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Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Thermal analysis of superconducting magnets and Study of Nb3Sn conductor during heat treatment Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview April 6, 2011
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
OUTLINE Thermal analysis of superconducting magnets Motivation Thermal model of superconducting magnets Model validation with measurements Quench limit calculation Model implementation to new designs of superconducting magnets Study of Nb3Sn conductor during heat treatment Measurements Results Summary April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Thermal analysis of superconducting magnets
Particles coming from proton-proton collision impact the LHC magnets energy deposition in the coils → possible magnet quench quench limits required for beam loss monitors → dump the beams before magnets quench Heat flow paths and heat flow barriers identification in the magnet quench limit of existing superconducting magnets (LHC) feedback to the future superconducting magnet designs New CERN quadrupole design enhanced insulation scheme → open helium paths between the bath and the cable LARP Nb3Sn quadrupole design impregnated coil → no helium link between the bath and the cable Helium cooling channels in the magnet structure April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Motivation - Heat load in the LHC magnets
Particles from proton-proton collision debris Interaction of lost protons with collimators Physics processes – BFPP (ion beam case) Accidental beam losses Transient losses ~ns to ~ms Enthalpy of the cable (metal only) (~ns) Heat transfer to helium volume inside the cable (~ms) Enthalpy of the cable (metal + He) (~ms) Steady-state losses Transfer of the heat from cable to the heat reservoir (~s) Magnet structure and geometry of cooling channels References: D. Bocian, CERN AT-MTM note, EDMS D. Bocian et al., IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond.,18, (2008) 112 – 115; P.P. Granieri, (D. Bocian), et al., IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond.,18, (2008) 1257 – 1262; D. Bocian et al., IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond.,19, (2009) 2446–2449; R. Bruce, (D. Bocian), et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, (2009) ; April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Motivation - LHC Beam Loss Protection
HEAT DEPOSIT IN THE COIL MAGNET QUENCH BEAM DUMP BEAM LOSS CYCLING FILLING RAMPING SQUEEZING ~ 2h RECOVERY ~1h – 48h (1-3 cells ~ 5h >14 cells ~ 48 h) COLLISIONS April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Motivation - LHC Beam Loss Protection
BLM Beam Loss Monitor HEAT DEPOSIT IN THE COIL BEAM DUMP BEAM LOSS CYCLING FILLING RAMPING SQUEEZING ~2h RECOVERY ~1h – 48h (1-3 cells ~ 5h >14 cells ~ 48 h) COLLISIONS April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Heat transport in the magnet
A heat transfer in the main dipole Cold bore inner layer outer layer Analytic considerations: Cable insulation and helium channel around cold bore are the most critical parameters limiting heat flow from the magnet coil at steady state heat load April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Network Model construction
Temperature margin map ΔT(B) MAGNET QUENCH CURRENT Heat load profile HEAT FLOW MODEL Detailed magnet geometry (Technical drawings) Material properties at low temperature OTHER (non-beam induced heat sources) MEASUREMENTS Model validation Hysteresis losses Eddy currents, etc. (A. Verweij, R. Wolf) Contribution is order of 1-2% of beam loss energy during ramping April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Helium in the Network Model
The volumes occupied by helium in the magnet are considered as: narrow channels, semi-closed volumes = inefficient inlet of fresh helium. April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Network Model - Cable modeling
He channel April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Network Model - coil modeling
April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Network Model - Validation
