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“ Regional Workforce Development and Talent Pipeline Assessment”

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1 “ Regional Workforce Development and Talent Pipeline Assessment”
MAHRA “ Regional Workforce Development and Talent Pipeline Assessment” Derek Heikkinen/Business Services Director North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board


3 Dual Customer Workforce System
Match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in a global economy. Increase training and employment opportunities, particularly for people with barriers to employment.

4 Global Workforce Trends
1 in 3 Employers report they are experiencing difficulty finding Jobs By 2050, Europe will have almost twice as many people over the age of 65, as under 15 By 2020, the US economy’s demand for labor will outstrip supply by almost 18 million people. By 2050 China’s over 65s will likely constitute a population larger than the entire United States. (Manpower Study)

5 The Aging Workforce 40% of our regional workforce is comprised of “Baby Boomers” U.S. Birth rate reached record low of 1.86 babies/year, well below the 2.1 per needed for a stable population (ages 15-44) Birth rates of women in 2015 hit historic lows equaling the rate for the time period in the years before and after the Great Recession (15% drop from ) Hispanic Birth rate down 26%, African- American down 14%, Caucasian down 11%. Wisconsin 7th highest in outbound migration

6 The United States Shortages
Top 10 Job U.S. Employers Can’t Fill 1.Skilled Trade Workers 2. Drivers (OTR/CDL) 3. Teachers 4. Sales Representatives 5. Administrative Professionals 6.Management Executives 7.Nurses 8.Technicians 9.Accounting and Finance Staff 10.Engineers (Manpower 2016)

7 The United States Skills GAP
The U.S. has 115,000 janitors, 83,000 bartenders, 323,000 restaurant servers, and 80,000 truck drivers with bachelor’s degrees. Half of young college graduates are either jobless or underemployed. There are fewer Computer Science Majors today than there were 10 years ago. The peak of 60,000 CS majors occurred in Yet, there will be a significant increase in demand for software engineers (72%, and computer support specialists (45%) in the next five years. Only 3 of the 30 occupations with the largest projected number of job openings by 2020 will require a bachelor’s degree or higher to fill the position-teachers, college professors, and accountants.

8 How does this affect our region?
U.S. will be 18 million skilled trade workers short of demand by 2020 Wisconsin 7th worst in outbound population migration/attrition (18-34) Only 14% of jobs in North Central Wisconsin require a bachelor’s degree for entry. Only 27.4% of people over 25 have a Bachelor’s Degree in WI. June Chamber Survey displaced a need of 254 companies need to fill 11, 281 jobs due to growth or attrition by year 2020. Regional K-12 enrollments are down 25%-43% on average Birth rate lowest since 1929 (year before recession) CWIMMA (29/41)- 1,559 skilled fab workers by 2018

9 Regional Economic Correlation
Primary Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (metal, wood, paper, etc) Healthcare Transportation Information Technology Driver Economies (Growth Quotient > 1.00 economic profit related to earnings attributed) Manufacturing Transportation and Warehousing Finance and Insurance Emerging Economies: Construction Wholesale Trade Management of Companies *Regional Labor Shed 60 Miles

10 Wisconsin Economics at a Glance
Livable Wage- $12.65/hr (DWD) x 2080= $26, 312 Wisconsin Unemployment Rate 4.1 % Estimated minimum annual expenses for 1 adult in WI $ 18, 020/yr (U.S. Census) Estimated expenses for 1 adult and 1 child $40, 249 /yr (must make $22.94/hr) 15.6% of population is over 65 8.0% of population is disabled 12.1 % live below poverty line ($5/hr - $10,400/yr)

11 Regional Youth Unemployment/Population
Year Pop. Aged 16 to 24 LFPR Unemployment Rate 2009 52,155 72.4% 11.8% 2010 48,894 70.8% 12.3% 2011 48,136 70.3% 13.0% 2012 47,688 69.2% 15.2% 2013 47,659 67.3% 15.0%

12 Keys to Success Business Led Economic Shifts ( Business/education committees, regional or local economic development partnerships, advisory committees, sector partnerships CWITA/CWIMMA etc) Alignment with Adult Talent Pipeline Development Opportunities (WIOA, Apprenticeships, DOC, DVR, OVS, DWD) Competitive Wages, Benefits (correctly analyze competitive market or Human Capital) K-12 curriculum must align with economic structure Retention Focused efforts Industry Driven Youth Talent Pipeline Development (YA, Mentorship, “project based learning)

13 Ways to Attract Talent Factors Affecting HS Student Choices: Location
Environment Opportunity What Influences Youth Job Seekers? Job Description 43 % Brand/ Company Reputation 33% Relevant Role 31% Personalized Target Message (“Wow Factor” Recruitment) (Fox Valley Example) *By 2021 Millennials will comprise the majority of the U.S. Labor force

14 Where Do Millennials Look for Work?
86% Company Website 52% Search Engine Results 45% Peers 31 % Industry Associations 30% Social Media 27 % News/ Job Sites 22% Recruiter 2% other

15 Millennial Trends Social Media
66% will look up a store or business after learning their friend had checked in. 43% have liked more than 20 brands on Facebook 91% make their Facebook places and check-ins public 52% have over 300 Facebook friends (Top 10%) over 1,000 Motivated By: 30% Meaningful Work 28% High Pay 25% Sense of Accomplishment 1 in 3 said he/she would prioritize social media freedom, device use and work mobility over salary in accepting a job offer 92% feel entrepreneurship education is vital for the new economy 30 % Started a business in college 35 % Have already started a side business Retention Practices 43% felt extremely confident that they could find another job if they lost their current one 70% of them are planning to change jobs after the economy improves

16 Holiday Inn/Green Mill Rothschild/Wausau, WI 8:30am-1pm
Next Steps November 15th Holiday Inn/Green Mill Rothschild/Wausau, WI 8:30am-1pm Workforce Solutions Summit Derek Heikkinen Business Director NCWWDB

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