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Developing and Implementing new CAADP National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs) By Erick Sile, Mark Kofi Fynn, Tarquin Meszaros (CAADP Support Programme),

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Presentation on theme: "Developing and Implementing new CAADP National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs) By Erick Sile, Mark Kofi Fynn, Tarquin Meszaros (CAADP Support Programme),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing and Implementing new CAADP National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs) By Erick Sile, Mark Kofi Fynn, Tarquin Meszaros (CAADP Support Programme), Heike Hoeffler (Sector Project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains

2 CAADP? Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
Set of goals to transform African agriculture Policy framework for agricultural transformation Maputo 2003 Malabo 2014

3 NAIP? National Agriculture Investment Plan
Translation of CAADP goals into a plan 10% public investment 6% growth

4 Country Support Missions
AUC-DREA, NPCA and other technical partners, notably AGRA, IFPRI, FAO, GIZ etc have begun a process of supporting AU member states to domesticate the commitments in the Malabo Declaration through the review and formulation of National Agricultural Investment Plans at country level Countries covered so far: Malawi, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ghana Other countries are in line for this support this year: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania

5 Why Country Support Missions?
Malabo Declaration is wider than Maputo Declaration Focus still on agriculture, but not all within MoA mandate Need for coordination across sub-sectors and ministries Increased focus on results and performance management Need for NAIP alignment in country systems and processes Alignment to sector development plans/ strategies Leveraging of public investment by private sector

6 The Country Process

7 General Observations Countries are at different stages in the process of reviewing the implementation of their pre-Malabo NAIPs and/or formulating new generation NAIPs The process used by countries differ – with some adopting a participatory process, whereas others use a more narrow/somewhat top-down approach Diversity/Inclusivity of stakeholders (e.g. CSOs, Smallholder organizations) varies from country to country Participation of the private sector in the process also varies, however almost all the countries acknowledge the need for stronger private sector engagement in order to bring about the needed quantum and quality of investments into the sector Participation of the RECs is limited

8 Delivered support at Country level
Inclusive discussion and review of CAADP Progress, challenges and lessons Revived discussions on Agriculture Transformation Advocacy of Malabo commitments and the transformation agenda associated Forward looking agenda for Agriculture transformation through thematic discussions aligned to Malabo Roadmap towards NAIP formulation/Refresh (Thematic and analytical studies, Consultation processes, formulation, independent review, validation and launching).

9 Outcomes of the process
Reviewed/Formulated National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans (NAFSIP) and identified priority programmes in line with Malabo commitments Optimized in-country coordination and driving an inclusive implementation process at country level Advanced policy architecture and reforms needed to develop an inclusive agriculture systems and private sector investment Presence of a multi-year comprehensive spending plan with the Ministry of Finance. Alignment on a performance scorecard built out of the CAADP results framework, to ensure a focus on results and accountability

10 Required support by Countries
Support for analytical and thematic studies (Technical Partners) Support for the formulation of the new generation NAIPs (Technical Partners) Support for independent technical review (AUC-NPCA, Technical Partners) Support for actual implementation of the Plans once ready (Technical Partners, Technical Networks) Follow up and technical back-stopping (AUC/NPCA/RECs)

11 Involvement of GIZ bilateral and regional agricultural programmes
Support for analytical studies and mainstreaming of key themes into the new NAIPs Learning from GIZ experience in facilitating Public – Private sector dialogues / increased engagment of private sector (and other partners/stakeholders) Improved alignment of GIZ projects and programmes with country priorities Improved coordination with other projects/partners Successful future implementation of NAIP in the context of other relevant agricultural-related programmes

12 Questions? Comments? Thanks!

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