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Basic User Training Introduction to VISION Mike Reitmeyer

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Presentation on theme: "Basic User Training Introduction to VISION Mike Reitmeyer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic User Training Introduction to VISION Mike Reitmeyer 704.662.3885

2 What is VISION? Introduction
Learning Station Developer Module Addie SAT ISD VISION What is VISION? An integrated training system based on the SAT Methodology MEDIA Click and review introduction text CLARIFY Clarify: actually several modules in the VISION suite (and more coming) Developer Learning Station Training Request Tracking Certification For now, two main modules: Developer and Learning Station We will clarify what they both do in this next segment After that, we will focus on the target: Developer

3 Objective Identify the instructional activities supported by the two main VISION modules Learning Station Developer MEDIA Click to expose the objective CLARIFY Ask students if the objective is clear… Ensure they all know what is meant by “ A-D-D-I-E “

4 Main Idea A D I E Learning Station Developer Module
Instructional activities per module A Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Learning Station Developer Module MEDIA Developer and Learning Station support and reinforce the ADDIE process. CLARIFY Be sure to emphasize that the Developer is generally A-D-D Learning Station is generally I-E

5 Main Idea A E I D Developer Module Job Analysis Tasks Analysis
Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Job Analysis Tasks Analysis Select Tasks for Training MEDIA Click to expose each “pie slice” with features; review each CLARIFY Developer supports Analysis, including: Job & Task analysis Selecting tasks for training

6 Main Idea A D I E Developer Module Develop Objectives
Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Develop Objectives Develop Test Items Organize Program MEDIA Click to expose each “pie slice” with features; review each CLARIFY Developer supports Design activities, including: Develop objectives Develop test items Select media and settings Organize training program

7 Main Idea A D I E Developer Module Develop Course Material
Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Develop Course Material Generate Lessons and Exams Generate Qualifications (TPE/JPM) MEDIA Click to expose each “pie slice” with features; review each CLARIFY Developer supports Development activities, including: Developing course materials Generate print-based: Lessons and Exams Qualifications - On the Job Evaluations Job Performance Measures

8 Main Idea A D I E Learning Station Deploy Online Training Online Exams
Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Deploy Online Training Online Exams Manage Student Records MEDIA Click to expose each “pie slice” with features; review each CLARIFY Learning Station supports Implementation activities: Deploy online training Online exams Online qualifications Manage student records

9 Main Idea E A I D Learning Station Course Evaluations
Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Course Evaluations Automatic Item Analysis ID Areas of Improvement MEDIA Click to expose each “pie slice” with features; review each CLARIFY Learning Station supports Evaluation activities: Course evaluations Test item analysis Student comments and feedback Identify areas of improvement

10 Let’s take a closer look

11 Mostly “A-D-D” phases of ADDIE
Explanation Developer Module Learning Station A Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation A Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Job Analysis Task Analysis Select Jobs for training Develop Objectives Develop Test Items Organize Programs Develop Courses Generate Lessons Generate Qualifications (OJE/JPM) Test Item Stats Other Feedback Deploy Online Training Online exams Student Records Course Evaluations Test Item Analysis I.D. Areas of Improvement …but supports some Evaluation activities (manual or Scantron entry of test results) Mostly “A-D-D” phases of ADDIE

12 Note that it “feeds” Developer with test item feedback and stats
Explanation Developer Module Learning Station A Analysis D Design Development I Implementation E Evaluation Job Analysis Task Analysis Select Jobs for training Develop Objectives Develop Test Items Organize Programs Develop Courses Generate Lessons Generate Qualifications (OJE/JPM) Test Item Stats Other Feedback Deploy Online Training Online exams Student Records Course Evaluations Test Item Analysis I.D. Areas of Improvement Learning Station is mostly Implementation and Evaluation Note that it “feeds” Developer with test item feedback and stats

13 Vision Learning Station
Introduction The VISION Modules Vision Learning Station Connect How the VISION Modules and Enterprise LMS work together to support a SAT based training system

14 Objective Describe how VISION modules work together in a training enterprise setting to support a SAT-based training system

15 Main Idea OR How the Modules Work Together Enterprise LMS Developer
Database Enterprise LMS Learning Station OR DIF Survey Tool VISION Connect Training Request The three work areas comprise VISION Developer Developer connects to VISION Database To connect to the web, use Web administrator portal If you have an LMS than vision connect will allow access of VISION training material to your Personal LMS If you don’t have an LMS, than you can use VISION Learning Station There are two other modules available from VISION: Survey tool training request Database Analysis Qual Cards Objectives Content Questions Programs Lessons Developer

16 The VISION Database Introduction How the VISION Database is organized
Projects Work Areas Flow of Information How the VISION Database is organized

17 Launch a SAT Activity, Report and Document using the Navigator
Objective Identify the characteristics of a VISION database in terms of projects and work areas Launch a SAT Activity, Report and Document using the Navigator

18 Main Idea Work Areas VISION Database Project Analysis (A) Objectives
Program (P) Work Areas Project Project P A O P A P O A

