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Things to do in class today

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1 Things to do in class today
Unit 2 Things to do in class today For Thursday Think pair share – pg. 1 Reflection questions Changing Family – pg.2 Family Forms – pg. 3 Kyle poem!!! Stress video!!!

2 Leave it to beaver Brady bunch Cosby Show Regular People Funny bedroom instructions Full House The Middle After watching the clips How/why do you think families have changed over the decades? 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's?-Now?

3 Family Violence Domestic Abuse – abuse of one spouse by another
Child Abuse – any act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caregiver which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation Did you know *About 2 million cases of child abuse or neglect are reported each year in the U.S. Discuss types of family violence in packet Complete sticks and stones . . .

4 Types of Abuse Physical Abuse
Intentionally causing physical harm to another person May avoid going home Think that they are responsible for their beating Think that if they can figure out the right way to behave the abuse will stop They hide physical symptoms Afraid to tell because the family will be destroyed Sexual Abuse When an adult uses a child or adolescent for sexual purposes. Child feels guilty and ashamed Believes he or she is responsible Child has difficulty trusting and developing relationships Emotional Abuse The nonphysical mistreatment of a person. Emotional abuse does not leave physical scars Leaves the victim feeling helpless, inadequate, and worthless Neglect Adult fails to provide for the basic needs of a child. Needs include food, security, socialization and love. Childs feels they don’t belong Child has trouble developing a personality Runaways A child who leaves home without permission and stays away for at least one night or two nights for 15 and older. Reasons why a teen may runaway: Violence in the family Emotional problems School failure Angry about family rules

5 To do Complete the assertive, aggressive, and passive color coding on page 5 Using physical force Finger pointing Expressing appreciation Glaring Interrupting Never giving a compliment Being sarcastic

6 Communication Forms Using physical force Finger pointing
Finger pointing Expressing appreciation Glaring Interrupting Never giving a compliment Being sarcastic Being respectful Speaking confidently and clearly Making fun of the other person’s feelings Showing interest Criticizing the other person Seeking a compromise that does not go against either person’s values Actively listening to the other person Yelling Criticizing yourself Fidgeting nervously Always giving in to the other person Rarely talks Mumbling Looking away Always apologizing Making eye contact Denying your own feelings Trying to understand the other person’s feelings Always listening; rarely talking Hoping the other person will guess your feelings Using “you” messages to blame the other person

7 VIOLENCE VIOLENCE is the threat or actual physical force against oneself or another person. HOMICIDE is the INTENTIONAL killing of one person by another.

8 Rape is when one person forces another to have sexual relations.
Did you know Girls and women are more likely to be raped but boys and men can be raped, too. Acquaintance rape Abstain from alcohol and drugs Many acquaintance rapes involve alcohol or drugs Avoid secluded places when you are with someone you don’t know very well This includes your room or your date’s room Trust your feelings If it doesn’t seem right, get away fast


10 Violence Risk Factors for Violence
Poverty Family Violence Media Violence Availability of Weapons Drug Abuse Memberships in gangs A GUN KEPT IN THE HOME IS 43 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO KILL A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND THAN AN INTRUDER.

11 Stance on Violence Group Project – packet page 7 Bullying
Cyber bulling School Harassment/weapons in school Hazing Sexual Harassment Prejudice/Stereotypes Discrimination Vandalism

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