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Genesis 1:26-28 Genesis 2:20b – 25 John 10:7-13

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2 Genesis 1:26-28 Genesis 2:20b – 25 John 10:7-13



5 Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame.
Scorning shame Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame. Hebrews 12:2

6 Scorning shame

7 Scorning shame

8 Scorning shame A traditional view

9 Marriage as the only legitimate context for sexual expression.
Scorning shame A traditional view Marriage as the only legitimate context for sexual expression.

10 metaphor for the communion between
Scorning shame A traditional view Genesis 1 to Revelation 21. Marriage and sex as a metaphor for the communion between God and his people.

11 Sex outside marriage is prohibited.
Scorning shame A traditional view Sex outside marriage is prohibited.

12 Regarding homosexuality:
Scorning shame A traditional view Regarding homosexuality: Genesis 19 Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 Romans 1:18 – 2:1 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

13 Scorning shame A traditional view

14 Scorning shame A traditional view The gay person must be celibate

15 Scorning shame A traditional view The church must be their family

16 Scorning shame An open view

17 Marriage is not the only or ultimate way of expressing God’s love.
Scorning shame An open view Marriage is not the only or ultimate way of expressing God’s love.

18 Scorning shame An open view
The same-sex sexual acts in the Bible are condemned for being exploitative, self-centred or idolatrous.

19 Scorning shame An open view
The gay person is free to express our sexuality, but always within the bounds of faithfulness and self-giving love.

20 Scorning shame An open view The church must be accepting.

21 Scorning shame A traditional view An open view

22 Three discussion evenings
Thursday 21st July Wednesday 27th July Thursday 28th July





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