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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES IN CENTRAL AUSTRALIA"— Presentation transcript:

Provided by the following Aboriginal services: Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council Tangentyere Council

2 Aim of Family Support Services:
To promote the safety, stability and development of vulnerable children, young people and their families, and to build capacity and resilience for children, families and communities. (Victorian Government Strategic Framework for Family Services 2007) To improve the safety and wellbeing of children and their families Sustainability

3 What do Family Support services provide?
Assessment of whole family but with a focus on the needs of children Information and referral Assertive outreach/active engagement Goal focused case plan Case Management – a coordinating role. Practical parenting support. Counselling Brokerage Advocacy

4 Child centred, family focused:
Recognises the best interests of children are paramount The significance of the family in achieving positive outcomes Capacity building - “walking alongside families to achieve family goals, building on family strengths.” Discuss the guiding principles of the Act

5 Who are the funded Family Support Service providers in Central Australia?
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress – Family Support Service (Tyerrtye Arntarnte-Areme TFSS and IFSS) Tangentyere Council & Catholic Care NT – Intensive Family Preservation Service (IFPS) NPY’s Women’s Council – Intensive Family Support Catholic Care NT – Intensive Family Support Santa Teresa Lutheran Community Care – Intensive Family Support Hermannsburg (Ntaria)

6 Congress Targeted Family Support
Child/ren aged: 0-18 years. Will accept antenatal referrals. Length of Service: Cases are able to remain open for as long as needed Capacity: families Referral: Via Territory Families or community referrals (Indigenous only) Criteria: TF cases prior to an investigation where neglect or emotional abuse has been alleged and is rated at a child concern level Area: Alice Springs Referrals not accepted: When the risk is too high; physical or sexual abuse; conflict of interest, client being referred is a staff member; current open CP case Service Approach: Work in pairs – Aboriginal Family Support Worker & Case Worker

7 Congress Intensive Family Support
Child/ren aged: 0-12 years Length of service: months (able to be extended) Able to work with family while there is an open CP case and family is on CPMIM. Capacity: 12 families Referral: Via Territory Families or community referrals Criteria: parental neglect identified as a concern; requires open CP; referred to CPMIM; voluntary engagement by family; Indigenous and non Indigenous families Area: Alice Springs Referrals not accepted: conflict of interest (client staff member); child/ren have been removed and there is no reunification plan Service Approach: Work in pairs – Aboriginal Family Support Worker & Case Worker

8 Tangentyere Council & Catholic Care NT Intensive Family Preservation Service (IFPS)
Child/ren aged: 0-18 years Length of service: Cases can be open for 12 months with extension negotiated if ongoing support required. Reviewed every 3 months. Capacity: Varies on complexity. Service capacity 650 hours of direct and indirect service per month Referral: From Strengthening Families – Territory Families. Criteria: cases that have been screened in as very high or high risk of removal. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families accepted. Area: Alice Springs Referrals not accepted: Service at capacity Service Approach: Catholic Care: Work in pairs – Family Support Worker & Case Manager. Tangentyere: Indigenous Caseworker – support worker dependant on case complexity

9 NPYWC Intensive Family Support
Child/ren aged: 0-12 years Length of service: Currently able to work with families whilst family is open to CP and on CPMIM (only in NT). Case can remain open for months. Capacity: families Referral: Via Territory Families (NT), FSA (SA) or community referrals Criteria: parental neglect identified as a concern; requires open CP; OOHC cases where active reunification occurring; referred to CPMIM; voluntary engagement by family; Indigenous families only Area: NT: Finke; Docker River; Imanpa; Mutijulu (to include Alice Springs when families are in for short periods i.e. up to 2 months). SA: Ernabella; Amata; Indulkana; Mimili. Referrals not accepted: conflict of interest (client staff member); child/ren have been removed and there is no reunification plan Service Approach: Working Malparara Way (side by side)

10 Catholic Care NT – Intensive Family Support Santa Teresa
Child/ren aged: 0-12 years Length of service: Case can remain open for 12 months, extension if required. Cases are reviewed every 2 weeks with Parents Research Centre (PRC) Capacity: Varies on complexity of families Referral: Via Territory Families (NT), or community referrals with no CP involvement Criteria: Voluntary engagement by family; Indigenous families & Non- Indigenous families. Aim is to decrease child neglect by helping families make change in 5 important areas of child care and development Area: Santa Teresa Referrals not accepted: Neglect not identified; presenting with number of high risk factors and limited capacity to receive assistance Service Approach: Outreach Case Manager attends with Community Worker

11 Lutheran Community Care – Intensive Family Support Hermannsburg (Ntaria)
Child/ren aged: 0-12 years Length of service: Case can remain open for 12 months, extension if required. Cases are reviewed every 2 weeks with Parents Research Centre (PRC) Capacity: families Referral: Via Territory Families (NT), or community referrals with no CP involvement Criteria: voluntary engagement by family; Indigenous families & Non- Indigenous families. Aim is to decrease child neglect by helping families make change in 5 important areas of child care and development Area: Hermansburg (Ntaria) Referrals not accepted: Neglect not identified Service Approach: IFSS Case Manager and Family Support Worker

12 Contact Details Tangentyere Council (IFPS):  /265 Catholic Care (IFPS)  FSS Congress (IFSS & TFSS):  NPYWC (IFS):  Catholic Care (IFPS Santa Teresa)  Lutheran Community Care (IFS Ntaria) 


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