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Get Ready for Class Bellringer and complete it Whiteboard Rag

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1 Get Ready for Class Bellringer and complete it Whiteboard Rag
Marker if you didn’t bring your own!

2 PROBLEMS IN SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

3 Phrases Between S & V The number of subject does NOT change by a phrase following the subject

4 Examples The hero of those folk tales is Coyote.
The successful candidate, along with two of her aides, has entered the auditorium.

5 Examples Scientists from all over the world have gathered in Geneva.
The crystal pitcher, oozing water droplets, was cracked along the base.

6 All, Any, More, Most, None, Some
If the subject is one of these indefinite pronouns its number will be determined by the object of the preposition after the indefinite pronoun subject

7 Example Most of the essays were graded. Most of this essay was graded.

8 PRACTICE TIME Identify the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with its subject.

9 A tidal wave, despite is name, (is/are) not caused by the tides.

10 A tidal wave, despite is name, (is/are) not caused by the tides.

11 Earthquakes beneath the sea (causes/cause) most tidal waves.

12 Earthquakes beneath the sea (causes/cause) most tidal waves.

13 A network of warning signals (alerts/alert) people in coastal areas of an approaching tidal wave.

14 A network of warning signals (alerts/alert) people in coastal areas of an approaching tidal wave.

15 The tremendous force of the tidal waves sometimes (causes/cause) great destruction.

16 The tremendous force of the tidal waves sometimes (causes/cause) great destruction.

17 Walls of earth and stone along the shore (is/are) often too weak to protect coastal villages.

18 Walls of earth and stone along the shore (is/are) often too weak to protect coastal villages.

19 Some tidal waves, according to this encyclopedia article, (travels/travel) more than five hundred miles an hour.

20 Some tidal waves, according to this encyclopedia article, (travels/travel) more than five hundred miles an hour.

21 Tidal waves in the open ocean generally (does/do) not cause much interest.

22 Tidal waves in the open ocean generally (does/do) not cause much interest.

23 The height of tidal waves there often (remains/remain) low.

24 The height of tidal waves there often (remains/remain) low.

25 However, waves up to one hundred feet high (occurs/occur) when tidal waves hit land.

26 However, waves up to one hundred feet high (occurs/occur) when tidal waves hit land.

27 The scientific name for tidal waves (is/are) tsunamis.

28 The scientific name for tidal waves (is/are) tsunamis.

29 PROBLEMS IN SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

30 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS A pronoun that does not refer to a definite person, place, thing, or idea is called an INDEFINITE PRONOUN

31 Singular Indefinite Pronouns
Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Neither Nobody No one Nothing One Somebody Someone Something

32 Examples Each of the newcomers was welcomed to the city.
Neither of these papayas is ripe. Does anybody on the bus speak Arabic?

33 Practice Time Choose the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with its subject.

34 Neither of the movies (was/were) especially funny.

35 Neither of the movies (was/were) especially funny.

36 Everybody in those classes (gets/get) to leave early.

37 Everybody in those classes (gets/get) to leave early.

38 Someone among the store owners (donates/donate) the big trophy each year.

39 Someone among the store owners (donates/donate) the big trophy each year.

40 Each of the Jackson brothers (studies, study) dance.

41 Each of the Jackson brothers (studies, study) dance.

42 No one on either team (was/were) ever in a playoff before.

43 No one on either team (was/were) ever in a playoff before.

44 Plural Indefinite Pronouns
Always take a plural verb Both Few Many Several

45 Example Few of our neighbors have parakeets.
Many of them keep dogs as pets.

46 Special Indefinite Pronouns
These can be either singular or plural. ALL-ANY-MORE-MOST-NONE-SOME Check the object of the preposition that comes after the subject.

47 Examples All of the fruit is ripe. All of the pears are ripe.
All is singular because fruit is singular All of the pears are ripe. All is plural because pears is plural

48 PRACTICE TIME Choose the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with its subject.

49 Some of the harvest (has/have) been sold.

50 Some of the harvest (has/have) been sold.

51 All of the new research on dreams (is/are) fascinating.

52 All of the new research on dreams (is/are) fascinating.

53 Most of our dreams (occurs/occur) toward morning.

54 Most of our dreams (occurs/occur) toward morning.

55 Most of the research (focuses/focus) on the cycle known has rapid eye movement.

56 Most of the research (focuses/focus) on the cycle known has rapid eye movement.

57 None of last night’s dreams (is/are) clear to me.

58 None of last night’s dreams (is/are) clear to me.

59 Review Indefinite Rules
Singular Indefinite PN take singular verbs Plural Indefinite PN take plural verbs all, any, more, most, none, some can be either singular or plural depending on their meaning in the sentence. Use the object of the preposition to decide if it should be singular or plural

