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Daily Grammar Practice Review
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
Remember: Each word has a part of speech Sometimes words combine to make compound parts of speech------
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
Action verb/ Helping verb pronoun noun Future tense noun preposition their team will practice after school 1st: Find your nouns and verbs 2nd: identify modifiers 1
1 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts their team will practice after school
Object of a preposition Subject Verb Intransitive their team will practice after school Adverbial prepositional phrase 1st: Find the simple subject and verb (simple predicate) 2nd: Find the complete subject and complete predicate 3rd: Find the phrases 1
2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Independent clause their team will practice after school Simple sentence Declarative 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose 1
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
their team will practice after school 1
Friday Notes: Diagraming
1 team will practice Their after school 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Draw the simple subject/verb cross 3rd: add modifiers Remember: Nouns and verbs go on horizontal lines, conjunctions go on dotted lines and modifiers go on a diagonal line
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
3rd person possessive pronoun preposition Helping verb Action verb/ Indefinite pronoun noun Past Perfect noun article each of the girls had done her homework 1st: Find your nouns and verbs 2nd: identify modifiers 2
2 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts each of the girls had done her homework
Object of a preposition Verb Direct Object Subject Transitive each of the girls had done her homework Adjective prepositional phrase 1st: Find the simple subject and verb (simple predicate) 2nd: Find the complete subject and complete predicate 3rd: Find the phrases 2
2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Independent clause each of the girls had done her homework Simple sentence Declarative 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose 2
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
each of the girls had done her homework 2
Friday Notes: Diagraming
2 Each had done homework girls of her the 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Draw the simple subject/verb cross 3rd: add modifiers Remember: Nouns and verbs go on horizontal lines, conjunctions go on dotted lines and modifiers go on a diagonal line
1st: Find your nouns and verbs 2nd: identify modifiers
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech 1 person possessive pronoun Action Verb/ Present Tense noun Noun noun my friend alex plays tennis 1st: Find your nouns and verbs 2nd: identify modifiers 3
3 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts my friend alex plays tennis
Verb Transitive Direct Object Subject Appositive my friend alex plays tennis 1st: Find the simple subject and verb (simple predicate) 2nd: Find the complete subject and complete predicate 3rd: Find the phrases 3
2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Independent clause my friend alex plays tennis Simple sentence Declarative 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose 3
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
my friend alex plays tennis 3
Friday Notes: Diagraming
3 friend Alex plays tennis My 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Draw the simple subject/verb cross 3rd: add modifiers Remember: Nouns and verbs go on horizontal lines, conjunctions go on dotted lines and modifiers go on a diagonal line
1st: Find your nouns and verbs 2nd: identify modifiers
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech Linking verb/present article 2 person possessive pronoun Noun adjective noun noun preposition your friend from switzerland is a good student 1st: Find your nouns and verbs 2nd: identify modifiers 4
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
Verb Intransitive Subject Predicate nominative Object of the preposition your friend from switzerland is a good student Adjective prepositional phrase 1st: Find the simple subject and verb (simple predicate) 2nd: Find the complete subject and complete predicate 3rd: Find the phrases
2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Independent clause your friend from switzerland is a good student Simple sentence Declarative 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
your friend from switzerland is a good student
Friday Notes: Diagraming
friend is student from a good Your Switzerland 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Draw the simple subject/verb cross 3rd: add modifiers Remember: Nouns and verbs go on horizontal lines, conjunctions go on dotted lines and modifiers go on a diagonal line
jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech helping verb/adverb coordinating conjunction 3rd nom pro N av/pres av/pres adv noun jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet 5
jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts Verb/ transitive Subject Verb/ Intransitive Direct object Subject jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet
2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Independent clause Independent clause jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet Compound sentence Declaritive 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Identify the sentence type 3rd: identify the sentence purpose
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet
Friday Notes: Diagraming
cars Jeb likes but he can drive yet not 1st: Find the clauses 2nd: Draw the simple subject/verb cross 3rd: add modifiers Remember: Nouns and verbs go on horizontal lines, conjunctions go on dotted lines and modifiers go on a diagonal line
sara read the novel to kill a mockingbird in her english class
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech 3 pos pro Av/past tense Adjective N N art n prep n sara read the novel to kill a mockingbird in her english class 6
sara read the novel to kill a mockingbird in her english class
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts app op S vt do sara read the novel to kill a mockingbird in her english class Adv prep ph
sara read the novel to kill a mockingbird in her english class
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Ind cl sara read the novel to kill a mockingbird in her english class Ss/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Sara read the novel To Kill a Mockingbird in her English class.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Sara novel (To Kill a Mockingbird) read in class the her English
7 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
2 nom pro jillian can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school N Av/pres adv cc Av/pres art n hv N prep n 7
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
Noun of Direct Address jillian can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school S vt vi do app op Adv prep ph
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
jillian can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school Ind cl Ss/interogative
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Jillian, can you come over and watch the movie Casablanca after school ?
