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Joël Fisler (MeteoSwiss)

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Presentation on theme: "Joël Fisler (MeteoSwiss)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joël Fisler (MeteoSwiss)
Integration of non-NMHSs data in NMHS operations: Examples from MeteoSwiss Joël Fisler (MeteoSwiss)

2 We have integrated 2000 partner stations into the MeteoSwiss DataWareHouse!
Rund 30 verschiedene Partner, jede Farbe ein anderer Partner.

3 What types of partner do we work with?
Hydrology: Governmental Organizations (e.g. Cantons) Weather Services: Private Companies (e.g. MeteoGroup, Meteotest) Road Weather: Governmental Organizations (e.g. Cantons) Snow: Academia or Governmental Organizations (e.g. SLF) Air Quality: Governmental Organizations (e.g. NABEL, Cantons) & Agriculture, Energy Companies, Military, Police, Foreign NHMS, Pollen etc.

4 Hydrology: Overview Scale: 1=poor 5=excellent

5 Hydrology: Examples

6 Hydrology: Use Case (Combi Precip)

7 Hydrology: Use Case (Flood Emme)
Some hours later…

8 Hydrology: Use Case (Flood Emme)
Discharge of river modelled and measured

9 Weather Services: Overview
Scale: 1=poor 5=excellent

10 Weather Services: Overview

11 Hydrology: Use Case (Nowcasting)
MeteoSwiss stations only!

12 Hydrology: Use Case (Nowcasting)
MeteoSwiss and Partner stations

13 Road Weather: Overview
Scale: 1=poor 5=excellent

14 Road Weather: Examples

15 Road Weather: Use Case (Car Accident)
Insurance question: Was there ice on the road or not? Massenkarambolage am 1. Februar 2014 am Baregg case 2 case 3

16 Road Weather: Use Case (Car Accident)
MeteoSwiss stations only! Radar und Temperatur 5 cm über Boden, nur SwissMetNet …

17 Road Weather: Use Case (Car Accident)
MeteoSwiss and Partner stations … und ergänzt mit Strassenwetter-Messwerten (Fahrbahntemperatur)

18 Snow: Overview Scale: 1=poor 5=excellent

19 Snow: IMIS-Stations by SLF

20 Snow: Use Case (High Fog in the Alps)
Humidity measured by SLF-Stations at different altitudes 2110m 1850m 1716m

21 Air Quality: Overview Scale: 1=poor 5=excellent

22 Air Quality: Examples

23 Air Quality: Use Case (Föhn)
Partner Isleten MeteoSwiss Altdorf Partner Erstfeld

24 Air Quality: Use Case (Föhn)
Warning issued

25 Use Restrictions for Partner Data
USE_LIMITATION_ID Description Internal use? Distribute to other govern. organiz.? Distribute to Edu/Research? Distribute to anybody? 10 MeteoSwiss is data owner; unrestricted use! Yes 20 Partner data that can be used without restriction. 30 Partner data that can be distributed to other governmental organizations and used ior education/research. No 40 Partner data that can be distributed to other governmental organizations and used internally 50 Internal use only

26 Integration & Distribution of Partner Data
Swiss Atmospheric Observation System Federal Office for the Environment – Flood Forecasting / Warning MeteoSwiss Data MeteoSwiss Single Official Voice – Weather Warnings SwissMetNet Profiles Governmental Information Platform for natural hazards - GIN MeteoSwiss Data Warehouse Observations National Climatology Radar Pollen Partners Aerosols International Exchange Ozone Airport Measurements Numeric Weather Prediction (NWP) APP and Website Partner Data

27 Evolution MeteoSwiss Data Warehouse

28 Quality Control of Partner Data
METEO-Cert: acceptance procedure for weather stations In 2006 MeteoSwiss started integrating partner stations into their network to increase the coverage of meteorological surface observations and to reduce costs. To address concerns about the quality METEO-Cert was developed and applied to both partner and MeteoSwiss’ stations. Goals of METEO-Cert are: Quality label for weather stations Comparability between weather stations Systematic acquisition of metadata

29 METEO-Cert: Quality Labels
Fully compliant All WMO/CIMO requirements fulfilled Compliant Most requirements fulfilled Rot bedeutet nicht unbedingt “schlecht” sondern “speziell”! Not compliant or Special Site Some important WMO requirements not fulfilled! Be aware of the limitations and use data with caution.

30 METEO-Cert: Method & Procedure
Three steps: Pre-Assessment Audit on site Data analysis Audits on site are conducted by a neutral third-party organization and not by the operator or the NMHS. In Switzerland the audits conducted by METAS, the Swiss Institute for Metrology.  ensures neutrality when assessing stations!

31 Methods: Criteria METEO-Cert does take into account 100 criteria per station summarized in the following categories: Instrument: Accuracy, Heating, Ventilation Siting and Exposure: CIMO Siting Class, Measurement Height, … Maintenance and Observer: Maintenance and Calibration Cycles Post-Analysis: Data Availability and Timeliness

32 Methods: Tools / Questionnaire
The METEO-Cert tool has been developed using Microsoft Excel The questionnaire contains all the 100 criteria, its thresholds and weights towards the overall assessment of a meteorological variable. METAS can only fill out the fields highlighted in blue. In some cases pulldown menus make sure that the auditor only enters valid values. Once the auditor has answered all the questions the quality label per meteorological variable (temperature, wind, precipitation etc.) is shown.

33 METEO-Cert: Conclusions
Deficiencies became visible and improvements were made to around 10% of the stations. Operators became more sensible to quality issues Provides information about how the data can be applied. Could be adapted for other weather services if required. IOM report about METEO-Cert is planned for late Will be available on WMO-Website.

34 Vision for 2040 & Discussion
Not only sharing data with partners but also planning and building measurement networks together (optimize the available resources) Complete metadata information (e.g. in OSCAR) in order to be able to define possible applications for each measurement network (fit for purpose). Closer collaboration between governmental organization concerning storing, analyzing and visualizing environmental data (federal data warehouses) Open data access for environmental data (worldwide) Crowd Sourcing (e.g. Weather Underground with worldwide 200’000 stations)

35 Joël Fisler T +41 58 460 94 33
Are there any questions?

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