19 Explanation Access between projects can be restricted; as needed
VISION Database You can make multiple work areas for convenience PAT You can copy and share between Projects Chemistry Projects are built from left to right Within a Project there are three Work Areas Maintenance Projects are usually a job position Operations Analysis Objectives/Questions Program

20 Example Lastly, Let’s define Project Three as Operator
Some Tasks are the same between these two jobs so they are shared In this case, there are no shared tasks And then grouped into a Program (Lesson) Next, Let’s define Project two as Lab Tech Which is then used to develop objectives and questions You start in the Analysis Hierarchy Let’s define Project One as Field Tech Operator Project 3 Lab Tech Project 2 Field Tech Project 1 Analysis Objectives/Questions Program

21 The VISION Developer Module
Introduction The VISION Developer Module Analysis Design Development Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) data structure

22 Launch a SAT Activity, Report and Document using the Navigator
Objective Identify the data structure and connections in VISION that facilitate the SAT process and outcomes Launch a SAT Activity, Report and Document using the Navigator

23 Main Idea The SAT Process is supported by three work areas
Analysis Hierarchy Objective Hierarchy Program Hierarchy The SAT Process is supported by three work areas Analysis components are linked to objectives and objectives are linked to the program The SAT Process starts left to right Analysis -> Objective -> Program In these work areas, Information is displayed as a hierarchy

24 Let’s take a closer look

25 Explanation Analysis Hierarchy Objective Hierarchy Program Hierarchy
S/K Job Position Function Phase Element Task Cognitive Enabler Performance Enabler Performance Terminal Objective Performance Terminal Objective Job Position Organizer Lesson Module Job Position Course

26 Explanation Analysis Hierarchy Objective Hierarchy Program Hierarchy
S/K Job Position Function Phase Element Task Job Position Job Position Organizer Course Performance Terminal Objective Module Performance Enabler Lesson Cognitive Enabler Lesson Cognitive Enabler Module Cognitive Enabler Lesson Performance Terminal Objective Lesson Performance Enabler Performance Enabler Cognitive Enabler Questions Content Cognitive Enabler

27 Explanation Analysis Hierarchy Objective Hierarchy Program Hierarchy
Job Position Job Position Job Position References Procedures Tools and Equipment Function Organizer Course Phase Performance Terminal Objective Module Task Performance Enabler Lesson Element Cognitive Enabler Lesson Element Cognitive Enabler Module Element Cognitive Enabler Lesson S/K Performance Terminal Objective Lesson S/K Performance Enabler S/K Task Performance Enabler Element Cognitive Enabler Element Questions S/K Content S/K Cognitive Enabler

28 Example Analysis Hierarchy Objective Hierarchy Program Hierarchy
Job Position Job Position Job Position Function Organizer Course Phase Performance Terminal Objective Module Task Performance Enabler Lesson Element Cognitive Enabler Lesson Element Cognitive Enabler Module Element Cognitive Enabler Lesson S/K Performance Terminal Objective Lesson S/K Performance Enabler S/K Task Performance Enabler Element Cognitive Enabler Element S/K S/K Cognitive Enabler


30 Log into the VISION Developer
Username = VISION Password = ‘blank’ Select the Lightwave Project Close the Tips and Navigator Select Workbench Choose Change Management

31 Basic User Training Getting Around in VISION

32 Identify each of the components of the main VISION display
Objective Identify each of the components of the main VISION display

33 Introduction The components of the VISION display: 1. Main Menu
2. Workbench Menu 3. Workbench 4. Work Areas/Hierarchies 5. Links Windows

34 Main Idea Workbench Menu Main Menu

35 Main Idea Workbench

36 Work Areas/Hierarchies
Main Idea Work Areas/Hierarchies

37 Main Idea Links Windows

38 Locate the appropriate Main Menu button for a given operation
Objective Locate the appropriate Main Menu button for a given operation

39 Introduction VISION’s Main Menu Bar

40 Main Idea Open/Close Print Settings Display Various tools
Various hierarchy functions Reports Documents Search database Cross reference functions Open/Close workbenches Open and generate tests Open and arrange windows Help Programs Extras File Open, Close, Print and Settings View Display Preferences and Various Resources Node Insert delete and Expand Hierarchies Generate Reports and Documents Search Various ways to Search the Vision Database Cross Reference Open/Close, Show/Hide Cross Reference Items Workbench Open/Customize specific Workbenches Test Open, Delete and Generate tests Window Open/Arrange windows Help Various help programs and Extras

41 Main Idea Open a text document Print options Navigator Workbench
Reports and Documents Search Qual Cards Test Cross Reference Tables Help options

42 Let’s take a closer look

43 Explanation New Various Settings Print Settings Open Close
Open work area Print Settings Open Change Project Close

44 Explanation Reveal items Various features Change colors

45 Explanation Various Review Manipulate hierarchy questions hierarchy
functions Review questions Manipulate hierarchy

46 Explanation Generate Reports and Documents

47 Explanation Various search functions

48 Explanation Cross Reference Open, insert Various cross Setting up and
using tables Open, insert and delete table items Various cross reference table functions Search table items

