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Areas of need set out in the SEN code of practice

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Presentation on theme: "Areas of need set out in the SEN code of practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Areas of need set out in the SEN code of practice
Planning for pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties

2 Learning outcomes You will:
know how to build appropriate learning objectives for pupils with BESD into your everyday planning be familiar with some of the teaching styles, approaches and access strategies appropriate for pupils with BESD know how to annotate planning to take account of pupils with BESD, and know how to link everyday planning to pupils’ targets.

3 Learning outcomes Activity 1 You will:
know how to identify appropriate learning objectives for pupils with BESD, and know how to build work on these objectives into your everyday planning.

4 Getting the learning objectives right

5 Learning objectives and BESD
For academic subjects, these may be the same as those set for the whole class Pupils are likely to need additional work on social, emotional and behavioural learning objectives. 5

6 Learning outcomes Activity 2 You will:
become familiar with teaching styles and approaches for pupils with BESD, and know how to build these into your everyday planning.

7 Getting the learning objectives right

8 Teaching approaches Active and interactive teaching strategies
Effective use of ICT Structure and predictability Clear rules and routines Help in learning to work independently. 8

9 Teaching approaches (continued…)
Catch the pupil being good State the behaviour you want to see Use predictable consequences linked to the language of choice Label the behaviour not the pupil Take steps to build the relationship. 9

10 Learning outcomes Activity 3 You will:
become familiar with access strategies for pupils with BESD, and know how to build these into your everyday planning. 10

11 Strategies to remove barriers
Help the pupil to manage stress, anxiety and anger Provide opportunities to be active and take breaks Allocate individual workstations Use peer support Use support from additional adults Strengthen home-school links Provide a curriculum that is interesting and relevant. 11

12 Learning outcomes Activity 4 You will:
know how to annotate plans to take account of pupils with BESD, and know how to link daily planning to pupils’ targets. 12

13 Effective planning for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities
Effective planning will: be embedded in the teacher’s usual planning format incorporate personal, eg IEP, targets wherever possible draw on the three principles of inclusion, and involve collaboration. 13

14 Learning outcome Activity 5
You will identify follow-up activities to consolidate and apply your learning. 14

15 Key learning points Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties have multiple causes They often arise when a pupil’s basic needs are not met Understanding the classroom antecedents and consequences of specific behaviours can help teachers develop effective strategies. 15

16 Key learning points (continued…)
Pupils with BESD often require a multi-agency response Teacher’s contribution is to plan appropriate learning objectives, teaching approaches and access strategies so that the pupil can succeed in school and develop social, emotional and academic skills. 16

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