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Task Definition Evaluation Science Fair Projects Location & Access

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Presentation on theme: "Task Definition Evaluation Science Fair Projects Location & Access"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Definition Evaluation Science Fair Projects Location & Access
Information Seeking Strategies Science Fair Projects Location & Access Synthesis Use of Information

2 Science Fair Projects USING THE BIG 6 PROCESS
In this project, students will apply the "Big Six" information gathering process to do research for SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS.

3 THE BIG SIX #1 Task Definition “What do I need to know?”
What am I supposed to do? What are the possible topics? Science Fair Idea Exchange What Makes a Good Science Fair Project? Science Fair Criteria for Judging Projects Final Check List for Projects

4 “What can I use to find what I need?”
THE BIG SIX #2 INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES “What can I use to find what I need?” What are the possible sources of information I can use? Click here to find science fair web sites. What are the best sources for this assignment? Have I used a variety of resources? (Projects which use only Internet sources will send a message that students have not searched widely for sources and will be judged accordingly) *Go to next slide for additional information resources*

5 Science Projects: How to do them
Science Project Guidelines  Science Projects: Samples/Ideas High Schools Idea list Youth Science Foundation : Useful ideas organized by grade level Chicago Academy of Sciences idea list

6 THE BIG SIX #3 LOCATION & ACCESS “What can I use to find what I need?”
SIRS Discoverer / Pendergast Schools District Libraries The Internet Do I know how to use the Internet? How to use Internet Search Engines *Go to next slide for additional information resources*

7 *Go to next slide for additional information resources*
Magazines/News Services Online Science Daily Science News The Why Files Houston Museum of Natural Science ASK OUR EXPERTS! Science Projects: other useful resources Science Fair Resources The Ultimate Science Fair Resource. Science Fair on the Web Science Fair Internet Resources *Go to next slide for additional information resources*

8 INTERNET: Search Engines
Alta Vista Yahoo About Lycos SCIENCE Links (General) Houston Public Library's Science Links Houston Public Library Kids Page Science Links Houston Public Library Kids Page Science Experiments Links Yahooligans Science Experiments (K-5) Internet Public Library Science Project Page:

9 “What information can I use?”
THE BIG SIX #4 USE OF INFORMATION “What information can I use?” How will I record information? (note taking) How will I evaluate the information?

10 “How can I put my information together?”
THE BIG SIX #5 SYNTHESIS “How can I put my information together?” How is the information best presented? How will I credit my sources? (MLA format)

11 THE BIG SIX #6 EVALUATION “How will I know if I did well?”
Was your finished PRODUCT 'effective'? Was the PROCESS you used 'efficient'? Science Fair Criteria for Judging Projects Final Check List for Projects

12 Science Fair Criteria for Judging Projects
5=Wow! 4=Almost There 3=Acceptable 2=Missing the Boat 1=No Evidence I. Scientific Thought (maximum 5 points each) _____ Problem or question is stated clearly _____ Hypothesis is clearly stated _____ Experimental procedure is clearly stated in an organized manner _____ Observations of the experiment are discussed or interpreted _____ Data is organized in a meaningful graph, table, or chart _____ Conclusion is reasonable and based on the experiment _____ Evidence of research or background information is presented _____ Variables affecting results are controlled _____ TOTAL (40 points possible) Creativity (maximum 5 points each) _____ Project is based on a unique idea, problem or question _____ Idea, problem or question is handled or interpreted in a unique manner _____ Materials are used in a unique or ingenious manner _____ Project is displayed in a unique manner _____ TOTAL (20 points possible) Thoroughness (maximum 5 points each) _____ Project has been explained (written in a clear, concise manner) _____ There is evidence of treatment of all data collected _____ Diligence in conducting the project is evident Workmanship (maximum 5 points each) _____ Display is constructed of sturdy materials _____ The nature of the project is immediately clear to the viewer _____ Labels, graphs, charts, written material, etc. are neatly presented _____ The display is visually appealing _____ The design of the project shows planning and organization _____ TOTAL (25 points possible)

13 Final Check List for Projects
Is your problem clearly thought out and specific? Are your facts logical and step by step? Do not include such things as reading, or construction steps. Is your conclusion supported by your facts? Does it answer the question in your problem? Have you done enough research to have a report showing your background knowledge of your subject? Have you labeled everything clearly? Labels should be able to be read from 36”. Everything in your project should be labeled and its use explained. Have you planned to set up your project in such a way that it will be attractive, colorful, and attention-getting? Have you made drawings and diagrams to explain your projects? Materials in your project should be labeled in such a way that your name will not be visible to the judges.

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