49 Explanation Open groups of work areas Customize work areas Help with
activities Opens work areas

50 Explanation Open tests Usable when Generates tests are open tests
New tests

51 Explanation Customize windows New window Arrange windows

52 Explanation Opens various help programs Additional Information

53 Locate the appropriate Workbench Menu button for a given operation
Objective Locate the appropriate Workbench Menu button for a given operation

54 VISION’s Workbench Menu
Introduction VISION’s Workbench Menu

55 Opens different hierarchies
Main Idea Opens different hierarchies Open Analysis work area Open Objective work area Open Program work area Main -Workbench Menu

56 Hierarchy Insert Location
Main Idea Hierarchy Insert Location Insert Last Child *Point out the red bar as an indicator of below, above or last Insert Sibling Above Insert Sibling Below

57 Main Idea Unlink Branch Delete Branch Remove Components
Point out that that X will permanently delete And, Unlink will move branch to the Recycle Bin Delete Branch

58 Main Idea Format Hierarchies Color Attributes Change Font

59 Main Idea Shows different visual orientations of hierarchies
Show Flowchart Shows different visual orientations of hierarchies

60 Main Idea Help Show Steps Show Instructional Advisor

61 Locate a given set of features
Objective Locate a given set of features of the Navigator

62 VISION’s Navigator Introduction
Navigator sets up work areas, generates documents and reports and manages tests

63 Main Idea Documents Reports Cross Reference Setup Activities
Analysis, design, and development activities Set up work areas and cross reference tables Cross Reference tables in Reports and Documents Analysis, design, and development reports Various documents

64 Let’s take a closer look

65 Manage work areas and cross reference tables
Explanation Manage work areas and cross reference tables Setup - Create or delete Work Areas Set up Cross Reference Tables for Documents Set up Cross Reference Tables for Queries Add items to Cross Reference tables

66 Show analysis, design, and development activities
Explanation Show analysis, design, and development activities Activities - Analysis Activities Design Activities Development Activities

67 Show analysis, design, and development reports
Explanation Show analysis, design, and development reports Reports - Development Reports Design Reports Analysis Reports Reports are grouped by SAT Activities (ADDIE)

68 Show shortcuts to various VISION documents
Explanation Show shortcuts to various VISION documents Documents - Training Documents Management Documents Qualification Documents Procedure Documents Review Form Documents Documents come from multiple data sources

69 Show cross reference tables and reports/documents
Explanation Show cross reference tables and reports/documents Cross Reference- Reports or Documents with Tables Explain why students might use the Cross reference table function List of Cross Reference Tables

70 Launch a SAT Activity, Report and Document using the Navigator
Objective Launch a SAT Activity, Report and Document using the Navigator

71 Using VISION’s Navigator
Introduction Using VISION’s Navigator Steps for launching Reports, Documents and Activities using VISION’s Navigator

72 Main Idea How to launch Activities, Reports and Documents
Click on Navigator Select Tab Select Category Button Click on Item Hit Generate Select Criteria


74 Basic User Training Basic Operations

75 Objective Identify parts of a VISION hierarchy including:
Node, Parent, Sibling, Child, Orphan, Organizers, Top node, Hierarchy ‘level’ and ‘branch.’

76 The VISION Hierarchy Introduction Hierarchy terminology
Now that you can explore the hierarchy through the grid controls, we can start to look at the organizational structure of the hierarchy so that we can begin to add new nodes. The VISION SAT hierarchy is a tree, composed of nodes which are child nodes, or have sibling nodes, or may have child nodes themselves. The VISION hierarchy represents the performance outcomes, standards and core competencies of your organization's job positions. The hierarchy is the framework of the training system.

77 Main Idea Term Definition Node Any individual object in a hierarchy
Parent A node that is above any other node Child A node that is below a parent node Sibling A node that shares the same parent node Orphans A node that is unlinked from the hierarchy Top Node First node in the hierarchy Describes the type of node within a hierarchy Hierarchy Level Name A group of linked nodes in a hierarchy Hierarchy Branch A type of node that organizes subordinate nodes within a hierarchy Organizer

78 Let’s take a closer look

79 Every individual object in the hierarchy is a ‘node.’
Explanation Hierarchy Every individual object in the hierarchy is a ‘node.’ Parent Node Child Child Node Node

80 A node has a familial relationship to other objects in the hierarchy
Explanation Hierarchy A node has a familial relationship to other objects in the hierarchy Parent Parent Child Child Child Child

81 Explanation Hierarchy
Immediate descendants of a node are called ‘children’ Parent Child nodes with a common parent are ‘siblings’ Child Child Siblings

82 Explanation Hierarchy
A parent node, together with all its descendants, is a ‘branch’ Branch Parent A node may be an ‘orphan’ if it is unlinked from the hierarchy Child Orphan Orphan Child Siblings

83 Explanation Top Node In VISION the Top Node is the first node in the hierarchy. It represents the Work Area. Top Node

84 Explanation Level Hierarchy items are assigned a level type.
Each hierarchy has a particular set of levels. Levels

85 In an Analysis Hierarchy, Organizers are everything above the tasks.
Explanation Organizers In an Analysis Hierarchy, Organizers are everything above the tasks. Organizers Tasks

86 Explanation Organizers
In an Objectives Hierarchy, Organizers are everything above the objectives. Organizers Objectives

87 Explanation Organizers
In a Program Hierarchy, Organizers are everything above the units of instruction (lesson.) Organizers Lessons Units of instruction are the level in which the objectives are listed.

