is regulated by chemoreceptor reflexes sensitive to oxygen and carbon dioxide Prominent chemoreceptors are the carotid and aortic bodies Reflexes that regulate BP are integrated in the medulla Higher brain centers (cortex and hypothalamus) can modify BP via relays to medullary centers
Chemicals that Increase Blood Pressure
Adrenal medulla hormones – norepinephrine and epinephrine increase blood pressure Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) – causes intense vasoconstriction in cases of extremely low BP Angiotensin II – kidney release of renin generates angiotensin II, which causes vasoconstriction Endothelium-derived factors – endothelin and prostaglandin- derived growth factor (PDGF) are both vasoconstrictors
Chemicals that Decrease Blood Pressure
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) – causes blood volume and pressure to decline Nitric oxide (NO) – is a brief but potent vasodilator Inflammatory chemicals – histamine, prostacyclin, and kinins are potent vasodilators Alcohol – causes BP to drop by inhibiting ADH
Long-Term Mechanisms: Renal Regulation
Long-term mechanisms control BP by altering blood volume Baroreceptors adapt to chronic high or low BP Increased BP stimulates the kidneys to eliminate water, thus reducing BP Decreased BP stimulates the kidneys to increase blood volume and BP
Kidney Action and Blood Pressure
Kidneys act directly and indirectly to maintain long-term blood pressure Direct renal mechanism alters blood volume Indirect renal mechanism involves the renin-angiotensin mechanism
Kidney Action and Blood Pressure
Declining BP causes the release of renin, which triggers the release of angiotensin II Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor that stimulates aldosterone secretion Aldosterone enhances renal reabsorption and stimulates ADH release
Kidney Action and Blood Pressure
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