60 PRACTICE TIME All the Indefinite Pronouns, plus the basics
PRACTICE TIME All the Indefinite Pronouns, plus the basics. Choose the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with its subject

61 Many people throughout the world (claims/claim) to have seen objects like this.

62 Many people throughout the world (claims/claim) to have seen objects like this.

63 However, no one (knows/know) for sure what they are.

64 However, no one (knows/know) for sure what they are.

65 Some (resembles/resemble) huge plates or saucers.

66 Some (resembles/resemble) huge plates or saucers.

67 Not surprisingly, many (calls/call) them flying saucers.

68 Not surprisingly, many (calls/call) them flying saucers.

69 Since 1947, all of these objects (has/have) been officially called unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

70 Since 1947, all of these objects (has/have) been officially called unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

71 Many (has/have) investigated many unusual UFO sightings.

72 Many (has/have) investigated many unusual UFO sightings.

73 The U.S. Air force (was/were) responsible for conducting many investigations for the government.

74 The U.S. Air force (was/were) responsible for conducting many investigations for the government.

75 Government records (shows/show) that more than twelve thousand sightings were reported between 1948 and 1969.

76 Government records (shows/show) that more than twelve thousand sightings were reported between 1948 and 1969.

77 Most reported sightings (has/have) turned out to be fakes but others remain unexplained.

78 Most reported sightings (has/have) turned out to be fakes but others remain unexplained.

79 None of the official reports positively (proves/prove) that UFOs come from outer space.

80 None of the official reports positively (proves/prove) that UFOs come from outer space.

81 PROBLEMS IN SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

82 COMPOUND SUBJECTS There are two rules to remember!

83 Subjects Joined by AND Subject joined by AND usually take a plural verb Our dog and cat get baths in the summer. Mr. Duffy and his daughters have gone fishing.

84 Exception to the first rule
A compound subject that names only one person or thing takes a singular verb A famous singer and dancer is going to speak at our drama club meeting.

85 Subject joined by OR / NOR
If both subjects are singular, the verb is singular The geologist or her assistant is due to arrive tonight.

86 Subject joined by OR / NOR
If both subjects are plural, the verb is plural Either mice or squirrels are living in our attic.

87 Subject joined by OR / NOR
If one subject is singular and the one is plural Find the subject closest to the verb and match the verb to that subject.

88 EXAMPLE A book or flowers usually make an appropriate gift.
Flowers or a book usually makes an appropriate gift.

89 PRACTICE TIME Choose the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with its subject

90 (Is / Are) the brown bear and the polar bear related?

91 (Is / Are) the brown bear and the polar bear related?

92 My guide and companion in Bolivia (was / were) Pilar.

93 My guide and companion in Bolivia (was / were) Pilar.

94 Neither pens nor pencils (is / are) needed to mark the ballots.

95 Neither pens nor pencils (is / are) needed to mark the ballots.

96 Mrs. Chang and her daughter (rents / rent) an apartment on Main Street.

97 Mrs. Chang and her daughter (rents / rent) an apartment on Main Street.

98 Index cards or a small tablet (is / are) handy for taking notes.

99 Index cards or a small tablet (is / are) handy for taking notes.

100 Iron and calcium (needs / need) to be included in a good diet.

101 Iron and calcium (needs / need) to be included in a good diet.

102 (Has / Have) the sandwiches or other refreshments been served yet?

103 (Has / Have) the sandwiches or other refreshments been served yet?

104 Fruit and cheese (tastes / taste) good together.

105 Fruit and cheese (tastes / taste) good together.

106 During our last visit to Jamaica, a map or a guidebook (was / were) my constant companion.

107 During our last visit to Jamaica, a map or a guidebook (was / were) my constant companion.

108 Either Japanese poetry or Inuit myths (is / are) going to be the focus of my report.

109 Either Japanese poetry or Inuit myths (is / are) going to be the focus of my report.

110 The club president or the officers (meets / meet) regularly with the sponsors.

111 The club president or the officers (meets / meet) regularly with the sponsors.

112 Proofreading for Subject Verb Agreement All Rules So Far Identify each verb that does not agree with its subject. Then write the correct form of the verb.