88 Practice Identify the relationship Answer: Siblings

89 Practice Identify the relationship Answer: Parent and Child

90 Summary and Questions

91 Basic User Training Basic hierarchy operation

92 Perform basic hierarchy operations
Objective Perform basic hierarchy operations MEDIA: Click to reveal. DETAILS: State the objective

93 Basic Hierarchy Commands
Introduction Basic Hierarchy Commands cv Node How to do various hierarchy functions; such as, expanding and collapsing MEDIA: Click to reveal text DETAILS: Before doing any hierarchy activities, we should review the various methods of interacting with the data in the hierarchies.

94 Main Idea Hierarchy Menu Item Rule Expand node Collapse node
Expand the selected node to expose its children Fully expand the selected branch Show just that portion of the hierarchy beginning at the selected node MEDIA: Click to reveal each row in the table DETAILS: Expand node Collapse node Expand One Level Expand Branch Make Top Node Add Child As Sibling Above As Sibling Below Unlink Branch Reverses ‘Make Top Node’ (resets hierarchy)

95 Let’s take a closer look

96 Explanation Click the Expand node icon to reveal the node’s children

97 Explanation On an already expanded node, use the Collapse node icon to hide its children

98 Explanation Expand One Level will expand to reveal only the
children of the selected node

99 Explanation Expand Branch will expand the selected
node, as well as any node under it.

100 Explanation Make Top Node to hide
all other nodes in the hierarchy except for any children of the selected node. Uncollapse the node to see its children

101 Explanation Expand to Top resets the hierarchy after using
Make Top Node

102 Objective Add or remove nodes from a hierarchy by using: Insert, Delete, or Unlink. State the objective

103 Adding and Removing Nodes
Introduction Adding and Removing Nodes Work Area Node ID 1 Node ID 3 Node ID 4 How to Use VISION to add and remove nodes from the SAT hierarchy Node ID 2 The VISION SAT hierarchy is a tree structure, and the nodes in it are relatable as a family - composed of parent-child relationships, and sibling relationships. Use VISION to add and remove nodes from the SAT hierarchy.

104 Main Idea From the hierarchy window right-click the
To insert, delete or unlink a node From the hierarchy window right-click the appropriate node Then select either insert, unlink or delete

105 Main Idea You can also insert, delete and unlink by choosing the icon from the Workbench instead of the right mouse click Unlink Branch Insert Last Child Delete Branch Insert Sibling Above Insert Sibling Below

106 Main Idea For insert, follow the prompts to pick relationship, level name and text. Relationship Level Name Text

107 Distinguish between move, copy, and share
Objective Distinguish between move, copy, and share

108 Move, Copy Share Introduction
The difference between move, copy, and share.

109 Main Idea There are three different kinds of movements of nodes, each movement has a different consequence. Hierarchy Action Rule This action moves a node and its children from one parent to another Move Copy Make two separate versions of a node Assigns the same node to more than one parent Share

110 Let’s take a closer look

111 Explanation Move Moving a node from one location to another changes the parent-child relationship. The children will be moved as well. Work Area Node ID 1 Node 3’s old location Node ID 3 Node ID 3 Node ID 4 Node ID 2 Node 3’s new location

112 Explanation Copy A copied node will retain its original location. Changes to one node won’t affect its copies. Work Area Node ID 1 Node ID 3 Node ID 3 When you copy a node you can change it in each instance and it wont effect the other. Node ID 4 Node ID 2 Note the new ID Node ID 5

113 Explanation Share Once you’ve shared a node, changes in one instance of the node will appear in all instances. Work Area Node ID 1 Note the same ID Node ID 3 Node ID 3 If you change a shared node, wherever its shared will be changed. Node ID 4 Node ID 2 Note the same ID

114 Explanation Across work Areas
Nodes can be moved, copied, and shared across different projects and Work Areas. Project 2 Project 3 Work Area 1 Work Area 2 Node ID 1 Node ID 6 Node ID 3 Node ID 8 Node ID 4 Node ID 9 Node ID 2 Node ID 5 is shared Node ID 7 Node ID 5 Node ID 5

115 Demonstrate the ability to move, copy, and share hierarchy nodes
Objective Demonstrate the ability to move, copy, and share hierarchy nodes

116 Move, Copy, and Share Hierarchy Nodes Introduction
Work Area Node ID 1 Node ID 3 Node ID 3 Node ID 4 How to move, copy and share Hierarchy Nodes Node ID 2

117 Main Idea Here’s how you move, copy, and/or share a hierarchy node
Select node and drag to its new location… Choose the action, placement, and copy option.

