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Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS)

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1 Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS)

2 LBAS LBAS was established 26 years ago.
LBAS is representing 90 thousand workers. LBAS represents 20 independant sector trade union from all sectors in all over Latvia, for example: education, social care, culture, constraction, transport, forestry, and other. Major affiliated organizations are: Education and science Employees Trade Union (LIZDA) Health and Social Care Employees Trade Union (LVSADA) Railway and Transport Workers Trede Union (LDZSA) Publick Service and Transport Workers Trade Union (LAKRS)

3 LBAS main activities Improwement of welfare level of trade union members. Provision of legal protection and safe working environment of the members of trade unions. Development of activities and strenghtening of trade unions solidarity

4 LBAS representation on national level
Participates in the development process of policy planning documents, draft laws and Regulations of Cabinet of the of Ministers. Participates in the sittings of commissions of the parliament (Saeima) National Tripatite Cooperation Council and its sub-councils. Advises and educates the members of trade unionon labour law issues. Provides legal advice for the member organizations and members of their trade unions.

5 LBAS partners in the European Union
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) Baltic Trade Union Council (BITUC) Baltic sea Trade Union Network (BASTUN)

6 LBAS challenges Despite of 26 years experience in market economy and globalization process, in its work LBAS is facing following main problems: High unemployment unwillingness of young people to join the union, - decrease of membership; Lack of trade union organizing uniformity, numerous small trade union organizations; Insufficiency of social dialogue both of regional and branch level as well as at the company level; Indisposition of our Parliament (Saeima) and the Government to support trade union movement, their lack of interest of strong social partner.

7 LBAS Youth 6 years of LBAS youth comitee 8 sectoral trade unions
Disscussions Forums Actions Uniformly events Education/seminars

8 Youth unemployment in Latvia
High youth unemployment level (11,8% in 2008, from 2009 more than 20%) 88% aged years 65% with low or no qualification (pre-primary, primary or secondary education) 47% with former work experience 11,8 school drop outs, in VET -19% Main solution: to diminish youth unemployment are involvement of young people /the returning in the education system to improve skills and to raise competences.

9 Youth in education system
Wrong profession /school choice, skill miss- mach Early leavers from education and training Lack of cnowlage’s about Labour legislation, work safety (40% of all accidents in work are for those employees who has worked less than 1 year) Unused potential of trainersheep – chance to gain first work experience, to start and improve career Transition from school to work (no information about labour market , labour legislation, social rights)

10 Solutions Cereer guidance – in choosing the profession before beginning of of education or trainings and improving qualification or retraining in different situations of life Choice according lbour market needs and individual capacity Education program with labour based content – involvement of employers Career planning at school stage – qualitative internship, internship connected with future career prospects At work places – collective agreements for improving skills and rising qualification Education youth (pupils, students young employees about: Trade unions(good examples, break streotypes), labour rights(Labour law), work safety, protection.


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