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Problem Solving: Brute Force Approaches

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1 Problem Solving: Brute Force Approaches

2 Brute Force Approaches (aka Complete Search)
Basic idea: try out everything to find the best. Sometimes, this is the only reasonable solution Given an unsorted list of numbers, find the max/min. Only option is to look at each number. Sometimes, the brute-force approach is good enough Especially when sizes are not too large, or time is not an issue e.g. if checking n! different options, if n is 3 or 4, it might be fine to enumerate them. Often, the brute-force approach is the easiest to implement Unless you expect time to be an issue (which it often is…), it’s a good way to start Solving via brute force ensures you understand the problem and know a way to find a solution

3 Basic ways to approach brute force
Iterative vs. recursive Iterative: loop through to generate all possible combinations Sometimes will need many loops Recursive: use “backtracking” to choose next, repeatedly Generative vs. filtered Generators: generate the possible answers – the good ones Often a recursive definition is better, here Filtered: generate all answers and choose valid ones

4 Iterative approaches Loop through all options, testing each
Example: find all pairs of numbers where X is c times Y, and X and Y use are 5-digit numbers, using all from 0-9 Multiple loops Example: enumerate all subsets of 6 numbers from a larger collection; use 6 nested loops Limit range of search If x2+y2+z2 = C, then x, y, z must have absolute value < sqrt(C), etc. Keep flag to stop loops early (pruning) Generating all permutations Example: For 8 moviegoers, what seating options in a row meet all of 20 conditions (setting limits about distance apart/near) Subset-sum Generate all subsets, then check those n items, 2n possible subsets; possibly viable for n<=20

5 Example Read numbers A, B C, each <= Find distinct x, y, z so that: x+y+z = A x*y*z = B x2+y2+z2 = C We can limit loops to [-100,100] for each, due to C We can limit one of these to cube root of B, or [-22,22] at most We can do fast checks to make sure x, y, z are distinct before doing calculations Then, just have loops, and check answers.

6 Recursive search Recursively search for all possible solutions to a problem Key is to prune away invalid solutions quickly Classical problem: 8 queens Find the positions possible for arranging 8 queens on a chessboard so they can’t attack each other First: note each column must have one queen, so can recurse that way Check each row for that column to see if valid – if so, place and recurse (for each valid position) Valid position means not at the same row or on same diagonal as a prior queen Helps prune away large sections of search space. Expanded problem: n-queens on larger board Need faster (e.g. bitfield) storage to identify valid/invalid rows/diagonals. Notice: 2n-1 left and 2n-1 right diagonals on an nxn board.

7 Tips to improve performance of brute force
Use short-circuiting of if statements to limit checks Pruning: identify early when there is an infeasible branch Remember that sometimes you can bound quality of a branch Symmetries: Can drastically reduce the search space. But, can involve a lot of overhead and complicate the code Pre-compute: When some values can be known ahead of time, precompute and store. Solve backward: Look at whether the inverse problem is faster Optimize source code: First, try to identify the “critical” code (see next page)

8 Optimizing source code
Use a faster language: C++>Java>Python Faster I/O: C++: scanf/printf vs. cin/cout (scanf/printf don’t flush other) Java: BufferedReader/BufferedWriter vs. Scanner/PrintStream Use built-in fast stort (e.g. C++ algorithm::sort) Access 2D arrays in row-major order (for cache coherency) Use bit manipulations whenever possible Use low-level structures when you know you don’t need advanced functionality e.g. arrays vs. vectors, char[] vs. string Do single allocation of array as a global Locals avoid passing/copying Dynamic allocation will take time Iterative instead of recursive code when possible Avoid repeated array access – store the data in a variable

9 Brute Force in Book Book references – section 3.2
Examples of basic problem solutions Generating all permutations Use the C++ next_permutation algorithm (iterative approach to generating permutations!). Generating all subsets Form an n-bit bitmask (integer), then iterate through numbers

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