118 Let’s take a closer look

119 When you drag a node to a new location you select
Explanation When you drag a node to a new location you select the action… Move Branch Copy Branch Share Branch

120 …you also select the position
Explanation …you also select the position Last Child Sibling Above Sibling Below

121 Explanation No questions Share questions Copy questions
When you copy an Analysis or Objective node, VISION gives you the options to copy Questions: No questions Share questions Copy questions

122 Explanation No objectives Share objectives Copy objectives
When you copy a Program node, VISION gives you the options to copy Objectives: No objectives Share objectives Copy objectives

123 Example Move a task to a different parent as ‘Last Child’
Move – Last Child Move a task to a different parent as ‘Last Child’ Click on task and drag it to the new parent

124 Example Share a task to a different parent as ‘Sibling Below’
Share – Sibling Below Share a task to a different parent as ‘Sibling Below’ Click on task and drag it to the new parent Select the action and where to locate the node

125 Example Copy a task to a different parent as ‘Sibling Above’
Copy – Sibling Above Copy a task to a different parent as ‘Sibling Above’ Click on task and drag it to the new parent Select the action and where to locate the node

126 Objective Use the hierarchy grid controls to customize a display

127 Hierarchy Grid Controls Introduction
How to use hierarchy grid controls to customize a display

128 Main Idea Columns can be rearranged by dragging the column title to the desired location Columns can be added or removed by right-clicking on the column title and choosing the desired columns How to add/remove and rearrange columns using grid controls.

129 VISION Workbench Links Windows Introduction
How to open/close, show/hide columns, and rearrange the Links Windows The various displays of the VISION workbench can be moved, expanded and re-arranged to suit your work style.

130 Rearrange a workbench display by manipulating the links windows
Objective Rearrange a workbench display by manipulating the links windows Rearrange a workbench display by manipulating the links windows

131 Main Idea By right-clicking on the Links Window Title Bar, you can open/close the links windows and the columns within them.

132 Main Idea Alternatively, you can open and close links windows by using the View menu in the Main Menu Bar.

133 Main Idea By dragging on the Links Window Title bar, you can rearrange the windows.

134 ? Intro – Help Features Help Features of VISION Introduction
Introduction to the various help features Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – Help Features

135 Describe the functions of the various VISION help and advisor features
Objective Describe the functions of the various VISION help and advisor features Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac OBJ – Help Features

136 Main Idea MaIN – Help Features VISION Help Features VISION Help
How they Function User’s Guide How to operate the system Help that is specific to your active window Context Help What’s This? Information on a selected item Tip of the Day Hint provided at start up Cue Card Topics Step by step instructions for Activities Instructional Advisor Instructional Design reference guide Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac MaIN – Help Features

137 Context sensitive help and advice is offered throughout the system.
Main Idea Context sensitive help and advice is offered throughout the system. Advisor offers instructional design advice relevant to what you are doing Help offers instructions on how to operate the features Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

138 Let’s take a closer look
Interlude Let’s take a closer look Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

139 Explanation Expl – Help features User’s Guide
Get an overview of the user interface. How to perform project activities. What’s new- review all changes in any release. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Expl – Help features

140 Explanation Context Help
Use ? to open up help for your current active window. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

141 Explanation What’s this?
Use the “What’s this?” tooltip on most VISION controls for a hint on how to use them. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

142 Explanation Cue Card Topics
Cue Cards are normally shown when performing Navigator activities. You can also view them from the User’s Guide. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

143 Explanation Instructional Advisor VISION promotes SAT best practices.
Use the Advisor as an Instructional Design reference guide. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

144 Title -Job Analysis Hierarchy
Basic User Training Build a Job Analysis Hierarchy Title -Job Analysis Hierarchy

145 Obj -Analysis Structure
Objective Identify the levels of a job analysis hierarchy structure supported in VISION Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj Analysis Structure

146 Intro -Analysis Structure
Introduction Job Analysis Hierarchy Structure The hierarchy levels that VISION supports Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro -Analysis Structure

147 Main -Analysis Structure
Main Idea These are the job analysis hierarchy levels supported in VISION: Hierarchy Terms Definition Job The title of a position Responsibility Area A broad aspect of a job that usually takes up the majority of work time A set of activities within a job responsibility. Also referred to as a Duty Area Function Occupies exclusive time slices of a function and are interdependent Phase The measurable activities that comprise the job; usually grouped by phases or functions Task Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -Analysis Structure

148 Let’s take a closer look
Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac interlude

149 Exp -Analysis Structure
Explanation JOB Job A position with a title Involves an ongoing collection of work functions Compromises the worker’s entire set of responsibilities Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp Analysis Structure

150 Explanation Responsibility Area The first step in breaking a job
into hierarchy components Responsibility Area Responsibility Area General areas of a job, rather than specific duties Results in more than one specific outcome The job holder operates within one responsibility at a time. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

