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1.02 Establish Personal and Organizational Goals

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1 1.02 Establish Personal and Organizational Goals

2 Goals Terms & Definitions
Purpose of any plan or action Short Term Goals Series of accomplishments that add up to a specific achievement Long Term Goal Has existed over an extended period of time

3 Goals Terms & Definitions
Strategy The decision of how to accomplish an objective Desire To long for an objective

4 Goals Terms & Definitions
Planning Goals The small steps you must take to get from where you are now to where you want to be Self assessment Profile of your talents, interests, abilities, aptitudes, and experiences

5 Why Set Goals? Life with a clear purpose and/or destination
Turn dreams into desires

6 Why Set Goals? Prioritize events in your life
Plan of action to guide you into the future

7 Establishing Long Term Goals
Plan Self-assessment Personal action plan Research Career exploration Review

8 Advantages of Short Term Goals
Long term goal into manageable pieces Focus energy on specific steps to achieve long term goal Setting & achieving short term goals enables you to reach long term goals

9 Advantages of Short Term Goals
Better manage time Specific ways to evaluate progress If one short term goal does not work, another can be set without losing sight of the long term goal

10 Effective Goals Stated in clear terms Realistic & Believable
“I will graduate with a 3.5 GPA” Realistic & Believable YOU must believe that you can reach the goal Attainable & Reliable Interests, skills, abilities and strengths to make it happen

11 Effective Goals Measurable Desirable
Goal can be accomplished within a certain time or in a quantity that can be calculated Desirable You REALLY want to achieve this goal

12 Evaluating Career Goals
Indicators of possible career paths Values Aptitudes Skills Interests Hobbies Work Many people earn a living doing something they used to do as a hobby

13 Living with your Career Choices
Work is an activity that may result in something useful A job is a collection of tasks or duties that a person does to earn a living Work is the central activity around which most people plan their lives

14 Living with your Career Choices
As an adult, you will be identified mainly by the kind of work that you do Only a few people satisfy their safety and survival needs by working About 80% of Americans are not well-satisfied with their work and lifestyle

15 Career Planning A process in which a student learns about himself/herself, the world of work, and the relationship between the two Should begin in first grade if possible, no later than sixth grade

16 Career Decision Making
Life-long process Beliefs, values, skills, aptitudes, interests Involves your past, present, and future work role Career plan may change when significant new information, interests, or desire appear

17 Career Planning Skills
Identify long range goal Set short term goals Develop a career plan Update info from earlier career plans Career Portfolio Collection of information that demonstrates your talents, interests, abilities, achievements, experiences

18 Successful Career Planning
Method of looking at your particular strengths/weaknesses and the many options and choices of careers Everyone needs a Career Development Plan Individuals are responsible for setting their own Short & Long term Career Goals

19 Steps for Career Planning
Self Assessment Honestly determine talents, interests, skills, values, personality Career Exploration Investigate all career choices, options, opportunities Goal Setting Establish intermediate short range and long range goals Evaluation Periodically evaluate your plan using a Time Log

20 Researching a Career Consider desired Lifestyle
Consider working environment Indoor vs. Outdoor Sitting vs. Standing Extreme hot vs. cold environment Consider desired Lifestyle Family Friends Leisure activities Spiritual well-being Career

21 Researching a Career Career cluster
Group of careers that have certain things in common Best way to learn about a career is working in it The more careers you are aware of, the better your chances of finding one that is right for you

22 Career Planning for Your Own Business
Describe costs and benefits of self-employment Self assessment of skills and personality traits Know how to start a business

23 Department of Labor Occupations Classifications
People Working for the betterment of others and/or society Teachers, social workers, policemen Data Working with numbers, information processing, policies and procedures Accountants, computer programmers, researchers

24 Occupations Categories
Things Working with tools, equipment, machines Cooks, air traffic controllers, drafters Ideas Working with concepts, themes or inventions Musicians, artists, writers

25 Job Search Internet Trade Magazines Friends & Family
Is it unfair for a friend or family member to help you get a job? School Counselors & Teachers

26 Job Search Private employment agencies
Make a profit for placement service Newspaper advertisements/Want ads Indicate new and emerging job skills Majority of job openings are unlisted because employers try to prevent a rush of applicants

27 Landing a Job Job Application Letter of Application Resume
Black ink No blanks Neat Letter of Application Resume Job Interview Employers choose best and most qualified candidates for the job

28 Sources of Drafting Instruction
Private trade/technical school Two-year community college program Four-year college program

29 Drafting Careers Manufacturing Electrical Transportation Fabrication
Construction Architecture Public Utilities State & Local Gov’t Armed Services Colleges & Universities

30 Drafting Careers Design & drafting skills Problem Solving
Communication Processing Information Using Numbers & Data Using Technology Teamwork

31 Branches of Engineering
Aerospace Architecture Residential and Commercial Civil Bridges, Roads, etc Electrical Mechanical Designing machines and devices

32 Engineering as a Career Goal
Requires a 4-year degree in an engineering specialty Concurrent Engineering Engineering design team allows everyone in the company to have access to product information Traditional Engineering Engineering design team works on product development alone

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