heat VALIDATION predicted quench current measured END MAGNET EXPERIMENT Heat source - quench heaters - inner heating apparatus HEAT SOURCE MODEL More details: D. Bocian, B. Dehning, A. Siemko, Modeling of Quench Limit for Steady State Heat Deposits in LHC Magnets, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 18, Issue 2, June 2008 Page(s):112 – 115; D. Bocian, B. Dehning, A. Siemko, Quench Limit Model and Measurements for Steady State Heat Deposits in LHC Magnets, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2009 April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Heating with Quench Heater
Measurements and analysis : D. Bocian Two methods of measurement Icoil =const, increase of IQH with a step of 0.1 A IQH =const, wait 300 second for steady state, then ramp of Icoil Second method is better for steady state heat transport 3 MQM, 2 MQY, MQ and MB have been tested at 4.5 K April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Inner Heating Apparatus
General concept: D. Bocian and A. Siemko Expansion rings: J. Halik Measurements and analysis: D. Bocian April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Inner Heating Apparatus
Main Dipole - MB Main Quadrupole - MQ MQY MQM April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Validation of the model
Larger temperature margin of magnet head! April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Quench limits simulation – ion beam
Heat deposition map in the MB dipole magnet coil Temperature map in the MB dipole magnet coil after heat load Power peak in the coil = 24.3 mW/m Power peak in the cold bore = 80.3 mW/m POWER PEAK corresponds to the nominal LHC ion beam conditions (optics ver ) Peak temperature rise in the coil DT= 2.0 K Peak temperature rise in the cold bore DT=1.4K For nominal LHC ion beam conditions (beam optics ver ) heat deposition map for nominal LHC ion beam intensity was created by interpolation of FLUKA data to the cable strand coordinates from ROXIE (R. Bruce) heat deposition map was implemented to Network Model the magnet current range from injection to ultimate values (761 A to A, nominal is A) was scanned by linear scaling of heat deposition map temperature distribution for nominal LHC ion beam conditions, corresponding to 95% of loss energy peak in the coil (23.1 mW/m) and 95% loss energy peak in the coldbore (76.3 mW/m) quenching cable is located at the coil mid-plane Temperature map corresponds to nominal MB current (11850 A) April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Quench limits simulation – ion beam
Power peak in the coil = 24.3 mW/m and in the cold bore = 80.3 mW/m POWER PEAK corresponds to the nominal LHC ion beam conditions Simulation uncertainties Process (BFPP) cross section: ~20% Changes in the optics (e.g. beta beating) could change the spot size: ~10% Network model: ~ 30%. This is the error on the quench limit for this beam loss distribution On top of this, uncertainty on the energy deposition from the FLUKA simulation, could in worst case be a factor 2. Dominating uncertainty for this specific beam loss but could be less in other cases. April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
OUTLINE Thermal analysis of superconducting magnets Quench limit of present LHC magnets Heat sources in the LHC magnets and beam loss protection system Thermal model of superconducting magnet Model validation with measurements Quench limit numeric calculation New designs of superconducting magnets LHC NbTi quadrupole with enhanced insulation Study of Nb3Sn conductor during heat treatment Summary April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
LHC enhanced insulation - parameters
Cable sample – real scaling Here: length = 115 mm (transposition pitch) α – insulation wrapping angle, w – insulation width (insulation tape width + gap width) h – cable width (here: 15.1 mm + 2*insulation thickness), open helium paths between the bath and the cable Enhanced insulation scheme parametrs used in: D. Tommasini and D. Richter „ A new cable insulation scheme improving heat transfer to superfluid helium in NbTi superconducting accelerator magnets” in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, 2008 Sample length = 1 m, strand diameter = mm, cable width (bare)= 15.1 mm 1st layer (polyimide) 2nd layer 3rd layer (polyimide with adhesive coating) 9 mm wide, 1 mm gap 25.4 μm thick wrap angle α1 =71.68 deg 4 x(2.5 mm wide, 1.5 mm gap) 75 μm thick, cross wrapped with the layers 1 and 3 wrap angle α1 =62.16 deg 55 μm thick, 50% overlap with the 1st layer wrap angle α1 =71.90 deg April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