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Jillian come you can over and watch movie (Casablanca) after the school
wow the spanish club traveled to madrid spain during the summer
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech interjection prep Av/past tense prep art art N n N wow the spanish club traveled to madrid spain during the summer 8
wow the spanish club traveled to madrid spain during the summer
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts ------op op S vi wow the spanish club traveled to madrid spain during the summer adv prep ph adv prep ph
wow the spanish club traveled to madrid spain during the summer
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Ind cl wow the spanish club traveled to madrid spain during the summer ss/exclamatory
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Wow The Spanish Club traveled to Madrid, Spain during the summer ! !
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Wow Spanish Club traveled The during to summer the Madrid, Spain
look at yourself in the mirror and recite the poem fire and ice
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech prep prep Reflective pronoun Av/pres Av/pres art n cc n N art look at yourself in the mirror and recite the poem fire and ice 9
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
you look at yourself in the mirror and recite the poem fire and ice S vi op op vt do Adv prep ph Adv prep ph app
look at yourself in the mirror and recite the poem fire and ice
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Ind cl look at yourself in the mirror and recite the poem fire and ice Ss/imperitive
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
“ “ Look at yourself in the mirror and recite the poem Fire and Ice.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Look at yourself in mirror (you) the and recite poem (“Fire and Ice”) the
10 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
Subordinating conjunction 1 nom pro 1 nom pro we saw romeo and juliet at the theater after we read the play in class Av/ past Av/ past prep n art N art n prep n 10
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
we saw romeo and juliet at the theater after we read the play in class S vt do S vt op adv prep ph do op adv prep ph
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
we saw romeo and juliet at the theater after we read the play in class Ind cl Adverb dependent clause Complex/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
We saw Romeo and Juliet at the theater after we read the play in class.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
We Romeo and Juliet saw at theater the after we read play the in class
11 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
Linking verb/pres Conjunctive adverb there are pretty flowers in your garden however they don’t smell very good adv 2 pos pro n 3 nom pro n adj prep Hv/adv lv/pres adv adj 11
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
there are pretty flowers in your garden however they don’t smell very good vi S op S Adv prep ph vi pa
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
there are pretty flowers in your garden however they don’t smell very good Ind cl Ind cl Cd/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
There are pretty flowers in your garden; however, they don’t smell very good.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
are flowers in garden pretty There your do smell good they not very however
12 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
on saturday november we went to the school dance 12
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech 1 nom pro on saturday november we went to the school dance N Av/past art prep N prep adj n 12
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts on saturday november we went to the school dance op app S vi Adv prep ph Adv prep ph op
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
on saturday november we went to the school dance Ind cl ss/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
On Saturday, November 2, 2011, we went to the school dance.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
we went to dance the On school Saturday (November 2, 2011)
Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
some of my friends have bought me a ticket for the concert
13 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 pos pro some of my friends have bought me a ticket for the concert Ind pro prep n hv Av/pres per 1 obj pro art n prep n art 13
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
some of my friends have bought me a ticket for the concert S vt op Adj prep ph op io do Adj prep ph
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
some of my friends have bought me a ticket for the concert Ind cl Ss/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Some of my friends have bought me a ticket for the concert.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Some have bought ticket (x) a of me for friends concert my the
14 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 pos pro paula a girl in my class is getting new jogging shoes n hv N art n prep av/pre porg adj part n 14
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
paula a girl in my class is getting new jogging shoes S app op vt adj prep ph inside app ph do
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
paula a girl in my class is getting new jogging shoes Ind cl Ss/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Paula, a girl in my class, is getting new jogging shoes.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Paula (girl) is getting shoes a in new jog ging class my
15 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
the frightened cat ran up a tree but was rescued by the fireman av/ past part n prep cc art art n av/ past prep hv art n 15
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
vi the frightened cat ran up a tree but was rescued by the fireman op adv prep ph vt op adv prep ph
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
the frightened cat ran up a tree but was rescued by the fireman Ind cl Ss/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
The frightened cat ran up a tree but was rescued by the fireman.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
ran up tree cat but a The frigh tened was rescued by fireman the
