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Multi-view & pictorial sketching concepts

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1 Multi-view & pictorial sketching concepts
Drafting 1Sketching (section 2)

2 Terms Isometric Perspective One-point perspective
Two-point perspective Oblique General Oblique Cabinet oblique Caviler oblique Pictorial sketch

3 Pictorial sketch Whenever a company or any other group of people is trying to sell something, or they want to advertise their product, it only makes sense to use a picture. Many times a pictorial drawing is used A pictorial drawing is a three-dimensional representation showing the width, height, and depth of an object. Of all the different types of sketches, the pictorial is the most realistic

4 Perspective Perspective is simply the way you look at something, a perspective drawing is a pictorial drawing in which receding lines converge at a vanishing point on the horizon. One point perspective: a perspective drawing with only one vanishing point on the horizon

5 Perspective Two-point perspective: a perspective drawing with two vanishing points on the horizon

6 Isometric sketch An isometric sketch is a pictorial drawing of an object positioned so that all thee axis make equal angles with each other. The angle of the axis in an isometric drawing is 120 degrees.

7 Isometric sketch In an isometric sketch items such as circles will no appear as their true shape, instead they will look like an ellipse. The most simple way to draw an isometric circle is to start with a rhombus located on the appropriate isometric surface,

8 Oblique sketch An oblique drawing is a pictorial drawing of an object in which the front view is parallel to the plane of projection, and the top and side views are viewed at an oblique angle and distorted along the depth axis

9 Oblique sketch In an oblique sketch the face with the most features is usually shown as the front. This is because the front surface is drawn true to it’s shape.

10 Oblique sketch There are three basic types of oblique drawings:
General oblique: Receding lines are drawn at any angle from the front between 0 and 90 degrees. Cavalier oblique: Receding lines are drawn at 45 degrees from the front view. Cabinet oblique: Receding lines are drawn at a 60 degree angle from the front view General Cavalier Cabinet

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