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Presentation on theme: " [mind.youare] Let me introduce our University with a short overview that will complement the documents you already have."— Presentation transcript:

1 [mind.youare] Let me introduce our University with a short overview that will complement the documents you already have.

2 Cooperation with the environment
1859 beginnings of higher education in Mb Association of Higher Education Institutions in Maribor 1975 University of Maribor established Although the roots of the UM go more then 150 years back, todays fundaments date back to 1950‘s when the modern higher education institutions were founded with a strong support of the industry, the city and the region.

3 UM is strongly embedded into the city.

4 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Faculty of Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Arts Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty of Economics and Business Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of Medicine Today we have 17 faculties, Of which 11, together with the university library and the students dormitories reside in the city of Maribor. They appear in the sequence of their foundation. Faculty of Health Sciences

5 Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Faculty of Organisational Sciences Faculty of Logistics Faculty of Energy Technology Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security Faculty of Tourism 6 more faculties reside outside of Maribor, which we see as an important advantage.

6 UM strategies for knowledge transfer
1. Cooperation with the environment UM strategies for knowledge transfer ECONOMY scientific research education industry market idea development product Since 2011 we are building a strong connection between the university and the environment. We called it Research and Arts Zone of UM, or RAZ:UM, which also means MIND in Slovenian. Lately we started to call it the „Bridge over troubled waters“...

7 Idea! Innovation! Solution! Problem!
1. Cooperation with the environment Idea! Innovation! You will have the opportunity to talk with some of our partners this afternoon. The RAZ:UM bridge has two directions Problem – solution: Idea – innovation: The „plastic gasoline“ is one of the results, developed by a group of 3 undergraduate students. Some patents are on the way. Solution! Problem!

8 2. Running of the institution
MISSION The mission of the University of Maribor is based on the quest for knowledge, authenticity, creativity, freedom of spirit, cooperation and the exchange of information in science, arts and education. In its concern for humanity and sustainable development, the University of Maribor enriches our store of knowledge, strengthens humanist values, raises our level of awareness, a culture of dialogue, the quality of life and justice throughout the world. UM misson is of course in accordance with our role as a public university. But our mission statement, which was accepted by the Sente exactly one year ago, emphasizes our values and our social responsibility.

9 2. Running of the institution
VISION The University of Maribor will be a globally recognized ecosystem of innovation in which the students and staff will enthusiastically engage in creative activity. The Vision was formulated and accepted by the Senate in the same way, with a strong cooperation of the academic community.

10 STRATEGY Developed in a gradual and modular way
2. Running of the institution STRATEGY Developed in a gradual and modular way Policy on sustainable and socially responsible university, 2012 Research and development strategy, 2012 Internationalization strategy, 2013 Educational strategy – draft finished Organizational strategy – guideleines under development Our strategy is being developed in a gradual and modular way as we want it to be a living plan, not a dead paper. Parts have already been accepted. (EU and national strategies are still being developed! We wanted to activate the academic community and its wisdom)

11 2. Running of the institution
STRATEGY Long term goals included in the University yearly work programme Development levers system Dynamic operation plan However, we have not been without long term strategic goals, defined in each yearly work program. Additionally we have created a system of levers to accelerate the development, and a system of operational tasks, which we follow, update and publish every quarter.

12 3. Human resources Human resources Improvement of habilitation procedures (Goal: to join habilitation procedures with calls for applications for posts) Increasing awareness of academic responsibilities Improving work evaluation measures Stimulating life-long learning and training In the last few years we have significantly improved the habilitation procedures, Each emloyee, who is using the new domain has a website

13 Our students Love learning by doing! Love to experiment!
Have great ideas! (e.g. Imagine cup 2013) Love sports! We are very proud of our students. Of course not all of them are roses – some are real thorns – but we can observe that the quality of studies is improving due to many actions we are performing.

14 Budget 2012 = 91,8 M€ 5. Material conditions
Our material conditions are heavily depending on our budget, which primarely comes directly from the state budget and is intended to run the regular study programmes. But around 40% depends entirely on our own spirit of enterprise.

15 Direct budget resources for HE SP
5. Material conditions Direct budget resources for HE SP Unfortunately the budget resources are dicreasing for the last two years, which is causing huge challenges. Still, we could end 2012 with a minimum surplus and we look forward to end this year positively as well.

16 Quality assurance 6. Quality assurance Rector University Senate
Politics of university development University Senate Politics of university development, Self-evaluation reports of faculties are discussed and the analysis of the current situation Quality Development Centre The University adopted quality development program Management Board Politics of university development and assuring sustainable development University Quality Assessment Committee Reports about the quality processes: program accreditation, faculty evaluations, self-evaluations Activities focus on realization of politics of university development, supporting the quality processes, promotion of QA through training, events, international involvement at the university as whole. Student Council Politics of university development, student involvement in evaluation processes NAKVIS Faculty senate Quality assurance is our major concern. In 2011 we have established a position for the vice rector for quality development and shotly after the Centre for quality development. It complements with strategic plans and actions the work of the University Quality Assessment Committee, whereby the last has a high level of independency. Facultys self-evaluation reports are discussed by senates of faculties EUA (IEP; ENQA) Faculty Quality Assessment Committee

17 6. Quality assurance Quality assurance Not in theory, but in practice! e.g. strategic meeting with the deans 2012 We developed the understanding of quality assurance as well as the meaning of collaboration in analysing situations and planing strategies. The picture is showing part of the strategic meeting with the deans in september 2012.

18 Life is problems. Living is solving problems.
6. Quality assurance Problems? Life is problems. Living is solving problems. Raymond E. Feyst ... and University of Maribor is very much alive! Say we We are of course faced with many problems. Especially the decrease in funding has increased the effects of even small inconsistencies or imperfesctions, which would otherwise pass unnoticed. Lately we had issues at the Faculty of arts, which you are visiting tomorrow, but we have a plan to solve these problems and the plan is already working. Actually, we are trying to direct forces caused by problems to solutions, which shall make us better.


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