16 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech for whom did you write that awful poem
2 nom pro for whom did you write that awful poem hv n prep Av/past int pro adj adj 16
16 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts for whom did you write that awful poem
op S vt do Adv prep ph 16
16 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose Ind cl
for whom did you write that awful poem Ss/int 16
16 Thursday Notes-Sentence Parts
For whom did you write that awful poem ? 16
Friday Notes: Diagraming
you did write poem For that awful whom 16
17 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
Nom pro 1 pos pro Conj adv we wanted to play soccer however our friends wanted to listen to music Av/past ----inf---- n n Av/past ----inf---- prep n 17
Adv prep ph inside inf ph (Inf ph as do)
Tuesday Notes- Sentence Parts we wanted to play soccer however our friends wanted to listen to music S Obj inf vt Inf ph as do S vt op Adv prep ph inside inf ph (Inf ph as do) 17
17 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
we wanted to play soccer however our friends wanted to listen to music Ind cl Ind cl Cd/dec 17
17 Thursday Notes: Capitalization & Punctuation
We wanted to play soccer; however, our friends wanted to listen to music. 17
Friday Notes: Diagraming
play soccer to wanted We well both jake and I forgot the girls names to listen to music friends wanted our however 17
18) well both jake and i forgot the girls names
18 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
nom pro well both jake and I forgot the girls names Cor conj Cor conj int N Av/past art pos n n 18
18 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
well both jake and I forgot the girls names S S vt do 18
18 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
Ind cl well both jake and I forgot the girls names Ss/dec 18
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Well both Jake and I forgot the girls names , ‘ 18
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Well Jake forgot names both and I girls’ the 18
19 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
lv/pres lv/pres dem pro those are the other childrens toys but yours are in your room lance 2 pos pro 2 pos pro art adj Pos n n cc prep n N 19
19 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
those are the other childrens toys but yours are in your room lance S vi S pn vi nda op Adv prep ph 19
19 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
those are the other childrens toys but yours are in your room lance Ind cl Ind cl cd/dec 19
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Those are the other childrens toys but yours are in your room Lance. ‘ , , 19
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Lance Those are toys children’s the but other yours are in room 19 your
20 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
cc 3 nom pro lv/pres jackie enjoys golfing when the weather is pretty so she is golfing today N av/pres ger sc art n adj Av/pres prog hv adv 20
20 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
jackie enjoys golfing when the weather is pretty so she is golfing today S vt do S vi pa S vi 20
20 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
jackie enjoys golfing when the weather is pretty so she is golfing today Ind cl Adv dep cl Ind cl cd-cx/dec 20
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Jackie enjoys golfing when the weather is pretty, so she is golfing today. 20
Friday Notes: Diagraming
go lf ing Jackie enjoys so when she is golfing weather is pretty the today 20
21 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 nom pro 1 pos pro 1 nom pro lv/f if we finish our homework we will be able to go to the movie sc av/pres prep art n hv adj --inf-- n 21
21 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
if we finish our homework we will be able to go to the movie Adv prep ph inside inf ph S vt do S vi pa op 21
21 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
if we finish our homework we will be able to go to the movie Ind cl Adv dep cl cx/dec 21
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
If we finish our homework, we will be able to go to the movie. 21
Friday Notes: Diagraming
we finish homework our If we will be able to go to movie 21 the
22 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 obj pro the boy who sits between rahul and me has forgotten his book today yet I have mine art n rp av/pres prep N cc hv 1 nom pro 1 pos pro 3 pos pro Av/pres av/ pre prog n adv cc 22
22 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
the boy who sits between rahul and me has forgotten his book today yet I have mine S1 S2 vi2 op op Adv prep ph S vt1 do1 vt do 22
22 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
the boy who sits between rahul and me has forgotten his book today yet I have mine Adj dep cl inside ind cl Ind cl Cd-cx/dec 22
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
The boy who sits between Rahul and me has forgotten his book today, yet I have mine. 22
Friday Notes: Diagraming
has forgotten book boy The today his yet who sits Rahul between and I have mine me 22
23 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
steve who likes playing baseball has two cats three dogs and one horse N rp av/pres ger n av/pres adj n adj n cc adj n 23
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
steve who likes playing baseball has two cats three dogs and one horse Obj of ger S1 vt1 S2 vt2 Ger ph as do do1 do1 do1
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
Adj dep cl inside ind cl steve who likes playing baseball has two cats three dogs and one horse Cx/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Steve, who likes playing baseball, has two cats, three dogs, and one horse.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
cats two Steve has dogs three horse one pl ay ing baseball who likes
24 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
Lv/pres & adv sc although grammar isnt always fun it can be very useful n adv adj 3 nom pro hv Lv/pres adv adj 24
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
although grammar isnt always fun it can be very useful S Vi (is) pa S vi pa
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
Adv dep cl although grammar isnt always fun it can be very useful Cx/exc ind cl
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Although grammar isn’t always fun, it can be very useful!
