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A piece of epilepsy history from the Nordic countries before 1900 A.D.

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1 A piece of epilepsy history from the Nordic countries before 1900 A.D.
Mia Tuft, Centre for Rare Epilepsy-related Disorders, Karl Otto Nakken, National Centre for Epilepsy, Oslo University Hospital, NORWAY PREVENTION OF EPILEPSY IN THE MIDDLE AGES To wear men’s clothes just before birth increased the chances of getting a healthy child. Women should be careful not to be fertilized on holy days and during their menstrual periods. PROCEDURES TO TREAT EPILEPTIC SEIZURES (1600, 1700 and A.D) The most common method was to tear or cut the clothes of the person who had the seizure, and then to burn the clothes. Some people used the ashes to smear on the sick person’s skin. This was a treatment used specifically in Scandinavia. It was used in some parts of Finland too, but is not known as a treatment procedure elsewhere in the world. TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY IN THE MIDDLE AGES Magic formulas Saints Amulets, for prevention of diseases and for healing Written blessings and holy symbols ”To put a disease to the ground”: To treat a disease, the sick person could go to a lonely place by some bushes. Finding the right spot, he or she should put a part of the body, for example an arm, to the ground underneath the bushes. A formula was read to transfer the illness to the ground. The under-ground was the place where the dead and the goblins lived. It was important that no-one could step on the spot the disease was put, to prevent the disease from being spread to other people. BLOOD AS A TREATMENT FOR EPILEPSY From B.C. and until early 1900 A.D. blood was the dominating treat-ment for epilepsy. It was not only used in the Nordic countries, but all over Europe. Blood from certain people was perceived as more efficient. Blood from a criminal killer or a solider who had killed someone in a war was believed to the best. The mother of a child who had epilepsy could also use her own blood to treat her child. Blood from animals could also be used. Blood from bear, chicken, snakes and some types of fish was the best blood. HERBS TO TREAT EPILEPSY (FALLING SICKNESS) Anise The person who carries anise shall not get falling sickness (Pythagoras). Chamomile flower Boil the flowers in vinegar and honey, and give to drink. Marjoram Boil and drink it. It is good for the brain and prevents falling sickness. European columbine Drink 2 or 3 spoons of boiled water mixed with the columbine, morning and evening. REFERENCES: Månsson, A (1998). Den herlige uteboken fra Oslo; Kolibri Reichborn-Kjennerud, In (1947). Vår gamle trolldomsmedisin. Oslo; Jacob Dybvad The early history of Epilepsy treatment in the Nordic countries will be presented in the book ”Epilepsy – adults tell their stories”, which will be published in Norway The book is a cooperation between the Norwegian Epilepsy Society and National centre for rare epilepsy related diseases

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