LHC enhanced insulation – analytic view
Single cable in helium bath Max. heat flow over 1 m of cable at ΔT=0.26K, Tbath=1.9 K (units W/m) 279.10 0.035 3.8E-03 281.27 0.17 412.36 0.31 8.77 2.8E-03 0.03 0.24 26.05 0.41 0.79 HEAT/m April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Layer 2 He channel length
dL1-L3 L – helium channel length in insulation layer 2, dL1-L3 – distance between the helium channel in layer 1 and 3, αLi – insulation wrapping angle of layer (i=1,2,3), wins(Li) – insulation layer width (insulation tape width + gap width) hci – cable width (15.1 mm + 2*insulation thickness), Calculated winding angle L1 L2 L3 71.68 62.16 71.90 Helium channel length in insulation layer 2 edge L1- edge L3 middle L1- edge L3 middle L1- middle L3 dL1-L3 = 4.0 mm 4.5 mm 5.0 mm L= 5.15 mm 5.8 mm 6.44 mm 1400 chanels L2 / 1m He L2 channel cross-section: 1.5E-3 m x 75E-6 m = 1.125E-7 m2 Superfluid helium heat flux density calculation S is helium channel cross-section in [cm2], l is helium channel length in [cm], Tc is the temperatures of cold channel end in [K] Th is the temperatures of hot channel end in [K] April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Helium channels pattern
Interlayer coil edge Inner coil edge cable along cable April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Helium channels pattern
Inner coil edge Interlayer coil edge cable along cable April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Simulations – network model
along cable April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Simulations (helium channels + insulation)
Measurements results from: D. Tommasini and D. Richter „ A new cable insulation scheme improving heat transfer to superfluid helium in NbTi superconducting accelerator magnets” in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, 2008 April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Simulations (helium channels + insulation)
Measurements results from: D. Tommasini and D. Richter „ A new cable insulation scheme improving heat transfer to superfluid helium in NbTi superconducting accelerator magnets” in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, 2008 Kapitza coeff. 50% of He channel cross-section April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Conclusions Model works Model was validated for original ins and enhanded In progress for Nb3Sn – optimization of cooling channels April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
OUTLINE Thermal analysis of superconducting magnets Quench limit of present LHC magnets Heat sources in the LHC magnets and beam loss protection system Thermal model of superconducting magnet Model validation with measurements Quench limit numeric calculation New designs of superconducting magnets LHC NbTi quadrupole with enhanced insulation LARP Nb3Sn quadrupole magnets Study of Nb3Sn conductor during heat treatment Summary April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Study of Nb3Sn conductor during heat treatment
Nb3Sn why, why reaction Material properties change during reaction strand / cable / coil dimension changes → tensions and stresses during reaction Material properties E, ρ and CTE required for proper study of coil mechanical behavior Precise measurements of Nb3Sn conductor dimensional changes changes in length are order of tenth of a percent (not confined sample) feedback to the future superconducting magnet designs Nb3Sn conductor studies LARP magnet program Strands are confined in the cable (twist pitch) Coil and cables are confined in reaction tooling Feedback for Nb3Sn coils R&D Optimize reaction process, tooling and select the best material for pole April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Motivation During the reaction process of a Long Nb3Sn coil (part of the LARP Long Quadrupole R&D) an issue was found: the inner layer had ~5.3 kN of longitudinal tension caused by the pole Experimental data are required in order to understand and model this problem Modeling of reaction process in three steps: requires experimental data at all steps strand dimensions changes during/after treatment cable dimensions changes during/after treatment coil dimensions changes during/after treatment April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
