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Our Pledge to Silky the Dogwood

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Presentation on theme: "Our Pledge to Silky the Dogwood"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Pledge to Silky the Dogwood

2 The most successful people are…
Welcome to The Corner Room Room 16 The most successful people are…

3 One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight
of the shore for a very long time. Andre Gide 3

4 “Good Morning” and a SMILE!
What is the first thing a third grader does when he/she walks into Room 16 every morning? Unpacks book bag Puts notes in the “bin” Orders lunch with paw prints Gets started writing assignments Greets Mrs. Cap with “Good Morning” and a SMILE!

5 1988 Who is Mrs. Capriola? Dani Niki 5

6 Typical Day buy one from the cafeteria 8:40-8:55 Morning Routine
Assignment Books/Reading Logs checked daily Attendance/Lunch/Schedule * Very important to be here on time 8:55- 9:45–Specials ,Science, Laptops, WW 9:50- 10:30- Specials, Writing Workshop 10:35 – 10:50 – Recess Students may bring a healthy snack or buy one from the cafeteria

7 Numbers and Operations
10:55-11:55 - Math Class Major concepts include: Numbers and Operations Place Value Measurement Geometry Graphing Probability These concepts are developed through a balanced use of manipulative materials, various text-based instruction and technology. 7

8 Due the following day, unless otherwise specified
Math Homework Monday - Thursday Due the following day, unless otherwise specified Should take a MAXIMUM of 30 minutes!! Please be a homework consultant with your child. If your child does not understand the concept, advise your child to come and talk to the teacher. The math teacher is available for help – child must see the teacher to set up a time to meet 8

9 Chapter review given for homework before chapter test
Other Mad Minutes are given to help child improve speed and accuracy of basic math computations Chapter review given for homework before chapter test Chapter tests must be signed and returned to school Test retakes will be given to children who score under 80% 9

10 12:00-12:20- Think Together-Mini Lesson Read Aloud-Stop & Jot (peek)
12:20-1:00– Lunch & Recess 1:00-1:30- Independent Reading Workshop “shopping”, reading conferences 1:30-3:15- Reading & Writing Workshop 10

11 Reading & Writing Workshop
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 STRINGS Day 5 Day 6 8:55 Science in Classroom Class Meetings Science Lab Writing Workshop Laptops Music 9:45 Media Phys Ed Art 1:30 Social Studies 2:30 Global Learning 1:40-2:25 Flex Core Specials Physical Education Art Applied Tech FLES Media 2:30-3:15 Science Writer’s Workshop Music Phys Ed Reading & Writing Workshop 11

12 Units to be studied in 3rd grade SS are:
America (flag, government, etc…) Maps & Globes Current Events & Global Learning Project Election Native Americans Pennsylvania: history, geography, & government Famous Pennsylvanians (Biography) Philadelphia (City Planning) Chester County & Tredyffrin/Easttown

13 Plants Rocks & Minerals Land & Water Chemical Tests Ecology
Units to be studied in 3rd grade Science are: Plants Rocks & Minerals Land & Water Chemical Tests Ecology 13

14 Weekly Homework In the assignment book:
Reading - every night 30 mins- daily reading log read the same book at home and school Writing- once a week writer’s notebook goes home Spelling- study words nightly, sheet by Wed test Friday ( bonus/challenge activities) Math- M-Th-worksheets and problem solving activities (15 minutes) Other- special projects once in a while

15 Literacy By Design Daily Reading Log Trade Books
Theme related Science content Social studies content Theme Tests (every two weeks) 15

16 Children read “Just Right” books independently and with partners.
In our third grade classroom, reading is taught through a Reader's Workshop model. Children read “Just Right” books independently and with partners. While I conference and assess individuals, meet with guided reading groups, and instruct small strategy groups What do good readers do? Lifelong skills! 16

17 Comprehension Strategies 17

18 Goal for the year- 40 or more books
If a child reads 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes at home, and this child can read 100 words per minute, how many Magic Tree House books (6,000 words) can a student read in a day? week? 10 months Goal for the year- 40 or more books

19 The Flashlight Under the Covers
Mrs. Cap's goal The Flashlight Under the Covers PHENOMENON 19

20 Writer’s Workshop Strategic writing conferences
happen anytime students are writing. Short minilesson (a whole group lesson) Students work independently on their writing for twenty to thirty minutes. During this independent writing time, I will circulate around the classroom and confer with students. Set goals, (topic, draft, revisions, final) demonstrate, “Off you go!” Writer’s Notebooks- Ralph Fletcher (ooh ahh) Take a peek 20

21 Reading from the Book Whisperer
Reading is both a cognitive and an emotional journey. I discovered… …equip travelers …teach them to read a map …show them what to do when they get lost …ultimately, the journey is theirs alone. 21

22 22

23 Thanks for coming! TOGETHER… we make a great TEAM! notes to kids 23

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