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Metamora High School FIRST Robotics

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Presentation on theme: "Metamora High School FIRST Robotics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
What is FIRST? FIRST is not . . . about a robot. Today Tomorrow High School Scientists, Engineers, Technologists FIRST is . . . about today’s students! FIRST - p/c/0/u7k5IxsixO4

2 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
What is FIRST? Students build a robot to contend in a nationally based competition                                                                                 

3 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
What is FIRST? Subteams: Electrical: hook up processor, wireless communication devices, connect motors, sensors           Programming: Students design a program to tell outputs what to do based upon human joystick controls and input sensors on the robot.

4 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
What is FIRST? Subteams:           Mechanical: Students build the chassis and all mechanisms on the physical robot Design: Students use industry based modeling software to design, prototype, and troubleshoot the conceptual robot     Marketing: Students promote visibility of our sponsors on the robot and pit area

5 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Community Support: ~ Adult mentors (parents encouraged to participate) ~ Sponsorships ~ Materials

6 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Regional Competition: Tentatively set for- Milwaukee Wisconsin Dates: March

7 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Student Fees: ~$40 Team Fee: This can be offset by participation in the PTC Design Program ~Meals at regional competition

8 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Fall Calendar: Thursday, Nov. 3 : Student Interviews ~Students sign up for a 15 minute block ~ 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM

9 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Fall Calendar: Thursday, Nov. 3 : Student Interviews Attire: ~Business casual ~Jeans are ok, but should be in good shape (no holes/tears etc.) ~Shirt should be neat and should meet the school’s dress code

10 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Interview Considerations: ~Why do you want to be on the team? ~What subteam are you most interested in? ~What subteam are you most qualified for? ~Are you willing to commit to the team? This means not just coming to meetings, but being productive when are there.

11 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Fall Calendar: Saturday, Nov. 5 : PTC Design Workshop ~8:00 AM – approx. 2:30 PM ~Room 309 ~Students sign up if interested (14 available seats) ~names will be drawn for workshop roster ~roster will be placed in room 309 by Thursday

12 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Fall Calendar: Fall Pre-Season Sessions: ~Mondays & Thursdays ~6:00 PM – 8:00 PM ~Room 309

13 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Spring Calendar: Jan.7: Build Season Kick Off- Receive kit and learn rules of the game Meet Mondays through Thursdays from 6:00-8:00 PM & Saturdays from 8:00AM –12:00 PM February 21st: Robot ship date Regional Competition at Milwaukee Mar

14 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Team Handbook/ Student Expectations ~Willingness to commit to putting in significant amounts of time and energy to the team ~Commitment equivalent to participating on an athletic team ~Maintain good grades: order of importance should be Family, School, FIRST Robotics team in that order ~Texting only during texting breaks

15 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Community Service Project Ideas

16 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Q & A How will the team members be selected? ~Based upon expressed student interest in the interviews ~Attendance and productivity in the fall pre-season practices 2. When and how will the team selection be announced? ~Friday, December 16th ~Posting on the MTHS FIRST Robotics website

17 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Q & A 3. Who will be able to attend the regional competition? ~Goal: to take as many team members to the regional as possible. ~The final regional roster will be decided by mentors according to student attendance through the build season and productivity during build sessions.

18 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Other Questions?

19 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Check off sheet: Sign up for an interview Turn in the FIRST Robotics application Turn in PTC Design sheet if interested in participating in the program 4. Sign up for the PTC workshop if interested 5. Sign CAT waivers and staple a copy of insurance cards on the back 6. Register in STIMS : Create a student account under “new student user” Website:  FRC  Registration  Go directly to STIMS c. Team Number 4143

20 Metamora High School FIRST Robotics
Websites: ~ US FIRST: ~MTHS FIRST Robotics Site:  Departments  Vocational Technology  FIRST Robotics

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