1,000,000 YBCO: Tape, || Tape-plane, SuperPower (Used in NHMFL tested Insert Coil 2007) At 4.2 K Unless YBCO: Tape, |_ Tape Plane, SuperPower Otherwise Stated (Used in NHMFL tested Insert Coil 2007) YBCO B||c Bi-2212: non-Ag Jc, 427 fil. round wire, YBCO B||ab Ag/SC=3 (Hasegawa ASC-2000/MT ) 100,000 Nb-Ti: for whole LHC NbTi strand production (CERN, Boutboul '07) Nb-Ti: Nb-47wt%Ti, 1.8 K, Lee, Naus and 1.9 K LHC Larbalestier UW-ASC'96 Nb-Ti Nb3Sn: Non-Cu Jc Internal Sn OI-ST RRP 10,000 1.3 mm, ASC'02/ICMC'03 Nb3Sn: Bronze route int. stab. -VAC-HP, non-(Cu+Ta) Jc, Thoener et al., Erice '96. Critical Current Density (non-Cu), A/mm² Nb3Sn: 1.8 K Non-Cu Jc Internal Sn OI-ST 2212 RRP 1.3 mm, ASC'02/ICMC'03 1,000 round wire Nb3Al: RQHT+2 At.% Cu, 0.4m/s (Iijima et al 2002) 2223 Nb Al: 3 Bi 2223: Rolled 85 Fil. Tape (AmSC) B||, tape B|_ 2223 RQHT UW'6/96 tape B|| Bi 2223: Rolled 85 Fil. Tape (AmSC) B|_, UW'6/96 100 MgB2: 4.2 K "high oxygen" film 2, Eom et Nb Sn al. (UW) Nature 31 May '02 MgB 3 2 1.8 K MgB2: Tape - Columbus (Grasso) MEM'06 film MgB 2 Nb Sn 3 Nb Sn 3 tape ITER Internal Sn 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Applied Field, T April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
WORK PLAN Bibliography study and discussion with experts Collection of the data and material properties for simulations (limited data available) Experimental data collection strand/cable sample measurement before/after heat treatment dilatometer measurement at NHMFL FEM simulation of the strand/cable/coil behavior during reaction Feedback to the coil fabrication technology Strand Model Strand Subelement Model Nb barier Sn Nb+Cu Cu April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Simulation plan 7h36’ 79h36’ 87h12’ 135h12’ 140h 188h 48 h 50°C/h 48 h
Temperature 400 → 640°C Nb3Sn formation start (Sn diffusion into Nb) Need Nb3Sn properties → tuning of the model Temperature 210 → 400°C Continuation of Sn diffusion to Cu (Sn melts at 238°C) Temperature 20 → 210°C Linear/non-linear elongation Temperature 640 → 20°C → strand/cable shrinks I II III IV V VI VII VIII T [°C] 48 h Preload on Nb (z-axis) (Nb under tension, Cu under compression) 640 50°C/h 48 h 400 25°C/h ~48 h 72 h Strand/cable annealing ( 2 h at 200 °C) Linear elongation, Plastic deformation. 210 25°C/h Cu6Sn5 Cu3Sn Nb3Sn 20 7h36’ 79h36’ 87h12’ 135h12’ 140h 188h Ch. Scheuerlein et al., IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. VOL.18, NO. 4, 2008, Temperature=210°C Sn diffusion to Cu → Cu6Sn5 formation Strand/cable shrinkage Need Cu6Sn5 properties → tuning of the model Temperature=400°C Further Sn diffusion to Cu → Cu3Sn formation, → strand/cable shrinks, → all Sn reacted Need Cu3Sn properties → tuning of the model Temperature = 640°C → Strand/cable expand, → Plastic deformation? → Larger strand cross-section? E, ρ and CTE needed for each step April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Strand sample measurement
Sample preparation: Sample length ~ 48 mm. group 7 strand sample together weld the ends of strands and file them. Continous ΔL/L measurement during full Heat Treatment at NHMFL Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT) measurement tip furnace measured sample reference material sample holder D. R. Dietderich et al., “Dimensional changes of Nb 3Sn. Nb3Al. and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 conductors during heat treatment and their implication for coil design.” Adv. Cryo. Eng., vol. 44b, 1013–1020, April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
54/61 strands measurement results
After a few first measurements, following questions needed to be answered: Why strand sample elongate? strand twist change contribution? Why is length dependence of ΔL/L? Before dilatometer measurements (lsample<50 mm): Is there end effect? STRANDS ENDS: C – crimp, F – fused, NF – not fused (as cut) April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Length dependence of ΔL/L