Friday Notes: Diagraming
grammar is fun not always Although it can be useful very
25 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 pos pro my sister alicia loves the song officer krupke from the broadway musical west side story n N av/pres art n ---N--- Adj prep art n -----N----- 25
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
my sister alicia loves the song officer krupke from the broadway musical west side story app do S vt -----app----- op -----app----- adj prep ph
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
my sister alicia loves the song officer krupke from the broadway musical west side story Ind cl ss/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
My sister Alicia loves the song “Officer Krupke” from the Broadway musical West Side Story.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
sister (Alicia) loves Song (“Officer Krupke”) My the from musical (West Side Story) the Broadway
26 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
juanita is wearing a new red skirt that she bought at west end mall N hv av/pres prog adj adj art n 3 nom pro Av/past prep -----N----- rp 26
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
juanita is wearing a new red skirt that she bought at west end mall vt1 S1 do1 do2 S2 vt2 ------op------ Adv prep ph
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
juanita is wearing a new red skirt that she bought at west end mall Ind cl Cx/dec Adj dep cl
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Juanita is wearing a new, red skirt that she bought at West End Mall.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
Juanita is wearing skirt new red a she bought that at West End Mall
27 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 nom pro as we prepare for final exams some students become nervous but I am well prepared av/pres adj n prep sc adj n lv/pres adj 1 nom pro cc adv part lv/pres 27
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
Adv prep ph as we prepare for final exams some students become nervous but I am well prepared S vi op S S vi vi pa pa
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
as we prepare for final exams some students become nervous but I am well prepared Adv dep cl Ind cl Ind cl Cd-cx/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
As we prepare for final exams, some students become nervous, but I am well prepared.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
we prepare for exams final As students become nervous some but I am prepared well
28 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
2 nom pro 1 nom pro i hope that you can come to the game because we are playing the cougars av/pres nci hv av/pres prep 1 nom pro n sc hv art av/pres prog N art 28
Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
i hope that you can come to the game because we are playing the cougars do S vt S vi S op vt do
Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
i hope that you can come to the game because we are playing the cougars n dep cl inside ind cl adv dep cl cx/dec
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
I hope that you can come to the game because we are playing the Cougars.
Friday Notes: Diagraming
you can come to game that the I hope because are playing Cougars we the
29 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
dont forget to bring your copy of the play the miracle worker to class you will need it to finish your assignment hv/adv av/pre n 2 pos pro ---inf--- n prep art N n hv av/f prep 2 nom pro 3 obj pro ---inf--- 2 pos pro n 29
29 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
adj pre ph and adv prep ph inside inf ph (inf ph as do) (you) dont forget to bring your copy of the play the miracle worker to class you will need it to finish your assignment S vt app obj of inf op S vt obj of inf do 29 inf ph
29 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
dont forget to bring your copy of the play the mircale worker to class you will need it to finish your assignment Ind cl Ind cl 29 Cd/imp
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
Don’t forget to bring your copy of the play The Miracle Worker to class; you will need it to finish your assignment. 29
Friday Notes: Diagraming
bring copy to play (The Miracle Worker) (you) your of Do forget to class the not you will need it to finish assignment 29 your
30 Monday Notes-Parts of Speech
1 nom pro av/pres nci dem pro i think that this will be a difficult sentence because its the last one of the year Lv/f adj hv art 3 nom pro & lv/pres n sc art adj Ind pro prep art n 30
30 Tuesday Notes-Sentence Parts
do i think that this will be a difficult sentence because its the last one of the year S vt S vi pn S/vi pn Adj prep ph op 30
30 Wednesday Notes-Clauses, Sentence Type & Sentence Purpose
N dep cl inside ind cl i think that this will be a difficult sentence because its the last one of the year Adv dep cl Cx/dec 30
Thursday Notes-Punctuation & Capitalization
I think that this will be a difficult sentence because it’s the last one of the year. 30
Friday Notes: Diagraming
this will be sentence that a difficult I think because it is one of the last year 30 the
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