151 Explanation Function (Duty Area) A set of activities within a
Job A set of activities within a responsibility area Responsibility Area Responsibility Area Function Function May comprise a process with a definitive beginning and end Directed toward a whole outcome, product or result Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

152 Explanation Phase Some functions can be separated into phases
Job Responsibility Area Responsibility Area They occupy exclusive time slices of a function Function Function They are interdependent: the outcome of most phases is input to the next Phase Phase Phase Each usually contains more than one major task Not all functions contain phases! Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

153 Explanation Task Results in a product, completion of a service or decision. Job Responsibility Area Responsibility Area Has a definite beginning and end Function Function Generally contains two or more steps Phase Phase Phase Normally performed within one specific period of time Task Task Task Task Can usually be observed and measured Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

154 Explanation Sub Task A subtask is used if either of these
Job A subtask is used if either of these two conditions apply: Responsibility Area Responsibility Area 1. The task can be performed in more than one way based on conditions, equipment or circumstances Function Function Phase Phase Phase 2. The task is so complex that each step or element is actually a task itself. Task Task Task Task Sub Task Sub Task Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

155 Obj -analysis workscreen
Objective Identify features and organization of the workscreen for each analysis hierarchy level Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj analysis workscreen

156 Intro – analysis workscreen
Introduction The Levels of the Analysis Hierarchy Different workscreens related to each level Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – analysis workscreen

157 Main -analysis workscreen
Main Idea The Analysis Hierarchy workscreens are organized by tabs. All levels have a General, Cross-Reference, and Document Links tab. Other levels will have special tabs for extra information. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -analysis workscreen

158 Obj –hierarchy assistant
Objective Use the Hierarchy Assistant to insert multiple nodes quickly Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –hierarchy assistant

159 Intro – hierarchy assistant
Introduction Analysis Hierarchy Assistant How to use the Assistant to insert nodes quickly Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – hierarchy assistant

160 Main -hierarchy assistant
Main Idea This is how you use the Assistant… Right click to access the Assistant. 3. Select Level. 2. Enter Title. 4. Add Last Child. 1 Insert Robot Arm 2 4 3 c Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -hierarchy assistant

161 Title -Tasks for training
Basic User Training Selecting Tasks for Training and Retraining Title -Tasks for training

162 Intro –Task Selection Process
Introduction Intro –Task Selection Process The Process of Selecting Tasks for Training VISION Process Training Selection How VISION supports the process of selecting tasks for training Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

163 Obj –Task Selection Process
Objective Demonstrate an understanding of the VISION process for selecting tasks for training Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –Task Selection Process

164 Main –Task Selection Process
Main Idea 1. Task DIF Survey 2. Calculate Averages 3. Enter DIF Data 2. Average DIF Data Frequency Difficulty Importance Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac 6. Enter Task Disposition 5. Review and Decide 4. Generate Recommendations Main –Task Selection Process

165 Main Idea Finished! Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

166 interlude Let’s take a closer look Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

167 Exp –Task Selection Process
Explanation If using VDM, The Task DIF Survey is a printed, manual survey. DIF data is gathered by survey, it can either be gathered through the Task DIF Survey or “Table Top” methods. VLS generates an online form. If using “table-top” it’s done by verbal consensus. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp –Task Selection Process

168 Explanation If using a manual survey, then average the numbers by hand. The Difficulty, Importance and Frequency scores are averaged out to create the DIF data numbers. With VLS, calculation is automatic. If using “table top,” data is already averaged by consensus. Importance Difficulty Frequency Average DIF Data Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

169 Train/no train indicators
Explanation The DIF Data and the training recurrence suggestion is entered into the Task Selection workscreen. Train/no train indicators DIF Data Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

170 Master Task List shows the disposition of each task.
Explanation Master Task List shows the disposition of each task. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

171 Objective Obj -DIF algorithm
Apply the DIF scores to the VISION task selection algorithm to find the training recommendation Briefly Explain: The objective is to understand the logic of the Task selection algorithm and to apply the DIF scores to receive the recommended outcome. (Model on page is a visual example of the algorithm which will be explained thoroughly later) Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj -DIF algorithm

172 Intro – DIF algorithm Introduction DIF Data Algorithm
The VISION task selection algorithm that creates the training frequency recommendation Briefly explain the Vision task selection algorithm. -> VISION applies one of several algorithms to the DIF data for tasks -> recommends a training frequency -> recommendation is suggestive not a requirement ->document your decision into the task analysis. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – DIF algorithm

173 The VISION task selection algorithm
Main Idea Main -DIF algorithm The VISION task selection algorithm Difficulty Importance Frequency Recommendation No train Train Retrain Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

174 Main Idea Frequency Importance Difficulty Recommendation
(c) = Critical Main Idea Importance Difficulty Briefly Explain: There are four parts to the algorithm The difficulty section The importance section The Frequency section And the recommended outcome section (more thorough explanation in next slide) Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

175 interlude Let’s take a closer look Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