113 One expert in the field of sports have described soccer as the world’s favorite type of football.
Have to HAS

114 Some sports writers has estimated that there are over thirty million registered soccer players around the globe. Has to HAVE

115 Youth leagues and coaching clinics has helped make amateur soccer the fastest-growing team sport in the United States. Has to HAVE

116 In Dallas, Texas, neither baseball nor American football attract as many young players as soccer does. Attract to ATTRACTS

117 Also, more colleges now has varsity soccer teams than have football teams.
Has to HAVE

118 This increase in soccer fans are a trend that started in 1967, when professional teams began playing in the United States. Are to IS

119 Additional interest were generated when the U. S
Additional interest were generated when the U.S. Youth Soccer Association was formed. Were to WAS

120 Both males and females enjoys playing this sport.
Enjoys to ENJOY

121 In fact, by the 1980s, many of the soccer teams in the country was women’s teams.
Was to WERE

122 In the past, professional soccer were more popular abroad, but the United States hosted the World Cup in 1994. Were to WAS

123 Get Ready for Class Bellringer and complete it Whiteboard Rag
Marker if you didn’t bring your own!

124 Other Problems in Subject Verb Agreement

125 Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

126 COLLECTIVE NOUNS A collective noun may be singular or plural depending on its meaning in a sentence A collective noun is singular in form but names a group of persons, animals, or things.

127 Common Collective Nouns
Audience Chorus Committee Crew Faculty Family Jury Team Band Brood Flock Herd Litter Pack Collection Fleet Set batch

128 Collective Nouns Takes a singular verb when the noun refers to the group as a unit. The class has decided to have a science fair in November. My family plans to attend the party.

129 Collective Nouns A collective noun takes a plural verb when the noun refers to the individual parts or members of the group. Hint: the word “their” is often in the sentence if the collective noun is plural

130 Examples of Plural Collective Nouns
The class were divided in their opinions of the play. My family are coming from all over the state for the reunion.

131 INVERTED SENTENCE When the subject comes after the verb, find the subject and make sure that that the verb agrees with it. The subject usually follows the verb in questions and sentences beginning with here or there

132 Examples Where was the cat? Where were the cats?
Does Jim know the Chens? Do the Chens know Jim?

133 EXAMPLES Here is my umbrella. Here are our umbrellas.
There is a scary movie on TV. There are scary movies on TV.

134 BE CAREFUL Here’s – There’s – Where’s contain the verb is and should be used only with singular subjects.

135 EXAMPLES Incorrect Correct There’s our new neighbors.
There are our new neighbors.

136 PRACTICE TIME Let’s practice those few subject verb agreement rules
PRACTICE TIME Let’s practice those few subject verb agreement rules. Identify the correct verb form of the verb in parentheses.

137 There (is / are) at least two solutions to this complicated Chinese puzzle.

138 There (is / are) at least two solutions to this complicated Chinese puzzle.

139 The soccer team (was / were) all getting on different buses.

140 The soccer team (was / were) all getting on different buses.

141 (Is / Are) both of your parents from Korea?

142 (Is / Are) both of your parents from Korea?

143 Here (comes / come) the six members of the decorations committee for the dance.

144 Here (comes / come) the six members of the decorations committee for the dance.

145 Here (is / are) some apples and bananas for the picnic basket.

146 Here (is / are) some apples and bananas for the picnic basket.

147 There (is / are) neither time nor money for that project.

148 There (is / are) neither time nor money for that project.

149 (Here’s / Here are) the social studies notes I took.

150 (Here’s / Here are) the social studies notes I took.

151 At the press conference, there (was / were) several candidates for mayor and two for governor.

152 At the press conference, there (was / were) several candidates for mayor and two for governor.

153 The family (has / have) invited us over for a dinner to celebrate Ted’s birthday.

154 The family (has / have) invited us over for a dinner to celebrate Ted’s birthday.

155 Here (is / are) some masks carved by the Haida people.

156 Here (is / are) some masks carved by the Haida people.

157 More Rules to Know Other Problems in Subject Verb Agreement

158 Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

159 Singular Nouns Ending in ‘S
Some nouns that are singular end with the letter ‘s. These are still singular nouns and take a singular verb

160 EXAMPLES Electronics is a branch of physics.
Civics is being taught by Mr. Brown. Measles is the most unpleasant disease I’ve ever had. The news was not encouraging.

161 AMOUNT Singular An expression of an amount (a measurement, percentage, fraction) may be singular or plural, depending on how it is used.

162 AMOUNT A word or phrase stating an amount is singular when the amount is thought of as a unit. Fifteen dollars is enough for the CD. Sixteen ounces equals one pound. Is two weeks long enough for a hiking trip?

163 AMOUNT Plural Sometimes, the amount is thought of as individual pieces or parts. If so, a plural verb is used. Ten of the dollars were borrowed. Two of the hours were spent at the theater.

164 Fraction or Percentage
A fraction or a percentage is singular when it refers to a singular word One fourth of the salad is gone. and plural when it refers to a plural word. Forty percent of the students are new.

165 Expressions of Measurement
Expressions of measurement such as length, weight, and area are usually singular. Ten feet is the height of a regulation basketball hoop. Seventy-five pounds is the maximum baggage weight for this airline.