Sample measurement The length changes were measured from scratch to scratch ΔL/L remains constant in the straight part of strands In the ends ΔL/L show large end effect. Scratches on strand surface placed: 10 mm from strand ending 10 mm + N * 50 mm form strand end (N=3) Segmentation of rest strand length mm. April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
54/61 strands measurement summary
Measured strand samples demonstrate: Length increase by , Diameter increase by , Twist change by , (~4% of nominal twist (nt), nt=13 mm) Diameter increase show conformance with data in: N. Andreev, E. Barzi, D.R. Chichili, S. Mattafirri, and A.V. Zlobin „Volume expansion of Nb-Sn strands and cables during heat treatment” STRANDS ENDS: C – crimp, F – fused, NF – not fused (as cut) April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Twist change impact on ΔL/L
Measurement of108/127 strand (#12521) Twisted samples elongate during the heat treatment nt- non twisted tw - twisted April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Conclusions ΔL/L and twist change dependence confirmed by testing „non-twisted” strands Strand ends can introduce „noise” in measurements Important for measurements of short sample (< 50 mm) with dilatometer Careful preparation and measurements of short samples „non-twisted” strands are prefered in dilatometer measurements twist change effect eliminated behaves as confined strand in cable April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
SUMMARY Both presented tasks required to be organized in form of dedicated experiments with: Data collection and discussion with the experts Construction of the model / design of experiment Model validation with measurements Results Results of these studies have been/are used: Reliable thermal models of superconducting magnets have been developed and used in quench limit calculations, beam optics adjustment and optimization of heat flow paths Method of precise measurement of Nb3Sn dimensions have been developed and used for Nb3Sn strand measurements and also for recent Nb3Sn coil cross section study April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Extra slides April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Electrical equivalent
The analogy of the equivalent thermal circuit Thermal circuit Electrical Circuit T [K] Temperature V [V] Voltage Q [J] Heat [C] Charge q [W] Heat transfer rate i [A] Current κ [W/Km] Thermal Conductivity σ [1/Ωm] Electrical Conductivity RΘ [K/W] Thermal Resistance R [V/A] Resistance CΘ [J/K] Thermal Capacitance C [C/V] Capacitance The analogy between electrical and thermal circuit can be expressed as: steady-state condition Temperature rise Voltage difference transient condition Heat diffusion RC transmission line April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Network Model - Cable modeling
April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Detailed coil model April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Insulation material properties
POLYIMIDE κ = 2.4E-3*T+2.28E < T < 2.0 K [1] κ = 4.638E-3*T < T < 5.0 K [2] κ = 6.5E-3*T < T < 5.0 K [3] G10 κ = 25.8E-3*T-12.2E < T < 2.5 K [4] Bibliography: B. Baudouy, „Kapitza resistance and thermal conductivity of Kapton in superfluid helium”, Cryogenics 43(2003), , Lawrence et al., „ The thermal conductivity of Kapton HN between 0.5 and 5 K”, Cryogenics 40 (2000), , Barucci et al, „Low temperature thermal conductivity of Kapton and Upilex”, Cryogenics 40 (2000), , B. Baudouy, J. Polinski, „Thermal conductivity and Kapitza resistance of epoxy resin fiberglass tape at superfluid helium temperature”, Cryogenics 49(2009), April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Kapitza Resistance Kapitza resistance reduces heat transfer in Kapton by 3÷6% and G10 by 5÷9% Copper – He II [4-6] For metal – He II: POLYIMIDE – He II Theorerical: RK~T-2.57 Km2W-1,α=65.51 Wm-2K-3.57 RK=10.54E-3T-3 Km2W-1,α=47.43 Wm-2K-4 [1] RK=0.7E-3*T-3 Km2W-1 [2] G10 – He II RK=1462E-6T-1.86 Km2W-1,hK=239 Wm-2K [3] Bibliography: B. Baudouy, „Kapitza resistance and thermal conductivity of Kapton in superfluid helium”, Cryogenics 43(2003) , Nacher PJ et al.,” Heat exchange in liquid helium through thin plastic foils”, Cryogenics 32 (1992), B. Baudouy, J. Polinski, „Thermal conductivity and Kapitza resistance of epoxy resin fiberglass tape at superfluid helium temperature”, Cryogenics 49(2009), A. Kashani and S.w.Van Sciver, „High heat flux Kapitza conductance of technical copper with several different surface preparations”, Cryogenics 25 (1985), P.P. Granieri et al, „ Stability analysis of the LHC cables for transient heat depositions”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 18, No. 2 (2008). D. Camacho et al.,”Thermal characterization of the HeII LHC heat exchanger tube”, LHC Project Report 232, 1998. April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Helium properties Normal fluid and gaseous helium Superfluid helium
In case of channels inside of the cable and μ-channels which are of the order of 0.2 mm and 0.07 mm respectively, a typical nucleate boiling flux becomes much lower than that for helium bath which is W/m2 [1]. The gaseous phase in the narrow channels is described by a constant heat transfer coefficient and is of the order of 70 W/m2/K as extrapolated from [2]. The convective heat transfer in steady state mode is restricted to heat fluxes not greater than a few mW/cm2 [3] as it is only relevant for large volumes. In case of helium inside the cable and in the μ-channels this mode is negligible. [1] S.W. Van Sciver, Helium Cryogenics. [2] M. Nishi et all., Boiling helium heat transfer characteristics in narrow cooling channel, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. MAG-19, NO. 3, MAY 1983. [3] C. Schmidt, Review of steady state and transient heat transfer in pool boiling helium I. Superfluid helium The He II thermal resistance is calculated as follow: where heat flow in He II is calculated according formulae [CRYOGENIE et ses applications en supraconductivite, IIF/IIR] and X(T) is an experimental results fitting April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
LHC main superconducting magnets
MB – arc magnet, Tb=1.9 K MQ – arc magnet, Tb=1.9 K HEAT FLOW LIMITS heat flow barriers cable insulation interlayer insulation (MQM) ground insulation helium channel around cold bore (for temperatures above 2.16 K) bath temperature 1.9 K Transition HeII HeI: helium channels are blocked = less effective heat evacuation due to the changing of heat evacuation path bath temperature 4.5K lower temperature margin (worst case: MQM 0.45K) Helium channels does not play dominating role (heat conduction of He I and polyimide is the same order) MQM – LSS magnet, Tb=1.9/4.5 K MQY – LSS magnet, Tb=4.5 K April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Heat deposits simulation
M. Sapinski – Geant 4 R. Bruce - FLUKA proton beam ion beam optics v R. Bruce R. Bruce ion beam optics v ion beam optics v with orbit bump April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
New inner triplet magnet – Heat Load
A combining particle tracking, FLUKA shower simulations in a single magnet coil The inner triplet quadrupole FLUKA simulations were ran with a thick Beam Screen (BS) in Q1 (10.15 mm extra stainless steel shield added to the usual 2mm thick BS). L=2.5*1034 cm-2s-1 Energy deposits in selected bin of magnet cross section with peak value. Magnet has been divided longitudinally into 108 bins (~10 cm) April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
Summary Quench limit at steady state for the „real” beam loss depends on the beam loss profiles The model validation with LHC magnets was completed The first quench level calculation for MB magnet with simulated beam loss profile are presented Some simulation results: Ebeam [TeV] Peak quench limit [mW/cm3] Avarage quench limit Protons/second 7 10.2 6.2 3.5e7 5 17.5 10.6 6.0e7 0.45* 51 31 1.55e8 * The 450 GeV simulations were performed on beam loss distribution for 7 TeV protons. This means that is is only „study case” which gives rough estimations of quench level at injection. April 6, 2011 Fermilab Associate Scientist Position Interview
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