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Matters of life Religion, morality & life; Fertility treatment;

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Presentation on theme: "Matters of life Religion, morality & life; Fertility treatment;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matters of life Religion, morality & life; Fertility treatment;
Keywords; Morality, ethics, absolute morality, relative morality, sanctity of life, value of life, quality of life, fertility treatment, in vitro fertilisation insemination by donor (AID), transplant surgery, blood transfusion, human genetic engineering, embryology, embryo, designer baby, stem cell, saviour (IVF), test-tube baby, artificial insemination, surrogacy, artificial insemination by husband (AIH), artificial siblings, cloning, conception, quickening, ensoulment, viable, human-animal hybrid , experimentation Religion, morality & life; We all make moral decisions. Believers base their morality upon the teachings of the faith they follow. Some religions such as Judaism have very clear laws, where as other religions such as Buddhism provides guidance as the laws are open to interpretation. Christians & Sikhs believe that life is sacred as it is a gift from God. Fertility treatment; Fertility treatment can be given to those couples who can’t conceive naturally. Surrogacy; Usually the surrogate mothers egg and fathers sperm are used, with pregnancy being achieved by AI. The father automatically has equal rights over the child with the surrogate mother. After 6 weeks both parents can apply for a Parental Order, removing any claim the surrogate mother had. OR; If the genetic mother has working ovaries then a surrogate can carry the baby conceived through IVF from the parents eggs and sperm. Here the surrogate MUST hand over the baby at birth. IVF & AI; Involves the collection of sperm, which Roman Catholics see as ‘spilling the seed of life’, so are against. AID is often most objected to because; Donor is a stranger Could be seen as adultery Allows unmarried women to have children Allows gay couples to have children Problems from the child later in life when they find out Donor may not want identity to be revealed Transplants & transfusions; Organs can not be sold for transplants in the UK. Patients will be required to take medication for the rest of their lives to prevent rejection. UK Law; The surrogate can be paid expenses, but must receive no fee. Matters of life For IVF; Compassion Everyone has the right to be a parent Child maybe loved more God has given the intelligence to develop technique Against IVF; Not natural – so against God. Expensive – no guarantee of pregnancy Human transplants; Organs can be given by live donors – kidneys, part of liver, small bowel, pancreas & bone marrow Can be taken from patients who are brain dead, a machine keeps then ‘alive’ until the organs can be harvested Have to carry donor card Link to sanctity, quality & value of life Animal organ transplants; Mainly pig organs or products used (insulin was first harvested from pigs) Transfusions; Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that life is carried in the blood, so will not have transfusions. They will accept ‘bloodless transplants’. Leviticus 17:11 “Life is contained in the blood” NO other Christians believe this.

2 Human genetic engineering; When does life begin?;
Designer babies; In theory this is possible, scientists in USA have developed a genetically modified embryo Human genetic engineering; The ability to change the genes in a cell to allow cures to be found for genetic disorders. Scientist have now ‘mapped’ the entire length of human DNA. When does life begin?; Before conception (,Sikhs,) Conception (Roman Catholic) After 14 days attachment to the womb 3 weeks Heart beat Quickening - 9 weeks First movements Viability - 24 weeks (abortion is not legal after this point unless extreme cases) Birth No further genetic experimentation is allowed after this point UK Law; Human Fertilisation & Embryology Bill May 2008 Aims to define what UK scientists can and can’t do For; Prevent disease Allow healthy babies to be born Good quality of life for baby Maybe used to cure deafness or blindness Against; Encourages scientist to ‘play’ God Creates many unused embryos that are destroyed – murder (Roman Catholics) Removes sanctity of life Reproductive; An identical copy of an animal, plant or even human, however it is ILLEGAL to clone humans. Most famous clone – Dolly the sheep Cloning; The creation of a genetically identical organism. There are 2 types; Problems: March ‘08 Clinical tests of drug TGN1412 go wrong Human hybrids & experiments; Hybrids: Scientists have created a cow-human hybrid that had survived for 3 days. It is hoped that it can be used to treat Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. Experiments; Is testing on animals reliable?? All drugs undergo a final stage of testing on humans, it is usually safe for the paid volunteers Lab testing (animals) Human testing (3 stages) Drug is licenced Therapeutic; Also known as stem-cell cloning. Allows biological material to be cloned from cells that have not been determined – fewer organ shortages in the future? UK Law; UK labs are strictly licenced, embryos are destroyed at 14 days. Religious beliefs; Christianity; Psalm 139 Leviticus 17:11 Exodus 20

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