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Science Fair Inquiry Activity July 28, 2014

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1 Science Fair Inquiry Activity July 28, 2014
Christina McDaniel, Region V MSEF Coordinator Intel International Science and Engineering Advisory Council Chair Elect

Can You Reason? Find a Solution? Solve a Problem? Work Until You Find the Answer? Design and Build?

3 Sample Science Fair Board
Scientific Title Question or Problem Tables, Graphs, Pictures with descriptions. Results Hypothesis Conclusions Experimental Design Materials Procedures Works Cited or Bibliography

4 Left Side of Display Board or lab foldable
Runny Ketchup! Yuck! Question: Why is ketchup so runny? Are all types of ketchup runny? Which type of ketchup is the least runny? (Research) Hypothesis (a testable statement): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Experimental Design (contains materials and procedures of the experiment: Materials Needed: 3 different types of ketchup: ____________, ___________, ___________ 3 sheets of paper with 3 circles at the top Clip Board 3 teaspoons Stop watch Pencil 4 paper towels Procedures Place Sheet with circles on clip board. 2. Place 1 tsp of same ketchup in each circle. Raise paper vertical to the table and immediately count for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, quickly lay it flat on the table. Measure in centimeters(cm) the distance the drop of ketchup traveled from the top of the circle to the bottom of the drip for each. 5. Record each distance in the table. 6. Repeat for the other two types of ketchup.

5 Great Value Hunts Heinz
Middle section of foldable. Title---> Great Value Hunts Heinz Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #3 Average Distance Of Drip Use metric system! cm or mm. What is the table discussing? ---->

6 Place Picture Here-->
Middle of Display Board Also. Place Picture Here--> What is this a picture of? --->

7 Graphing the Data 1. Decide what type of graph.______ 2. What goes on the x-axis (horizontal)________ Label it. (Independent variable) 3. What goes on the y-axis vertical________ Number it with the smallest numbers possible. (Dependent variable) 4. Create a graph on the paper below. 5. Be sure to give the graph a scientific title and a legend. 6. When you are finished, cut out the graph and place on lab foldable.

8 Results Results can also be called Discussion, Discussion of Results, or Analysis of Data. Things to include in a discussion of result: Complete sentences Averages or number results Discuss what these numbers mean to the experiment. Be sure to describe anything that was a “WOW”. On the next page, I have provided lines for you to write your Results. Be neat!

9 Cut out and place on the right side of the display board or lab foldable.
Results _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 Conclusion A conclusion contains 4 things.
1. A restatement of the hypothesis. Example: This experiment was trying to prove that……………………………………………….. 2. Was the hypothesis correct? Ex: This hypothesis was/was not proven to be true because…………………………………………. 3. Did any problems happen during the experiment that might have changed the results of the experiment? If so describe it and how you can prevent this from happening again. Ex: Drips the same size? Lastly, if you were going to continue this project, how would you change it and why? Ex: Cold vs. Hot, Different types of ketchup. On the next page I have provided lines for you to write your conclusion. Be neat. Write in complete sentences. Do not number or letter.

11 Cut out and place on the right side of the display board or lab foldable.
Conclusion _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 Works Cited This activity was pre-planned for you. Therefore, the only works cited will be: “Runny Ketchup! Yuck”. Christina McDaniel, Region V MSEF Coordinator, Bagley College of Engineering, Mississippi State University. However, when doing your science fair project, you must include: All specific internet sites. NOT GOOGLE or another search engine!!!!! Books Magazines People (interviews) For more information on how to write a works cited or bibliography use the following website:

13 Important things to remember for science fair projects and display board.
Keep a notebook. Composition books are great for this! It is okay to search for ideas in books and on websites. Make sure your idea is original not copied from a website or book! Be sure to check display rules on website. Make sure all photographs, tables and charts are properly labeled. EX: All graphs and tables created by student using Microsoft Word All pictures taken by student using Sony 300X. Make sure you submit the correct paperwork. If your not sure use the Forms Wizard found on the MSU science fair website and the ISEF website. Read important information found on

14 Important Dates for this year
November 1, 2013-All School Registrations due January 13, 2015-Upper Fair Student Registration, paperwork, and fees due. February 13, 2015-Lower Fair Registration paperwork and fees due. February 17, Region V MSEF Upper Fair in the Humphrey Coliseum at MSU. March 24, State Science Fair for grades 7-12 at Greenville, MS. April 7, Region V MSEF Lower Fair in Humphrey Coliseum at MSU.

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