166 Title of Creative Works
Even when in plural form, the title of a creative work, the name of an organization, or the name of a country or city generally takes a singular verb.

167 EXAMPLES World Tales is a collection of folk tales retold by Idries Shah. Tonya’s painting Sunflowers was inspired by the natural beauty of rural Iowa. Friends of the Earth was founded in 1969. Is Marble Falls a city in central Texas?

168 DON’T & DOESN’T The word don’t is a contraction of do not. Use don’t with plural subjects and with the pronouns I and you. The children don’t seem nervous. I don’t understand. Don’t you remember?

169 DON’T & DOESN’T The word doesn’t is a contraction of does not. Use doesn’t with singular subjects except the pronouns I and you. Kim doesn’t ride the bus. He doesn’t play tennis. It doesn’t snow here.

170 PRACTICE TIME Let’s practice those few subject verb agreement rules
PRACTICE TIME Let’s practice those few subject verb agreement rules. Identify the correct verb form of the verb in parentheses.

171 The Friends (is / are) a book about a girl from the West Indies and a girl from Harlem.

172 The Friends (is / are) a book about a girl from the West Indies and a girl from Harlem.

173 Two cups of broth (seems / seem) right for the recipe.

174 Two cups of broth (seems / seem) right for the recipe.

175 Fifteen feet (was / were) the length of the winning long jump.

176 Fifteen feet (was / were) the length of the winning long jump.

177 Navarro and Company (is / are) selling those jackets.

178 Navarro and Company (is / are) selling those jackets.

179 The National Council of Teachers of English (is / are) holding its convention in our city next year.

180 The National Council of Teachers of English (is / are) holding its convention in our city next year.

181 Mumps (is / are) a highly infectious disease.

182 Mumps (is / are) a highly infectious disease.

183 Three hours of practice (is / are) not unusual for the band.

184 Three hours of practice (is / are) not unusual for the band.

185 Artic Dreams (was / were) written by Barry Lopez.

186 Artic Dreams (was / were) written by Barry Lopez.

187 Two weeks of preparation (has / have) been enough.

188 Two weeks of preparation (has / have) been enough.

189 A dollar and a half (is / are) the cost of a subway ride.

190 A dollar and a half (is / are) the cost of a subway ride.

191 PROBLEMS IN SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement.

192 PRACTICE TIME ALL THE RULES Identify the correct verb form of the verb in parentheses.

193 Seventy-five cents (is / are) not enough to buy the Sunday newspaper.

194 Seventy-five cents (is / are) not enough to buy the Sunday newspaper.

195 Everyone in her family (prefers / prefer) to drink water with dinner.

196 Everyone in her family (prefers / prefer) to drink water with dinner.

197 Allen and his parents (enjoys / enjoy) basketball.

198 Allen and his parents (enjoys / enjoy) basketball.

199 Jan (doesn’t / don’t) know the rules of volleyball.

200 Jan (doesn’t / don’t) know the rules of volleyball.

201 Neither the microphone nor the speakers (works / work) as well as we had hoped.

202 Neither the microphone nor the speakers (works / work) as well as we had hoped.

203 There (is / are) 132 islands in the state of Hawaii.

204 There (is / are) 132 islands in the state of Hawaii.

205 Many California place names (comes / come) from Spanish.

206 Many California place names (comes / come) from Spanish.

207 The principal or her assistant (is / are) the one who can help you.

208 The principal or her assistant (is / are) the one who can help you.

209 Home economics (is / are) a required course in many schools.

210 Home economics (is / are) a required course in many schools.

211 A flock of sheep (was / were) grazing on the hill.

212 A flock of sheep (was / were) grazing on the hill.

213 Proofreading for Subject Verb Agreement Identify each verb that does not agree with its subject. Then write the correct form of the verb.

214 There surely is few young artists as successful as Yani.
Is to ARE

215 In fact, the People’s Republic of China regard her as a national treasure.
Regard to REGARDS

216 She have shown her paintings throughout the world,
Have to HAS

217 Yani don’t paint in just one style.
Don’t to DOESN’T

218 Her ideas and her art naturally changes over the years.
Changes to CHANGE

219 This painting show one of Yani’s favorite childhood subjects, a monkey.
Show to SHOWS

220 Many of her early paintings features monkeys.
Features to FEATURE

221 In fact, one of her large works portray 112 monkeys.
Portray to PORTRAYS

222 However, most of her later paintings is of landscapes, other animals, and people.
Is to ARE

223 As her smile suggests, Yani fill her paintings with energy.
Fill to FILLS

224 Goal: I will be able to identify and correct errors in subject verb agreement. How would you rate your ability to complete the goal now that we have finished the unit?

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