176 Explanation Importance Difficulty Exp -DIF algorithm Very Hard 0-6 1-5
Not Very Very Importance Hard Moderate Easy Difficulty Start DIF DATA Value scales are between: I > 3 Values higher than three are very important D > 4 2 ≤ D ≤ 4 D < 2 I ≤ 3 0-6 Or 1-5 Values three and below are not very Important Difficulty: There are several value scales Vision can use. The INPO scale is 1-5 and the VISION scale is 0-6. however, both are acceptable, no difference. Hard is greater than 4 Moderate is 2,3,4 Easy is below 1 Importance: two categories: Very important and not very important Greater than three is Very important Less than three is not very important (Lots of animations on this page, only three clicks necessary to progress the animation. 1st – to clear teal hexagons, 2nd to clear other set of hexagons, 3rd after the purple lines hit the side of screen, indicating slide change) Difficulty increases by number Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -DIF algorithm

177 Frequency Recommendation (c) = critical
Often is for values four and above Train/Retrain is equivalent to Overtrain Often Moderate Seldom I ≥ 4 Train (c) Train/Retrain (c) No Train Train Job Aid Only I = 3 I ≤ 2 Moderate is for value three only (c) = critical Briefly Explain: Next section is frequency: Sorts into how often the tasks should be trained Three categories: Often – 4 and above Moderate - 3 only Seldom – 2 and below Recommendation: The process of inputting the DIF data leads to recommendation of either Train, Retrain , no train or Job aid Overtrain is the same as train/retrain *Critical is apart of Vision 8.4 and higher and is a flag that can be added for personal use in order to indicate the importance of training the task. It has no effect on the software. Commonly used for on the job evaluation forms (OJE’s JPMs, TPEs, etc)  Job aid means a procedure or other set of instructions rather than formal training. Seldom is for values two and below Job Aids are non-formal training Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

178 Example e.g. -DIF algorithm Recommendation Frequency Importance
Difficulty 3.5 Importance 6 Frequency 1.5 Example Recommendation (c) = Critical Frequency Importance Often Train (c) Very Not Very F ≥ 4 I > 3 Difficulty F = 3 Moderate Overtrain (c) F ≤ 2 Seldom Overtrain (c) Hard Moderate Easy D > 4 Often Train F ≥ 4 I ≤ 3 F = 3 Moderate Train F ≤ 2 Seldom No Train Often Train (c) F ≥ 4 I > 3 F = 3 Moderate Overtrain (c) F ≤ 2 Start Seldom Overtrain (c) 2≤ D ≥4 Often Train F ≥ 4 I ≤ 3 F = 3 Moderate Train DIf DATA on top 3.5, 6 and 1.5 3 mouse clicks to progress animation. 1st –difficulty, 2nd Importance and 3rd Frequency (Explain greater than or less than if needed) F ≤ 2 Seldom No Train Often No Train F ≥ 4 I > 3 F = 3 Moderate No Train D < 2 F ≤ 2 Seldom Job Aid Only Often No Train Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac F ≥ 4 I ≤ 3 F = 3 Moderate No Train F ≤ 2 Seldom No Train e.g DIF algorithm

179 Practice Prac -DIF algorithm Recommendation Frequency Importance
Difficulty 1 Importance 3.5 Frequency 1.2 Practice Recommendation (c) = Critical Frequency Importance Often Train (c) Very Not Very F ≥ 4 I > 3 Difficulty F = 3 Moderate Overtrain (c) F ≤ 2 Seldom Overtrain (c) Hard Moderate Easy D > 4 Often Train F ≥ 4 I ≤ 3 F = 3 Moderate Train F ≤ 2 Seldom No Train Often Train (c) F ≥ 4 I > 3 F = 3 Moderate Overtrain (c) F ≤ 2 Start Seldom Overtrain (c) 2≤ D ≥4 Often Train F ≥ 4 I ≤ 3 F = 3 Moderate Train Practice new DIF DATA as a class Click mouse to have pointer pop up and one more time to reveal answer F ≤ 2 Seldom No Train Often No Train F ≥ 4 I > 3 F = 3 Moderate No Train D < 2 F ≤ 2 Seldom Job Aid Only Often No Train Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac F ≥ 4 I ≤ 3 F = 3 Moderate No Train F ≤ 2 Seldom No Train Prac -DIF algorithm

180 Identify the properties on the
OBJ – SELCTION TAB Objective Identify the properties on the Task Selection tab State the objective of the lesson. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

181 Introduction The Task Selection Tab INTRO -SELCTION TAB
Use the Selection tab to set the task DIF data and training intervals Briefly introduce the Task Selection Tab State the location and purpose of the Task Selection Tab. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac INTRO -SELCTION TAB

182 The properties of the Task Selection tab are:
Main Idea The properties of the Task Selection tab are: Explain that there are separate sections to the work screen that we will cover in more depth later. DIF DATA Task Selection: Yes Task Selection: NO DIF Data Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac MAIN - SELCTION TAB

183 Explanation If Yes, click here How Often? Is it recurrent?
Is task selected for training? With Security Permission Editable List How Often? Is it recurrent? If Yes, click here Explain: Will the task be selected for training? The Task Recommendation report will help you make this decision… for instance if the task is difficult, very important and only infrequently performed, it will have to be trained and even retrained, possibly on a yearly basis. Use the radio buttons to select either Yes, or No. IF yes, select radio button. Is the task important enough for periodic retraining.? If it is, select the checkbox “Is it trained on a recurring basis?” How often does it need to be retrained? The dropdown contains a number of different time periods, ranging from weekly to 4 years. Most retrained tasks will occur on a yearly basis, or once every two years. You can add a new training interval if you have the security permissions to edit lists Can edit lists” permission has to be granted to your VISION account in the Security module. Once added to the list of intervals, a new interval will be available for all tasks, not just the one you are editing. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

184 Explanation If No, click here Why not? Is task selected for training?
Editable list With Security Permission Will the task be selected for training? IF No, select radio button. There are a number of reasons for this…. The task could be trivial enough that training would be unnecessary. It could be that the task is performed by a contracted company, or that the task is obsolete and no longer in use. When you click the “No” radio, the dropdown list for “Why is the task not trained?” will activate. VISION does not supply any default reasons, as they’ll vary from one site to another. The list is editable, like the training interval list is. A reason for not training a task should ALWAYS be given. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

185 Explanation - Edit List
Reasons listed here Edit or Delete reasons New reasons here To edit the list, select edit list from the dropdown. A new Task Deselection Reasons window will open, displaying the current available reasons. Click 'New' to create a new reason, or select an existing reason and click “Edit” to make a change. Need “Can edit lists” to modify list. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

186 Title -Documenting a task
Basic User Training Documenting a Task Analysis Title -Documenting a task

187 Obj -Analysis workscreen
Objective Identify the properties of the task workscreen Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj -Analysis workscreen

188 Intro –Analysis workscreen
Introduction Task Analysis Workscreen How properties of a task are documented in VISION Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –Analysis workscreen

189 Main -Analysis workscreen
Main Idea The properties of the task workscreen are available in the following tabs: Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -Analysis workscreen

190 Intro –Qualification tab
Introduction Qualification Tab Properties of the qualification tab on the task workscreen Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –Qualification tab

191 Obj –Qualification tab
Objective Identify the properties of the qualifications tab on the task workscreen Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –Qualification tab

192 Main -Qualification tab
Main Idea The properties of the qualification tab are…. Displaying qual cards that contain the task, or a list of qualified personnel Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -Qualification tab

193 Intro -analysis data Introduction Using VISION for Task Analysis
The three areas in VISION where the task analysis data is documented Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro -analysis data

194 Objective Obj -analysis data
Associate the information captured on traditional data collection forms to the most appropriate hierarchy positions, workscreen fields, tables and other locations in VISION Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj analysis data

195 Main Idea Main -analysis data
The three areas where the task analysis data is documented. Task Analysis Hierarchy Task Properties Workscreen Cross Reference Table Workscreen Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -analysis data

196 interlude Perform Exercise 1
Analyze the job to identify the required tasks Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac interlude

197 Title - Qual checklists
Basic User Training Producing Qualification Checklists from Analysis Data Title - Qual checklists

198 Objective Obj –cr tables
Given an anticipated query, determine how to use cross reference tables to make the query possible Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –cr tables

199 Cross Reference Tables
Introduction Cross Reference Tables One of the most powerful features in VISION Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –cr tables

200 Here are the rules that govern how to use cross reference tables:
Main Idea Here are the rules that govern how to use cross reference tables: Cross Reference tables are custom lists Any items on a list can be linked to any SAT component Can link the same item to many components Can also link many items to a single component Can do detailed searches by items or components Can be used to generate special reports and documents Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main –cr tables

201 Let’s take a closer look
Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac interlude

202 Explanation T T T Exp -cr tables
A Cross reference table is a customizable list of items that can be connected to single or multiple components. Here is an example of a set of cross reference tables: Table items can be connected to any SAT component. T Objectives T Program Units T Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp cr tables

203 Explanation They can also be used for queries; a search will find all components connected to a table item. The reverse is also true. Objective Task Objective Lesson Element Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

204 Example How to use cross reference tables to be able to find questions according to a specific difficulty level. First, create a table for question difficulty. Objective Question (difficulty 2) Question (difficulty 3) Question (difficulty 4) Question (difficulty 5) DIFFICULTY LEVEL Link all the appropriate questions to the various difficulty levels. Difficulty 1 Difficulty 2 Difficulty 3 Difficulty 4 Difficulty 5 Now we can search for a specific level. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac e.g –cr tables

205 How to find all tasks that use a specific piece of equipment.
Example How to find all tasks that use a specific piece of equipment. First, create an equipment list table. Phase Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT Portable Diagnostic System (PDS) Robot electronic module cart Serial Data Cable Standard Tool Kit Teach Pendant Link all the appropriate pieces of equipment to their tasks. Perform a search for the specific equipment by selecting it in the table. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac


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